Just Great
The crazy bitch is back in town..
I could feel Paul stiffen next to me, we both knew it'd be trouble if she's back for good. My history with Rachel isn't a good one.
First off, she hated my brother and I for being "burdens" for her father—that's why we moved out so quick, I mean we were ten. How can you hate other ten year olds for something they can't control?
But I don't think it was only that, Paul would come over and hang out with Jared and I, and I think Rachel had always had a crush on him.
If you can call being a stalker the same as having a crush that is.
She would always try and get his attention at home and at school, but she realized that he kept ignoring her and only paying attention to me, ha still makes me laugh.
And she was there the day Paul and I fell apart, so I'm not sure if she jumped on that opportunity and her and Paul got together? I don't know... I hope nothing happened between them, but no offense Rachel turned into a skank so anything is possible.
I was finally snapped out of my thoughts when Paul kisses my left temple.
"Do you wanna go home Babe?" I just simply nod and we head out the front door, and we walk most of the way in silence until we're in the front yard of his house, and he stops us.
"Lottie, babe. Look at me." I move my eyes from looking at our feet to meet his melted chocolate eyes, to see worry in them.
"Is it Rachel? Why are you like this?" He says as he cups my cheeks with his giant warm hands.
"It is Rachel, Paul. She's always been after you, even if you were never interested. It seems like her life goal is to get you—from me might I add, with her back in town...I'm just afraid." I whisper the last part, but of course he hears anyways.
"You. Scarlett Cameron are afraid of Rachel Black? Correction, you're afraid she's going to get to me?" He pauses for my answer but all I can do is bit my lip and look towards the ground and he takes that as a yes.
"Listen to me Scarlett," he never calls me Scarlett unless he's serious so this makes me bring my eyes back up to him.
"Rachel never has and never will take me from you. You see this," he picks up my left hand and shows the beautiful diamond ring to me. "This is my promise. My promise to you that you are and always will be the only woman I will ever love."
"This shows that you, Scarlett Cameron, are mine forever and always and that I am yours and yours alone. No one can ever come between us because I love you, and we are soul-mates. We're meant to be."
I smile as a few tears slip down my cheek and Paul wipes them away as he leans in closer, and before he can do anything I'm the one crashing my lips to his. He picks me up without breaking the kiss and somehow we make it into the house, lock the door, then manages to throw me on the couch.
"What about-" he cuts me off before I could even ask about the bedroom, looks like we're staying here.
With his lips on mine he hovers over me as his right hand traces the scars on my left side while his other hand finds it's place on my cheek. As he traces my scars it sends shivers up my spine and I can't help but kiss him harder, and I've slipped his shirt off, when there's a knock at the door.
"They'll leave." I murmur against his shoulder while his lips find the sweet spot on my neck and I gasp as he begins to nibble on the spot making a moan escape my lips, when the knock sounds again.
"Dammit, seriously?" Paul says as he leans back and looks into my eyes.
"Might as well answer it, since they're not going to go away." I say as I get out from underneath him and head to the door, Paul following close behind.
I open the door, and it's the she-devil herself.
Paul wraps his arm protectively around me as Rachel sends me a scowl and immediately turns her attention to Paul.
"Miss me Paulie?" Gah the both of us cringe at the nickname.
"What are you doing here Rachel?" You can hear the venom in Paul's voice and I can't help but smirk and do a little victory dance in my head.
"I came back to see you of course!"
She says and I slip my left hand over Paul's that's around my waist, and she just happens to notice the gleam of my ring. Ha bitch he's mine so leave!
"Well I see you two have made up from your little scream match. Tell me Paulie, was she better in bed? Is that why she got the ring?"
Oh. Hell. Fucking. No.
I feel my eyebrows raise in surprise but I still keep my gaze on Rachel, not wanting to look in Paul's direction right now.
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about Rachel, but you need to leave." And with that he shuts the door in her face and I pull myself out of his embrace.
"Lottie that-" after he just told me he didn't love anyone else, wasn't with anyone else.. Why does he always have to lie to me?
"I don't want to hear it Lahote." I growl out as I head to ours, no his, bedroom.
I throw open the door and grab a duffle bag from under the bed.
"Scarlett what are you doing? Will you just stop and listen to me?!"
He says as he's trying to block my path from the closet to the bag, I can hear the desperation in his voice I just don't want to believe anything he says right now.
"I heard enough Paul! I fucking knew you'd get with Rachel the second we weren't friends! Why? Because she threw herself at you, for years! And what guy wouldn't want to sleep with her? She was and apparently still is a fucking slut!"
"So what, was all that 'I've loved you even before the imprint' and 'You're the only one I've ever wanted to be with' stuff bullshit?! Just shit to say to get me to forgive you and so you could get in my pants?! Well congratulations Paul because it worked!"
I paused to take a breath and to get my emotions under control, I will not cry in front of him! Not over this.
"No Lot-"
"DON'T EVEN! I'm done. Go cry on Rachel's shoulder for all I care. I'm going home."
And with that I push past Paul making it a point to bump his shoulder as hard as I could. When I get to the kitchen I debate on whether or not I should leave his ring here, but I think better and slam the front door on my way out leaving to head back to my brothers house, my house.
I just need time to cool down. Maybe one day I can forgive him, I don't know yet.
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