Memory Lane...With Paul?
-Leah's p.o.v.-
It's been about three days since Scarlett and Paul collapsed and they're still out cold. Sam has kicked Jared out of the house. Sending him on more patrols and whatnot because well, we understand he's worried and all, but it isn't helping any of us to have him all crazy with worry.
Both Paul and Scar seem to just be napping now, their breathing is back to normal and they only cough now and then. I never believed what the legends said, about being away from an imprint can be fatal to both the wolf and their imprint.. well I've seen first hand that they are indeed true.
"Has anything changed yet?" Sam asks while coming into their spare bedroom we had to move them to, so the boys wouldn't mess with them.
"No not really. I can't believe it's taking so long for them to wake up.."
"I know, but Leah we have to keep in mind they were pretty much on the brink of death. Their bodies need time to heal." Sam had a point, I'm just not ready for the drama when they wake up...
-Scar's p.o.v.-
I was on the shore of First Beach looking for shells to collect when I found a sand dollar, my favorite!
"Paul! Come look what I found!" Ten year old me yells across the beach at my brother and best friend. Paul comes running over to see what I have.
"Woah! You found a perfect sand dollar! I usually see them broken! Lucky you!"
He says with a big smile that makes my stomache flutter with a million butterflies. Yes we're only ten, but I have this huge crush on him!
"Haha yup I am!" I say sticking my tongue out at him while we both laugh, "Ooo maybe I could make a necklace out of it! Wanna help me since you're so good at making things?" Later that day Paul helps me make my 'perfect sand dollar' necklace.
"Sooo Scar.. Do you like anyone??" Twelve year old Leah looks at me with a knowing look and a cheesy smile on her face.
"Psh. No.. What gave you that idea Leah?" I say hoping she doesn't pick up on all my hesitation.
"Oh please Scarlett. I know you like someone. Everyone does and anyways I won't tell." She says with a sly smile.
"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell AND you havta tell me who you like-cuz I know you do." I say with a smug grin as hers fauters because she was caught.
"Fine.. Deal. So who is it?!!"
"Um.. a friend of mine.." I try with a fake grin on my face.
"Wow way to narrow it down Scar. Just spit it out! It'll be easier that way."
"Urgh! Fine.. I like Paul okay? I have for like ever now..." There is she's with that stupid grin of hers... Aw craps I bet she could tell..
What if it was obvious to everyone else and now Paul and I's friendship could be ruined?!
"Ha I knew it! But don't worry it's not too obvious. I can just tell cuz you're like a sister to me."
"Oh thank god!"
"Pleeeaaasssee Paul! I don't want Jared to teach me how to surf! He has worse coordination than I do and that's saying something!"
It was the summer before our senior year, we were 17 and enjoying the nice weather! We were at First Beach and I wanted to learn how to surf and Paul is the best surfer I know and so I want him to teach me.
"I don't know Lottie... We don't need you hurting yourself in the water." He says with that damned playful smirk he always has.
"Hey! That's rude I am not that much of a danger magnet!" I said while sticking my tongue out and trying to keep the smile off my face at knowing he is right..
"Oh you aren't? Lottie you managed to break your ankle jumping from a tree that wasn't even that high up.."
There's that stupid smirk again while he raises his eyebrow just questioning me if I'm going to deny... which sadly I can't that really did happen and he hasn't let me forget it since...
So without answering him I smirked to myself and watched his smirk faulter slightly, laughing a bit, I jump and tackle him into the water. The second he is dunked fully underwater, I jump up and run for my life, laughing my head off!
That is until I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, I squeal in surprise and laugh at the same time trying to get out of his iron grip.
"You are so going to regret that Cameron!" He says from behind me while I still try and break free.
"Oh really?" I say turning my face to the side to see his face, "What are you going to do about it Lahote?!"
Before he says anything he starts to lean his face closer to mine, and all I can think is 'holy crap-balls he's going to kiss me' and que the fluttery butterflies, man do I love this boy...
"This..." He whispers-his lips mere centimeters from mine, his beautiful golden brown eyes boring into mine when suddenly they become mischievous, and he flips me into the water.
I let myself sink under the water for a bit just to freak him out since he played such a nasty joke on me and to let my emotions get back under control. He pulls me back out of the water thinking I was drowning because I'm a 'magnet for danger'.
"Holy shit I thought you were drowning Lottie, you scared me!"
Poor boy had worry all over his face. I couldn't help but giggle and push him back into the water while sticking my tongue out at him. The rest of the day was just us messing around in the water and some attemps at surfing.
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