Learning I'm a Witch
My name is Jewel Milburn. I'm 11 years old and I'm normal teenage or so I thought. Let me tell you how it all started.
I was in my room reading my book called "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay" for an assignment when Mrs. Love knocked on my door.
"Jewel, honey you have a visitor." I never have visitor but I said "Let them in Mrs. Love"
A man walks in and says "Hello, Jewel I'm Professor Albus Dumbledore."
I nod trying to figure how this man knows me when he says "I see you haven't gotten our letters from us."
I tilt my head "You sent letters?" The man nods and heads me a letter I turn in over and say it had a red stamp with a design in the middle then I open it and it says:
Dear Ms. Milburn,
We are please to inform that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
I stopped reading "What?" He nods "Your a witch" I open my mouth in surprised "Are you serious?"
He smiles "yes we better got going before you miss the Hogwarts train tomorrow." I nod happy to get out of this place. He leads me out of the room and says to Mrs. Love "she's coming with me." I saw Mrs. Love face get mad but by the time it hit her we were gone.
~~an hour later~~
Professor Dumbledore leads me through this place called the Leaky Cauldron in London then he stops at a brick wall and does something with at stick that I think was wand and the wall starts moving in on its self and forms a doorway and I gasp "Whoa!" He smiles "This is Diagon Alley" he leads me through the crowd and towards a bank on the was to the bank he points out where you get stuff from I just nodded and then we stop at the bank
"This is Gringotts" he leads me inside pasted these creatures "What are those things?" I ask and all he says "They are globins" I nod and he walks up to globin.
"Ms. Jewel Milburn would like to make a withdraw" The globin nods "Does she have her key?" He takes a key out and hands it to the globin who leads us out of the room "Umm I have money?" and he nods "yes your parents were a witch and a wizard and they left what we will see soon to you."
I nodded sadly I never got to meet them. A few minutes later we stopped in the little boat like thing we were in and we were in front of a vault when the globin said "Vault 689" he climbs out and says "Lamp please" I hand it to him.
Professor Dumbledore gets out then helps me out and the globin was opening the vault and I says tons of gold, and sliver coins in the vault and I gasp "T-That's a-all mine?"
Professor Dumbledore nods "Yes" I smile faintly then he takes out a coin purse and starts to put coins in it "so you can buy you supplies" then we leave Gringotts. I look at my list of supplies "So this place has all of these supplies?" he nods.
~~10 minutes later~~
I've gotten most of my supplies and Professor Dumbledore had to go so I was on my own then I ran into a girl with curly brown hair and she helps me up "Hello, I'm Hermione Granger!"
She smiles and I smile back "Hi, I'm Jewel Milburn." She looks at me with a odd look then it was gone replaced with a smile and she says "Do you need help? I got all of my supplies" I nod and hands her my list.
"What I crossed off is what I have and the rest is what I still need." What I needed was a wand, a pet, and one or two spells books because I didn't find them the first time.
Hermione nods and leads to this building called 'OLLIVANDERS MARKERS of FINE WANDS Since 582 B.C.' and she says "Go and get your ward I'll get a pet for you what kind would you like I prefer cats but it's your choice."
She smiles "I love cats! so a cat" I say happy someone likes cats as much as me and she nods and runs off to find me a cat and I head into Ollivanders.
A man was standing at a desk helping someone and waited. When they were done the man said "I wonder when I be seeing you Ms. Milburn."
He smiles "Your parents were great people and they got their wands from me." He smiles and takes out a wand "This is the same kind of wand that your mother had here try it" I take it and gives it a wave but breaks something and the man says "That's not it" he takes the wand. He takes another wand "This is the same kind of wand your father had." I take and tries again but breaks something else. He shakes his head "Not that either."
We took about 5 minutes to find a wand then we find find a wand made for me and he says "This is Beech Wood with a Unicorn hair core that is 14 1/2" in length with Brittle Flexibility."
I nod and takes my wand when Hermione came in holding a pure white cat with some black on his head "This is for you Jewel." She smiles and heads me the cat.
"Did he have a name?" I ask Hermione and she shakes her head "No" I nod "I'll call you Frosty."
A/N: THIS IS MY FIRST FANFIC SO DON'T JUDGE!!! but how is so far this is going to be a long book!!
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