Danny's POV
At some point I fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of my beeping alarm clock. I slammed my hand on the snooze button and groggily sat up. In my hand I still held the picture of Vlad and Danielle. My parents.
No, it couldn't be true. It was just another one of Vlad's tricks. The letter and Vlad's will still rested at the edge of my bed. I stared angrily at them. I threw the picture at the papers.
The one of Vlad and Danielle landed on my bed while the one of just Danielle fell onto the floor. I left it there.
Standing up, I decided there was only one way to solve this. I was going to talk to my parents. I walked over to my mirror to give myself a quick once over.
I had slept in my clothes so they were all wrinkled. My hair was messy and matted and my eyes were slightly red from crying. I ran my fingers through my hair and left my room, walking downstairs.
Jazz was in the living room. She flashed me a smile which I didn't return. Her brow furrowed and she stood up, walking over to me.
I shook my head, "Not right now," I told her. Jazz frowned, but backed off. She returned to her seat on the couch. I walked into the kitchen where my mom and dad (or Jack and Maddie?) were sitting at the table.
"Mom? Dad?" I said. Their attention was instantly drawn to me. Worried looks appeared on their faces and Maddie (mom?) removed her hood. "What's wrong sweetie?" she asked, concern in her voice.
I sat down at the table across from my parents. There wasn't an easy way to ask this question. No way to ease into it. Just get it over with. Like ripping off a bandaid.
"What's wrong son?" Jack (dad?) asked. I flinched at the word son.
"Am I adopted?" I asked plainly.
Looks of surprise appeared on their faces. They began to whisper to eachother furiously. I wish they wouldn't take so long.
"Danny, why don't we go into the living room?" my mom (Maddie?) suggested. I stood up and walked into the living room, taking a seat on the couch beside Jazz. Mom and dad followed shortly after.
"Should I go?" Jazz asked.
"No princess. You need to be here for this too," Jack (dad?) told her.
Both of them sighed. "After Jasmine was born, I kept having miscarriages. Eventually, we decided to adopt a child," mom said. She looked at me sadly, "That child was you."
Tears welled in my eyes. I really was adopted. But that still didn't mean Vlad was my father. I sniffed and wiped away my tears. Jazz's arms wrapped around me in a hug. My adoptive mom and dad joined in the hug.
We separated and mom cupped my cheeks in her hands, wiping away my tears with her thumbs as tears spilled from her eyes, "We wanted to tell you but we didn't know how. But no matter what you are our son Danny. And we love you."
"And you're my little brother. Nothing is going to change that," Jazz added, placing a hand on my shoulder.
Tears spilled from my eyes. I placed my hands over my mom's, and slowly removed them. I stood up from the couch, "I think I need some time alone right now."
"Of course son," my dad said.
I let the cool white rings wash over, transforming me into my ghostly alter ego. I was about to take off when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out and saw a text message from Sam.
'We still on for lunch today? Tucker wants to hang out too.
I sighed and placed my phone on the coffee table. Turning intangible, I flew up through the roof. I flew above the city looking over buildings, feeling the rush of air against my face. Tears stung my eyes. I needed to calm down. Just because I was adopted didn't mean I was Vlad's son.
Still, I had to know. I sped up, flying away from Amity Park with one destination in mind.
And I wasn't going to stop until I got there.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed, since I'm feeling creative I will have another chapter posted for this in a little bit. See you all in the next one!
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