On the twelth day of Christmas, Miraculous Ladybug gave to me,
An entire miraculous fandom about a kids show, Eleven more fanfictions, Ten cookies, Nine Lucky charms, Eight cinnamon rolls, Seven kwamis in total, Six days awaiting for the next episode, Five wheels of Camembert, Four pawsome ships, Three Bousgeois akumatised, Two obvilous teens, and an akuma terrorizing Paris
Marinette's POV
Fast Forward to like 2 months later. (Just to be clear it's December, because this is my last update and doing christmas special now.)
Everyone in the classroom were whispering in my homeroom class, which was my literature class. I wondered why, and then I saw Sunny come up and held note cards to the front. She was our classes representative and so was Liza. "Okay, everyone, as you guys know, winter formal is coming up. We will have goodies, music, dancing, and fun. It is going to be in the school's major ballroom and the cost is 10 dollars(in my school prices range from 50-70, and that's just the special cards). Hope to see you all there."
I thought of how romantic the winter formal might be, my boyfriend, West(Dun-Duh, don't hate him he is very lovable). We have been dating for the past two months. He just cute and actually likes fashion design too, well he likes sewing so that is what got him started. I had enough drama to worry about, but I was worried what to wear for the dance.
When lunch came about, all we talked about was who was asking who to the dance and what we might wear. Hannah was still nervous in asking Ryan to go to the dance with her. "I mean what if he says he doesn't like me and goes with Florise instead? I will literally die if that happens, " says Hannah.
Chloe was blushing really hard when it was her turn. "Okay, fine. I got asked out by Gale Woods. He is a nerd who is in my last class, and he is really sweet. But, my father won't let me date him perhaps. My dad hates his family for some weird reason," says Chloe.
When it became my turn, I told them West didn't ask me yet, but I hope he did before Adrien. Ever since I was dating West he would constantly every week keep on trying to make me like him, but it hadn't worked yet.
While we were all chatting, West came up to me and said romantically," Marinette Dupain-Cheng, will you go to the dance with me?" I said of course yes. And everyone around me started clapping for us. Little did I know Adrien was squishing is a soda can until it was squished all the way.
Adrien's PoV
Uhh, I should be the one to ask Mari out for the winter formal. But I still had a plan, some way I make them break up with each other and then destroy them. Then try to convince Mari, that I am still the guy for her. But the problem is making it so that there will be no consequences at the end. I decided to pretend I wasn't going because I was too busy.
But I would have a plan in action. Plagg was munching on his camembert as he was talking to me about the delights of the stinky cheese. Though he was a senior he was really immature for his age. A girl wearing a backpack that said Lucky in red/black alternately. She had red dyed hair, with bright blue eyes.
"Hey, Plagg. My brother told me to ask you were still up to double date with him and his girlfriend, Trixx.
Well, he is a triple date because Wayzz and Pollen are a couple."
Plagg looked up and started missaying words.
"Um, Tikki hi. Date you triple. I mean cool, I just need to ask someone to the dance."
"Ok... anyways I been waiting for a boy to ask me out, but no one did yet."
Plagg jumps up and says," Yes! Tikki will you go to the dance with me."
Okay, it sounded more like yes, twiffi ill yo go ty dace wth e. Tikki blushed a bit and said yes. Why can't I have a romance like that? I stumble into something weird. I see Collin taking pictures of Gloria again. But wait, that pose was similar to how the pictures how Collin took originally. That fishy ness would be on my third priority.
What do you think is going to happen next? Sorry for the short chapter-but I can update one more chapter by this or next week! But that would be my last update for a while now. Thank you for reading-AMC
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