Twin Bonding Day!
-Paul's p.o.v.-
I had just walked into Sam's after patrol, when I get run into by someone with a towel wrapped around their head.
"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, obviously I wasn't watching where I was going!" She said and as I made eye contact I realized it was Scar, my Lottie.
All of a sudden it seemed like my whole world switched on me.. I saw Scar's and I's past, how we used to be—how close we were, but then I also saw our future...? Us holding hands on the shore of First Beach, then us as a family sitting on the cliff-side of the watching a sunset..?
The legends weren't kidding when they say gravity shifts, Scarlett holds me here not the Earth, not anymore. I then realized how much I needed Scar in my life, how much I missed her and that I need to make it all up to her because not only is she my imprint, but I've always loved her— My thoughts were cut short when Scar shoved her way past me with a distastful scoff.
Yup she still hated me...
"Hey Jare, I think I'm going to head home. I'm super exhausted." Scar said and the boys all started to protest.
"But we just got you back! Please stay for dinner! Pleeeease!!" Embry pleaded and I had to hold back a growl..
"I'm sorry guys... I'm just not feeling well. I think I caught something from outside, remember I'm still human unlike you lot and can still get sick!" She said with a slight smile and the boys all laughed.
"Want me to take you back Scar?"
"We walked here Jare..." she said like she was talking to an idiot, well she is... "It's fine I'm a big girl I can walk home."
"Alright see you later Scar!" Jared said and the boys all said bye and got on with dinner.
I couldn't help but think about Scarlett through dinner and I knew the pack couldn't know that I had imprinted on her definetely Jared...
-Scar's p.o.v-
Well I realized who those beauti-no! nasty brown eyes belonged to..freaking Paul! He just had to show up and ruin my entire day with the boys. I feel bad for leaving before dinner, but I knew if I stayed I wouldn't be able to get the thoughts of how nice it was to be that close to Paul again out of my head, and it would just be bad.
Of course those thoughts came to me anyways. It's just.. I've missed him, my best friend, and seeing him after two years and how I felt so compelled to stay there with him, made me realized how much I used to love him.
But you still love him Scarlett. said an annoying little voice in the back of my mind..
No! Not one bit! Maybe once before, but he ruined it!
You can't lie to me, you'd just be lying to yourself...
Great I'm talking to myself... Just seeing him makes me mental...
By this time I had reached home and decided it was time for crazy me to go to bed. And yet he still invaded my dreams.. Well this was an interesting night.
The next morning I could feel a cold coming—see I knew I was getting a cold! Damn mud fights!
To: JarBear
From: ScarTheBestestSis
Feeling shitty, you're damn lucky you boys don't get sick!! >:P Gonna stay in all day.
To: ScarTheBestestSis
HA! Sucks to be normal! :P Kidding, Do you need anything? I can get us some movies to watch if ya want?
To: JarBear
Thanks love ya to loser! :) Nah I'm alright, I don't wanna keep you home if you wanna hang w/ the boys...
To: ScarTheBestestSis
From: JarBear
Love you too! :) You sure? And psh it would be nice to have a day home I see these losers all the time and hardly see my awesome sister ;)
From: ScarTheBestestSIs
Aw Jared you're the best! I miss our twin time ;) See you in a bit then!!
Jared and I had our awesome Twin-Bonding Day and watched lots of good movies; The Avengers, Grown Ups, and my brother is cool enough he watched Love Actually with me! I love that movie it's so adorable and eventhough it's lovey-dovey it's nice to know that no matter what love will always be there. Whether it be with a certain someone, or just as a family.
We watched others but I think we slept through most of them because well, he had patrol last night, and well my dreams were haunted with Paul last night so I didn't sleep too well.
"Hey Jare?"
"Yeah Scar?"
"Thank you." he looked at me with a really confused stare I had to giggle a bit, "For staying home with me and just well, everything." I finished with a smile.
"Of course Scar, we needed some just 'Jared and Scarlett' time. I missed my sister, with being so busy with the pack and you only coming around so often..." I smiled at him feeling the same way.
"I know, I feel the same way and I'm sorry." I gave him a hug and of course he gives me his signature bear hug (hence the nickname). "... Still... gotta br-breath!"
"Right, Sorry!" We laughed a bit and started another movie.
It was so nice to have my brother back. :)
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