Girls Day!
~Scar's p.o.v~
Two days after our 'all night movie night' I was at Sam's with Emily coz the boys were almost living on the leeches territory now-a-days. And we decided to have a girls day and possibly shop for baby clothes!
I know it's too early to go shopping..and anyways Sam doesn't want us leaving the house let alone the rez until "the problem has been dealt with" stinking kill-joy.. So we decided on watching chick flicks all day.
"Bridesmaids okay with you?" Emily says while coming in with two big bowls of ice cream hers of course loaded with extra sugary stuff she says it's cravings. I say it's coz she likes all the sugar.
"Love that movie so yes! Thanks for the ice cream and I was gonna ask Em, got enough sugar in your bowl?"
"Oh shut up! You'll be the same way when you get pregnant probably worse!" She says while sticking her tongue out, we are very mature as you already know ha.
"What makes you think I'll be worse?!"
"Well 1. You eat like the boys normally so that'll be multiplied coz you're eating for two 2. It's Paul's baby so it'll be a black hole like him and 3. You like your sweets so being pregnant wont stop you." My mouth dropped to the floor and all she did was giggle coz she knew she was right and that's not fair.
"The way you know me so well when I'm not even pregnant is scary! It's even worse that you're completely right!"
"I'm just that good." She says with a smug smile "Speaking of which.. Have you and Paul...?"
She trails off probably not wanting to embarrass me, but hey I have an older brother not a lot of things embarrass me.
"No we haven't done anything as much as the guys like to think, but no."
"Wow that's-"
"Surprising? I know you'd think we have with the way we tease each other, but it's honestly just to mess with the boys and my brother. And to mess with him. Believe me I want to and I know he does too, but with all this vampire drama it's been hard to have time to ourselves and when we do I end up injured one way or another."
"I wouldn't worry about it that much. You guys are in love, but busy. It'll happen when it's meant too."
"That's deep Emily! I'm kidding but thank you it's nice to talk to someone ya know?"
"Don't worry Hun I completely understand."
So after that lovely conversation we actually watched the movie, but towards the end I felt strange. Like I felt angry and frustrated, which isn't the mood you'd be in after watching that movie, I've never felt like this ever.
"Dammit! What the hell is going on!" I feel bad, my outburst scared the crap out of Emily.
"Scar are you alright? What's wrong??"
"I don't know! I feel freaking pissed and frustrated, but I don't know why! It was so sudden it doesn't make since!"
I started getting images in my head of Jake? He looks like he's been crying. What does he have to do with this? That's when I realized this wasn't my anger, I haven't seen Jake in weeks, I think this anger and frustration is Paul's.
I sit on the couch with my head in my hands and focus on the images and realize I'm looking at the Cullen's front porch with Jake standing in front of the three male leeches explaining to the pack I just can't hear anything. More frustrating before I see the boys retreat back into the woods, on their way here.
"Scar!" Emily says shaking me. "What the hell was that!"
"It was-It was Paul's emotions."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. At first I felt the emotions then, when I sat down, I started seeing images of Jake and the Cullen's and since I haven't seen Jake in weeks it just makes since that it was Paul."
"That makes since. When Paul first imprinted and you both got deathly ill in only a week, Billy had told us it was an imprint stronger than any before-and that's why you guys had gotten so sick so fast. So maybe that explains why you can feel his emotions stronger than a normal imprint to where they become your own emotions."
"That makes a lot of sense. Good thinking Em. It was just so strange.." We can feel each others strong emotions, well that should be interesting.
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