Plans, Plans, and Plans
Emily comes home a few days afterwards and I come to the house to help everyone get settled. Colton seems to have already gotten bigger in the couple days I didn't see him, and Emily is like a natural mother.
She has everything under control and she's not stressing which I'm surprised. I'll probably be the opposite...
"It's funny how you seem like nothing has changed Em. How are you not stressing about everything?" I ask as she lays Colton in his cot.
"Well it helps that he's a fairly easy baby, he hasn't cried much-only when he's dirty or hungry so that helps, but I guess it's because I've dealt with the pack and their a bunch of children themselves that it makes it easier."
We both laugh at how true that statement is, and I stare down at my godson while he sleeps seeing how peaceful he is in his new life. I didn't notice Emily watching me with a smile on her face until I turn to look at her.
"What?" I ask confused.
"You're going to make a great mom Scar. You know that?" I scoff and shake my head slightly my fears of failing as a mom coming back to the surface.
"No I'm not Emily... I have no idea what I doing! And...and I don't want to end up being like my mother.." She comes over and embraces me in a hug as I sniff back tears. Stupid pregnancy hormones I've never been a cryer!
"You aren't going to be like your mom Scarlett. Trust me. I see how you are with Colton.. Call it moms intuition." We both chuckle at that.
"But I know you and Paul will make great parents. It's because you guys aren't like your parents and that's why you two will be just fine." I guess she's right, I think we can do this and if we ever need help Em's right here.
"Thanks Emily. It's just something that's been worrying me since I found out I was pregnant.."
We leave her son to sleep and head down to the kitchen to start on lunch, we just think something easy and quick because we're both so tired, so we go with a lot of grilled cheese and Mac and cheese haha.
"So when are you and Paul getting married? Before or after your baby?" Good question....
"Umm good question. But I think if we were going to get married before Little One comes we would've already started planning so we might do it afterwards. We haven't really talked about it, we've been so absorbed with our baby we forgot we aren't married I guess." I say with a shrug not really knowing what to say, because it's true we haven't really talked about it.
"Well you guys need to decide soon!! I love weddings and it seems you two are the only ones getting married anytime soon!" She groans out playfully.
"Well soorrry for us putting a kink in your weddings." I say poking my tongue at her.
"Would you like to plan/design it?" I ask and her head snaps to me with wide eyes and a wide smile.
"Really? You'd let me?" I can hear the excitement in her voice.
"Of course! I know you'd keep it simple yet absolutely beautiful. I trust you." I say looking at her and she squeals in delight as she gives me a giant bear hug.
"Oh my goodness Scar! Thank you thank you thank you!!" She says and then the guys come in complaining of how starving they are.
"Hey!" Emily says as she slaps Jared's hands away from the sandwich he was just about to steal. "You boys can wait until Scar and I get our food. Thank you very much."
"Aww that's not fair! Scar's gonna eat it all!" Quil complains and I glare at him, then I think of the perfect way to get him back.
"Is that a fat joke?!" I say with mock hurt. "You know I can't help being fat Quil! Why do you have to be so mean?!" I send a wink in Paul's direction as I bury my face in his chest and fake cry as I hear the rest of the guys give him shit.
"Scar I-I'm s-sorry. I-I—"I hear him sputter out an apology and I smirk not able to hide my laughter in Paul's chest any longer.
"It's alright Quil. Jeez. I was just giving you shit!" I say and everyone dissolves into laughter as Quil turns red in embarrassment.
So we all get our food, and I definitely have more food on my plate now because of Little One, but at least it's good food! We managed to finish dinner with only humiliating each other a couple times, and right when Em and I start to do dishes Colton's little whines come through the baby monitor and Emily goes to check on him and I decide to finish the dishes.
"Why must you always do the dishes? That's why they invented dishwashers." Paul says as wraps his arms around me from behind, and I wipe leftover bubbles on the side of his face and giggle.
"Please with all the dishes we have for every meal it's much easier to wash them by hand." I say as I finish the last dish and turn around in his arms and plant a gentle but passionate kiss on his lips.
"Good point. I'll help dry." He says as he kisses my cheek then grabs a towel to start drying.
"I asked Emily to plan our wedding for us.." I say once we get close to our last couple dishes. He stops drying to look at me ewith a slightly surprised look on his face.
"You did? What did she say?" I also stop what I'm doing coz I hate when there's no eye contact with a conversation, and this is pretty serious.
"She'd love to. We just have to figure out a time that we want to have our wedding."
"Well what would make you more comfortable? Having the wedding before Little One is born, or after?"
"Well I was thinking we could do it after. Only because I want to wear an actual dress and not a pregnancy one–as selfish as that sounds."
"It doesn't sound selfish Love. It's what you want, how you've pictured that day. So it's only fair." He says as he gives me a kiss on the forehead to calm me.
"When would you like the wedding Love?" I bite my lip in thought, I guess I really hadn't thought about it.
"Maybe October? That why I can slim down for the wedding, and we can get away from the cold for our Honeymoon? When would you want it?"
"October sounds perfect Babe. It doesn't matter to me as long as I can call you mine for the rest of our lives." He says as he wraps his arms around my waist and rests our foreheads together.
"I've always been yours babe." I say as I snake my arms around his neck, and lean the rest of the way in-kissing the man I love.
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