Chapter 1- Knoxy Foxy
I flinched back when Justin's fist came in contact with the side of my jaw. I screeched in pain like any normal person would do.. I brought my finger tips to cradle my throbbing jaw, how my hand sulked back as the skin was irritated when to the touch. I couldn't help but whimper as the flesh began to bruise, my whimper cause my three tormentors to just laugh.
One of the other boys Dominic stretched out his arms, pushing my shoulder back. I quickly lost my balance, I groaned as my back slammed against the dark blue lockers. The locks creased into my backs skin. Causing a numbing pain to spread across my back.
I slid down, now sitting on my behind. My Jaw and back filled with a dull pain. I bit my bottom lip trying to hold back a scream. That's when I felt a sharp burning sensation ripple through my cheek. I clutched my cheek with my other hand as my face whipped to the side. My glasses was slapped off my face, I didn't really know where it flew off too, but it couldn't have been far when I heard them smack against the floor.
I squinted in front of me. The boys snickered, Justin leading them. I always thought of them as the Rowdy Rough Boys, running around causing terror. I smiled to myself, trying to get lost in my thoughts. It didn't last long, as Willis hauled me to my feet by my hair. He pulled the rubber band out of my hair that was holding the blonde mess into a once neat ponytail.
I let out another scream, my head was already throbbing. Willis punched me right in between my mouth and nose, hitting both. I felt my head being thrown backwards. It smacked against the lockers once more.
I let out a loud groan.. spitting blood from my mouth. My hands cupped my nose, I felt the warmth of an oozing liquid. I pulled back my hands, both covered in crimson blood. I felt my ears ringing almost. Another blow was swiftly placed into my stomach.
"G-gah..!" I clutched my stomach and Willis let go of my hair. I fell on my knees, they started throbbing as I landed hard on both of them. I doubled over, biting my lip.
I squinted at the floor, my hair falling on both sides on my face framing it. I let out another loud groan as cramps started to invade my abdomen. Groaning I slumped over to my side.
My knees, jaw, head, back and stomach was all suffering in its own unique twist way. I saw another kick heading its way towards my abdomen. But the swift kick's fury went directly to my right hand which was clasped over the intended target, my stomach.
I let out an ear piercing scream as I cradled my hand. It was swollen and already starting to form purple bruises. I definitely broke it or sprained it. And not 'I'.. 'They,' I corrected myself mentally.
A few tears slipped my eyes as I curled into ball. "Hey Freak Foxy we're not done yet," I looked up to see Justin towering over me, his lips curled up into a smirk.
He grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me. I literally, gave up. I stopped struggling and just went limp. I watched as my glasses and notebooks blurry figure slowly disappeared from my vision.
My eyes glazed over with the damp wetness of my tears. I heard a door swing open and slammed closed. I felt my worthless body being thrown into a stair well.
My forehead smacked against the bottom step of a dirty staircase. I groaned realizing an oozy liquid started seeping from my now sore forehead.
I looked up and squinted around at my blurry surroundings. The dimmed graffiti, which was big enough for my blind ass to see, gave off the hint that we're in the abandoned part of the school. I groaned and rested my head gently back on the staircase. Now if I screamed for help no one would hear.
"Keep look out boys, I don't need anyone to interrupt my fun," I heard Justin's voice speak. Without even looking at him I knew his face played a satanic smirk. Feet shuffled in response and I felt my body being turned around.
Justin pinned my hands above my head, as he basically ripped open my blouse, tearing the thin fabric as fast as he touched it. I let out a gasp nope really expecting this from Justin.
Realization kicked in as Justin started looking me up and down. Panic set into my blue eyes as I started kicking and screaming.
I arched my back trying to let as much of my voice roll off my tongue as possible. "S-stop!" I whimpered more low and out of breath. Justin only snickered, he undid his belt and locked my hands to the railing. I thrashed around but Justin adjusted himself on my thighs.
"Please Justin! D-don't do this!" I cried, basically begged. It wasn't like Justin was stealing any type privacy. I have been sexually assault but never raped. I usually was able to escape my dad and friends due for them being drunk and easy predators to fend off.
He only smirked. His fingers tracing long stars on my stomach that was given to my by my fathers belt. I winced at the memories. "S-stop.. please you don't want the freak. Please do Samatha.. oh or Layla, even Hallie! Please just not me!" I screamed in a fit of wails. Trying to loosen the belt that restrained my arms.
Justin on chuckled, leaning close to my ear. "Stop moving around. You know you want it," I froze at his tone of voice. Justin swung his legs over me. So he was cradled on top of my stomach. I started historically sobbing. My blouse was torn off my body and thrown across the room. I felt completely seen and exposed.
He forcefully kissed me, his greedy eyes flickered with amusement, I turned my head to the side. Justin was now chewing on my earlobe. His hands exploring my chest, that when I heard shuffling outside the doorway.
"HELP ME!" I blurted the words, without even thinking twice if it was Willis or Dominic. I hear loud grunts, groans and thrashing outside the doorway. Justin obviously ignored the sounds and continued with me, using me.
That's when I heard the large metal door swing open. It wasn't Willis or Dominic. No.. it was a lager teenager, he basically towered over the both of our bodies. Probably our age, 17 or 18. He had a mess of black hair that piled on his head, and grey stormy eyes that matched well with his light skin complexion. His was rocking the bad boy look. A dark grey beanie draped over his black haired mess, a white tee white a black leather jacket swung over it. He wore matching black, ripped jeans and a mixture of grey, white and black jeans.
I felt Justin's weight being quickly pulled off me. I watched Justin's body practically flew across the room and into a nearby wall. I heard him groan as his head smacked against the wall loudly.
"Come on, that should buy us time.." The Prince Charming bent down and fiddled with the belt until it loosened. I rubbed my sore wrist, before blushing with embarrassment and covered my body.
"Hey don't worry about it, I'm not looking. It wasn't your fault that perv wanted to Harass you.." he stated, he pulled his leather jacket off and placed it on my shoulders. I pulled my arms through the sleeves and zippered the Jacket.
Tears welled my eyes.. "H-he was gonna do more than Harass me.." I said. My voice cracking. "H-he told me I-I wanted it..." I pulled my legs to my chest, letting my body rock with a loud sob.
"Hey.. hey. Calm down. Look I'm Dakota.. my buddies Finn, Hunter and Hallie were taking care of them outside." Dakota stated gently.
I looked up at the familiar name. "Hallie..? Hallie Jones? That Hallie..?" I asked gently. Dakota grinned. "Yup.. one of our main and loyal friends.."
I shook my head. "No! Hallie's one of my bullies, just like Samatha and Layla.." I said fear in my eyes.
"Listen, I'll explain more later ok? What's your name?" Dakota asked. I looked at him. "F-freak.." that's was everyone calls me. Why tell him my name when later he'll be teaming up with Justin and his friends.
Dakota's grin dropped into a frown. "Your name, not what these bullies call you.." he sounded stern like he was desperate to know.
"Knoxy.. Knoxy Davison.." I said quietly.. fear placed its own settlement in my eyes. What the hell do I have to loose anyway right?
Dakota grinned widely, "Good, Knoxy, well welcome to our small group," he picked me up bridal style and carried me out the door..
I fought against his grip yet he had a strong hold on my thin body.
I was met with a blonde haired blue eyed boy. His hair swooped to the side. He had a throw over black and blue hoodie, his hands stuffed into his blue jeans pockets. He nodded his head towards me when we made eye contact.
Than, as I turned my head I saw a brown haired boy with light hazel eyes. He was wearing a light grey beanie to match his black vest and white tee shirt. Also wearing dark grey jeans and jays. He jumped from foot to foot giving off a silly aura. I smiled a bit when he had a huge goofy grin and smiling at me. Wiggling his eyebrows.
I turned my head to the last person. It was Hallie. Her short brown hair stood out, her bangs on one side covering one of her eyes. She sadly smiled at me, and gently waved. She looked normal, like we could've been friends. To bad it'll never happen. I'll always be the Freaky-Knoxy- Foxy to her and her friends.
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