More Drama...Great
~Paul's p.o.v~
Its been about two weeks since the incident with Jake and Lottie, and she seems to be fine but Jake's kicking himself in the ass for what he did. Honestly he deserves everything he gets.
I wake up earlier than usual to my phones constant buzzing- luckily it hasn't waken Scar. It's a text from Sam saying to meet at first beach, great sounds like more drama. I move Lottie's fringe out of her face and kiss her left cheek before getting out of bed, grabbing some shorts and head off to the beach. I phase in and immediately am assaulted by questions from everyone.
What happened?
What's going on Jake?
Jake didn't answer any of the questions but the images in his thoughts were enough to answer us.
She's pregnant?! That's impossible!
It's a monster! A danger to everyone!
It's unnatural!
Everyone shut it!! Jake when did this happen?
All the questions stopped as we waited to hear an explanation.
A week ago apparently.
We must get rid of it. It's a danger to the tribe and people everywhere.
Wait you can't kill it now without killing Bella! She's still human Sam!
She made her decision Jacob! We can't let the thing be born and chance anything happening.
No! You can't Sam! I won't let you!
You will Jacob. You will protect the tribe.
Ooh he's pulling the alpha voice. Damnit Jake just forget about the stupid leech lover already.
No. I won't because I am the true alpha. The grandson of Ephriam Black, the grandson of a chief! And I don't have to listen to you!
And with that Jake runs back into the forest. We all sorta stood around in shock not expecting any of that and not sure what to do.
We all head back to Sam's to discuss what we're going to do about the threat and decide to make a parameter around their property since the treaty is void anyways.
Everyone is still sitting around the table except Seth and Leah, hmm I don't remember them leaving.., when my phone buzzes-damn thing is annoying.
To: MySexyWolf
From: MyBabe
Hey Babe where ya at? xx
To: MyBabe
From: MySexyWolf
Morning Love! At Sam's you can head over. Sorry thought you would still be asleep I love you!
To: MySexyWolf
From: MyBabe
No prob! See you in a bit. Love you too! xx
About ten minutes later Scar walks through the front door and sits herself on my lap—not that I'm complaining.
"So that's what we'll have to do, he's sided with them and there's no more we can do." Sam leaves it at that and we all go to the living room to watch tv and I feel Scar's gaze burning holes in the side of my head.
"Paul? What's happened?" I turn to look at her and thankfully she isn't angry, just confused.
"Nothing Babe."
I say while kissing her forehead, I hate lying to her but I don't want her getting hurt again. She's pulls back and looks in my eyes almost like she knows I'm lying.
"Then where's Seth and Leah?" She asks while raising a suspicious eyebrow. Dammit.
"They're at home having breakfast with Sue." Please believe it, please believe it...
"Bull. Seth and Jake never misses Emily's Saturday breakfast." Damn! So she did notice he wasn't here... She pulls out of my embrace and crosses her arms of her chest.
"Stop lying to me dammit. And tell me what the hell is going on!" By now the rest of the guys are waiting to see how I handle this instead of speaking up. Assholes.
"C'mon Lottie. Lets go for a walk."
**So I know the dialogue about Bella's baby is wrong, I did the best from memory haha Thanks again for reading and commenting! I love hearing from you guys!! :D
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