Undyne Torture Scene
Rotten's P.O.V.
Cory and I chained the struggling fish against the wall. We would start with one of my worst, the salty stew. I giggled lightly and nodded to Cory and Death. "Let's begin cutting, hehehe~" I said, almost seductively.
"W-what? What are you talking about?! Tell me!" That extremely obnoxious fish was screaming at us again... oh how I'd love to break all her bones with a sledgehammer, but that's only a last resort.
"Y-yeah w-w-what a-are you going to d-do?" Alphys chimed in
"Shut up!" I snapped, whipping around to face them.
"Never!" Undyne spat, looking me straight in the eye.
"You are really starting to get on my nerves, fishy, and if you don't quiet your incessant screaming I will remove that pretty little tongue of yours with safety scissors. Is that clear enough for you?" I spoke quietly, my voice going a slightly higher pitch. She growled in response, I won. "Good, now let's actually begin!~" I smiled, handing Deathwing and Cory each a small army knife. "Do you two know what to do?"
Alphys stayed quiet, probably not wanting to get her tongue cut off.
"I do," Cory said smiling, I'm sure she'll take pleasure in breaking her former guardian to pieces.
"Yup," Death said, twisting the knife around in her fingers(paws?).
I laughed in pleasure, clapping my hands together as Cory moved closer to start. While she did that, Deathwing and I filled a tub with water we had pre-boiled. We found some 2 pound bags of salt, and dumped them into the water. I also added a couple drops of homemade acid when Death wasn't watching. That b!tch had it coming...
"Your turn, Rotten!" Cory yelled while I was stirring the mix. It seemed Deathwing was only here to watch... or supervise. I can get pretty violent sometimes, okay I lied, I'm always violent. But hey, what can ya do?
"Thanks Cory~" I said giggling. Ooh, our victim was looking fierce. Blood ran down the right side of her face, the whole right side of her body actually. I used the bottom of my shirt to wipe the blood off her face, revealing perfectly proportioned cuts throughout the area. "You have excellent craftsmanship Cory, perfect for our first method," I let out a small cackle, starting on the left side of her body.
~When finished~
The captain glared at us, as we admired our handiwork. "Shall we start phase two? Wouldn't want any of those cuts to close, would we?"
"...SCREW YOU!" Undyne screamed. I looked at her, raising an eyebrow.
"I thought I told you..." I started quietly, "TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!" I then finished, pulling out the scissors and pacing toward her. "You really are thick, did you think I had forgotten? Hahaha! Say 'Ahhhh'..." I forced her jaw open. "Now... how much should I chop?" The fish tried to bite my fingers, I pulled back, "Tsk tsk tsk, you know that will only hurt your chances. Stop struggling and this can all be over. You think the pain is bad now?" I laughed, "From now on I'm not holding back!" I snatched a syringe from the nearest table. "This will make you live your worst fear, hope you're ready! Because I am..."
Undyne thrashed against the chains, "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" She shouted.
"Then why are you so afraid?"
Cory tried to interupt me, "Rotten maybe it's too mu-"
I had already stuck the needle in.
Five seconds later she was on the ground. Alphys watched helplessly, as she had been this entire time. She knew she was too weak to actually do anything against us. But I'm sure it was still torturous. Undyne thrashed on the ground, facing her worst fear in a dreamlike state. 1 minute later it was over, the fish glared at me with a bloodcovered and tear-streaked face. "Aw... did wittle old Undyne scream for a whole minute?" I said mockingly. What can I say? She deserved it. "Let's get her into the water, is it still hot?" I ask, looking back. When someone gives me a thumbs up, I walk up to Alphys slowly. "Did'ya enjoy that? Because I did haha~" I mocked. Alphys just looked at the ground, trying to hide her tears. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" I screamed, snapping a little. I held her face up to mine, she shrieked.
"Did you enjoy that?" I repeated calmly.
She answered me fearfully, "N-n-n-no.." Alphys sniffled.
"Good," I let her head hang low again, "Let's go, chop chop! Oh wait, hehehe~ That's for later!" I sauntered up to Undyne. "Ready, princess?" I asked.
"ALWAYS!" She retorted. I laughed maniacally.
"At least you're putting up a fight... ALRIGHT HERE WE GO!" Me and some others tied the monster to a chair, we slowly lowered her into the salt water. She looked like she wanted to scream, but she didn't. I was not satisfied. I need to hear her scream again. Once the chair touched bottom I began to speak, "Feeling relaxed there, Undyne?" I giggled.
"D-damn you...." She muttered, I could tell she was struggling.
"Don't waste your breath," I said musically, then my voiced turned dark, "You're going to need it!" I threatened, dunking her face into the saltwater. When her head came back up, I got that scream I was craving. It sounded like music to my ears. I then took on a stern voice, like someone in the military. I was getting caught up in the moment. "Shape up captain!" I yelled, slapping her across the face. I then burst out in a fit of laughter. After about 40 seconds her agony grows boring. "Let's get her out, make sure she won't die of blood loss," I order nonchalantly.
Once Undyne is bandaged and chained, I ask her one, simple question, "Do you still believe?"
"..." She hesitated before stating, "Always"
"You must LOVE spending time with me!~"
"I hate you."
"Well, that's not very nice! We need to fix your manners~" I pull out a whip, itching for some good old-fashioned torture. "Let's see..." I whip her hard, letting out my anger, "Every time you say something bad, you get a whip. And every time you say something good, you get a whip. Whenever you open your mouth, you get a WHIP!" I crack the whip on her again, cackling.
"U-Undyne! S-s-s-s-stay s-strong!" It seems Alphys has finally worked up the courage to say something, I whip her arm.
"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" The fish bellowed with newfound strength. THERE'S her weak spot, I knew I'd find it eventually.
"What?" I whipped Alphys again,this time across the chest. She whimpered in pain.
"STOP!!" Undyne screamed, her voice cracking. She looks desperate, pathetic..
"Sorry, I can't hear someone with no manners! Did you want me to keep going?" I asked playfully, cracking the whip again. I carefully monitor the lizard's hp, to make sure I don't accidentally kill her.
"PLEASE DON'T HURT HER!" She screamed again, tears now stream down her face for the second time tonight.
"You're not trying hard enough~" This time I punched her in the stomach, causing Alphys to lurch and then slump.
"P-PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING! JUST DON'T HURT HER!" She screamed, pulling at her chains.
I turned back over to Undyne, "You will be compliant?" I questioned calmly, like I didn't just torture 2 people.
She took a deep breath, "Yes..."
"Good! See? That's all I wanted to hear! But one more question, Do you still believe in anybody?" I said, mildly threatening.
"Only Alphys." I raised my whip, "I mean- no..." Undyne stared at the floor, at her puddle of tears and blood, and finally broke down. She sobbed quietly.
I walked up in front of her, kneeling down. I lifted her sniveling face to mine, "You are no hero~" I said with a smile, letting go of her skull and going to get cleaned up.
Word count, 1346
This was for my friend spiritwing13 in her book: Adopted By Monsters
Check it out!
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