The End and Our Beginning
Today's the day... The leeches are coming today and everyone is super tense and trying not to bite each others heads off.
We're headed out to the meadow where the last battle took place and it's covered in snow, so the pack is to stay in the cover of the trees until the Volturi arrive.
Apparently Jake will give a signal, but I'm also supposed to stay in the trees when they all go out. Because I'm human and they don't like humans knowing their secret, but that won't last long because the pack needs Paul out in formation and he isn't going to leave my side this time and anyways the leeches can't hurt me because I am part of the pack. So ha!
"Lottie can I-"
"Don't try and talk me into staying here with Emily because we've already been over this and I'm coming to help. We don't know what these leeches will try and pull and if they need an insight to know that we aren't harmful then he can read my mind and leave us out of their drama." Paul opens his mouth to protest when he's interrupted by another voice.
"She's right Paul, she wasn't with us when we were fighting and so if there is any problem all they'll be able to see is the protection side of things. It's the best way to keep things hidden."
Sam had came right behind Paul when he heard our conversation and actually agreed with me!
"But then they'll be able to see about her gift! They'll take her because of it. Remember what Jake said? He said they collect vampires with gifts to make them stronger! What's going to stop them from taking Scar with them?!" I place my hand on Paul's bicep hoping to calm him down, and he stops shacking so much.
"I'm an imprint. Jake said they won't hurt a wolf's imprint because it'll start an 'unnecessary war'."
"Fine. But you're staying with me." He says and looks at Sam almost daring him to oppose him, which he didn't and I'm glad. I'll feel safer on that field with Paul by my side.
"Alright everyone, let's head over." Sam says while giving Emily a kiss and saying goodbye, and Paul pulls me aside.
"Scarlett. Please promise me you'll be careful." He says looking into my eyes and I can see the fear and love in them and I bring my hand up to cup his cheek in my hand.
"Of course Babe. I'm always careful. I just need you to be careful please. You can't leave me." I can feel the tears well in my eyes, just at the thought of losing him-stupid hormones...
"Never Love. I would never leave you." He says as he leans down to kiss me. It's quick but passion-filled, with both our emotions combined.
After we pull apart, we head outside and he goes to phase and a silver-grey wolf comes back and lowers his head for me to ride with him on the way to the meadow.
Now, we wait for the signal from Jacob and we just stand behind their ranks. We don't want to come across as a threat, and if they think we are that's when you'll go up Scar. With Jared and Paul of course. But otherwise I want you sticking close to Paul because you are still human.
I just nod my head and bury my face into Paul's fur and he nudges me.
Don't worry Babe, I'll be right here the entire time.
Now we wait as I see a cloud of black emerge from the other side of the meadow and realize that it's the leeches and I start to get nervous.
They stand in front of the Cullen's and their ranks and start to talk, granted I can't really hear them with my human hearing. I can tell they asked to see Renesmee when everyone tensed, and Jake stole a glance at us, which was the signal and we left the cover of the forest and you could see the shock on the vampire's faces, clearly not expecting more numbers.
The head vamp, who might I say is creepier than shit!, finished reading Ness's thoughts and laughs at the truth. Strange creature that one.
Yet he turns around and tells his 'guard' that she might still be a threat because she is 'unknown', and that's when the pixie Cullen comes back and shows him that she found someone like her? I dunno I'm more focused on watching the leeches incase they try a sneak attack.
The creepy vamp's face would've turned paler if he wasn't already the color of snow as he drops her hand a look of shock and fear on his face.
"That's your future. We've proven the truth, and if you still try and fight you will lose." She says as he turns to look back at his guard.
"There is no threat here my friends. Let us all return home and exist in harmony!" He says and that's the last we see of them.
You can literally feel the tension melt away and everyone lets out laughs of pure joy and I feel arms spin me around and I am caught in a kiss.
When Paul pulls away he then kisses my nose and I giggle, finally realizing we can start our normal lives! No more fighting, no more wars!
I wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses me again and spins me around as we both laugh.
I'm really glad it didn't come to a fight because I had a feeling we would loose alot of our friends and family, but now we won't ever have to worry about that.
I'm also happy for Jake, his imprint is alive and will become immortal in some years so they can be together always. Paul and I start walking back to La Push hand in hand enjoying the calm that will now be our lives!
"So am I allowed to have that gift yet?" I look at him with a surprised face.
"We just got done dealing with crazy leeches, possibly could've been a war, and you're worried about that Christmas gift I owe you?" I shake my head and how crazy this man can be but also can't help the smile on my face just thinking of his gift.
"Pllleeeaase! The suspense is killing me!" I giggle at his childness as I grab his face in my hands and kiss him with all the love I can muster.
"Maybe tomorrow. I still have one part to finish." He pouts at me as we reach our house because we decided to just go home and be with each other, and probably get some normal sleep.
I have just one last thing to finish for Paul's baby gift and then he can have it. I'm excited to see his reaction to our baby, but nervous-I guess that's naturally though.
We can finally start our lives.
**sorry it took me forever!!! And I'm also sorry I didn't put in the whole final battle thing but I didn't want to type all of that, I've been busy.
I'm so glad to see all of you reading it and hearting it!! I love you all! :) <3
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