Liars and Understandings
~Scar's p.o.v~
"C'mon Lottie. Lets go for a walk."
I reluctantly follow Paul outside not saying a word as I go, I'm far to pissed to argue about going outside. He should know better than to lie to me.
Does he really think I'm that stupid? I hate liars and he should know that, bad experience with my parents actually. You know how they tell you they will love you forever and never leave you coz you're "their most precious twins"?
Yeah Jared and I heard all of that then we hit ten and apparently weren't "precious" anymore. Our parents left us high and dry. No note, no reason as to why they would just leave, but they did and luckily Billy came by the same morning and found us in our living room hugging each other, crying and wondering why we weren't good enough for our parents and why they had lied to us about everything.
We lived with the Blacks for a couple years then came back to our house once we got jobs, not wanting to be burdens anymore for Billy.
"Why would you lie to me Paul? You know I hate liars!"
"I didn't mean to lie to you Scar."
"Bull shit you didn't! I've known you for fourteen years! I know when you're lying! What's so important you felt you had to lie to me?!"
"Your safety! That's what is so important to me!"
"Paul I am very capable of keeping myself safe and knowing the truth."
"I know you are...It's just after what happened last time, I-I just can't stand the thought of you getting hurt again." And there goes all my anger at him. It's literally impossible to stay mad at him, definitely when he has a good point.
"Paul" I say as I cup his face with both hands which makes him close his eyes, almost like he's trying not to cry at the memory.
"It was one time. We're wiser now, I know what to expect I've gotten better at concentrating with my powers. It won't happen again. I promise you Love." He sighs and places his massive hands on mine.
"You don't know that Scar. It's different this time. I can't lose you."
"What can be so different from newborn vampires?"
"A vampire child. Apparently Bella's pregnant.."
"I didn't think that was even possible."
"We didn't either. But Sam is planning an attack on the leeches before the child can be born and start it's killing spree, and well Jake wasn't too happy with that plan and well he left the pack."
"He left? Left us for some leeches and a girl who will never love him back?! He's crazy... Wait did Seth and Leah go with him?!"
"We think so. Once they leave this pack we can't hear their thoughts so we think they did."
"So you guys will go after this child which will most likely start a 'war' between us and them, and you don't want me anywhere near it?"
"Yes. That's what I hope for anyways."
" Okay." His eyes flash open and he looks at me like I've just spoken some foreign language.
" Wha-what? Are you agreeing with me?" I had to laugh slightly at that because I am so stubborn I can see why he's surprised.
"Yes. I'm agreeing with you. We don't know what this child is capable of and anyways that mind reader leech knows of my abilities and they could use that against you guys." He smiles at me and leans in for a kiss.
"Thank you." He mumbles against my lips and we smile into the kiss.
"Just promise me none of you will get hurt."
"Can't promise that Love, but I can promise we can try not to get hurt."
"I guess that's better than nothing."
We laugh and make our way back inside Sam's where all the boys look relieved that we both didn't flip on each other. Paul and I claim the love seat for the movie while the others go to find snacks and we start kissing so of course the boys come back in.
"GET IT IN PAUL!!" Only Quil... Which earns a smack from my brother but we just ignore them hehe ;)
"Get a room! Damn!" I couldn't help myself so I lean away to look at Embry with a cheeky smile.
"We can go get one if its really bothering you."
"Ye-" he gets cut short by an elbow to the gut by my lovely brother.
"No! You guys can stay and watch the movie and eat junk food with us."
We both just laughed at how my brother still has issues on the topic of my sex life, poor thing will go into shock when I finally get one. They put in 21 Jump Street while I make myself comfortable on Paul's lap, and it begins our night long movie night.
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