Cliff Diving
I woke up to the feeling of someone kissing my forehead and I couldn't help but smile and my eyes fluttered open to see my handsome boyfriend smiling down at me.
"Good morning Beautiful."
"Morning Handsome, tell me why am I getting up early?" Completely forgetting our plans for the beach- I am not a morning person.
"You really forgot our plans to go cliff diving with the rest of the guys?" He asks while laughing at me.
"Yes I did. You of all people should know I'm not a morning person."
"I know," he says while kissing me, "that's why I waited to get you up until 9" Smart boy.
"Alright, alright I'm up." I smile at him while sitting up in bed and he leans in to kiss me, I pull away seeing as he's already dressed and he pouts at me.
"What? I have to get ready too!" I say while getting out of the bed.
"Well we still have an hour.." He says with a sly smile.
"Nice try lover boy. I dunno bout you but I'm hungry so I'm gonna eat before we leave." I saw poking my tongue at him with a wink.
"You're no fair!" He pouts, "but I am hungry."
I just laugh the whole way down the stairs into the kitchen. We finish breakfast and pack a bag with towels and snacks and head out for our ten minute walk to the beach.
"Did I tell you I'm going to be a godmother?" I ask him as we walk with our hands swinging between us.
"You didn't! When did this happen?"
"A couple weeks back when we had our date and Emily came over to help me get ready." I smiled at the memory.
"Well that's exciting! It makes sense why you're helping her so much."
"Yeah it is! I mean I love kids and the fact that Em is finally having a baby is super exciting. "
"Yeah..." He trails off like he almost whats to ask me something but is cut off by the yells from all the boys on the beach.
"And here come the lovebirds!" Embry says as we finally make it to the group.
"Your jealousy is showing Embry." I say poking my tongue at him which he does back.
"Well aren't you guys mature." Comes a voice I haven't heard in about three weeks...
Well it should be an interesting day if he's here.
My smile immediately slides off my face as he makes his way between Quil and Embry, and I feel my anger towards him start to burn again.
"I'm gonna go see if Emily needs any help." I detach myself from Paul and make it to where Emily is setting up some towels ignoring the guys who are protesting my leaving.
"Hey Em need help with anything?"
"Nah I'm fine," she says with a smile, " Whats got your panties in a bunch?"
"What? Nothing." I say with an innocent face.
"Oh c'mon Scar. You're always one to hang out with the guys, why are you distancing yourself?"
She asks as she looks into my eyes waiting to catch me in a lie. Ever since she's been pregnant she's had like this sixth sense of when people are lying to her. It's scary.
"Because he's here." I say with a sigh, "And I don't wanna deal with anything he has to say right now."
"At least let the poor boy apologize. You're like a sister to him and the fact that you won't even be near him breaks his heart."
"But he hit me Emily! How am I supposed to be okay with that? And just walk up to him and be like 'Oh hey Jake. I'm sorry for yelling at you but I forgive you for slapping me.' Em if I was a normal human, I would've been dead! And how do you know it 'breaks his heart'? It's not like he's been around..."
I really don't wanna lose my temper today, it's supposed to be a fun relaxing day and with him being here doesn't help.
"Because he's called me everyday in the last two weeks wondering how you've been and telling me how much he misses you. And how if he could take back the arguments and him hitting you he would, he let his anger get the best of him. They all do that some times."
And to prove her point she turns her face so the right side shows and the scars are visible on her tan skin. I sigh, I guess she has a point.
"Fine I'll stay. I'll go have fun with the boys and if he wants to talk I guess I can listen."
"That's the Scar I know." She says with a smile.
The boys are still in the group I left them in when I walked back over, the boys all smile at me while Jake stares at his feet and Paul wraps his arm around my waist.
"Ready to go up to the cliff Babe?" He asks as the rest of the boys start taking off their shoes and shirts then wait for us.
"Sure sure. Lemme just change."
I start to take off my tank top and shorts earning wolf whistles from the boys which in turn earn the finger from me and a menacing growl from Paul-which makes me giggle coz they all shut up.
We start our walk up to the cliff , all the other boys in front of us, so I decide to have some fun. I run a bit and jump onto Jared's back and he grunts at the sudden weight.
"Damn girl! Could you eat more food?" Which earns a smack over the head.
"Rude! At least I look better than you, fat ass." The guys all 'oooed' and started to laugh.
"I am not fat! And anyways we all know I'm the hotter twin." I scoff.
"Please. Everyone here would agree that I am the hotter twin." There was noise of agreement from the boys and I couldn't help but laugh.
"You guys! You're supposed to agree with me not her!
"But then we'd be lying to ya mate." Quil says and the laughter starts again.
By this time we've made it to the cliffs and I'm once again standing beside Paul as we decide who's gonna jump first. Quil and Embry decide to go first and so we all decide to jump as pairs this first time, so after is Jared and Jake then it's just Paul and I.
"Ready Love?" He asks with a brilliant smile in his face. It's crazy high but at the same time there's a sort of rush behind throwing yourself off a cliff...not.
"As ready as I will be."
And with that he kisses my hand-still intertwined with his and we take off in a run towards the edge. The boys were right, it is a major rush!
Paul and I were just laughing and cheering the entire way down and after what felt like minutes of free falling, we crashed into the cold water. I was immediately warmed by Paul wrapping me in his arms still underwater, and I look to see him slightly leaning in and so I close the gap.
Let me tell you, kissing underwater is the coolest feeling in the world! He had a firm grip on my waist as we started floating back up to the surface, our kisses usually leave us breathless so add being underwater and we soon had to break apart and make our way to the surface.
We smiled widely at each other before he gave me a quick peck and we headed back for shore. The guys all wanted to go a couple more times before we had lunch, so we made our way back up all laughing and joking.
"Wasn't that bad now was it Scar?" Quil asked with a smug smile on his face.
"Nah, it was actually very enjoyable!" I say with a wink in Paul's direction which makes him grin like a fool and wrap his arm around my waist from behind.
"Well if I had known you'd like it that much, I would've taken you here sooner." He says huskily and kisses my neck making a shiver run down my spine.
"Ew seriously guys? We're trying to have a nice day. We don't want your lovey dovey crap too."
Embry says while standing at the edge of the cliff and all I do is give him an evil smirk and before he can react I push him off the cliff.
"I'm gonna get you for that Cameron!" He shouts on the way down, we all start busting up laughing and the rest of the boys start jumping in one by one.
Soon there's only three of us left so Paul turns to me and pecks my lips before jumping off the cliff himself. I hadn't realized who hadn't gone down yet until I heard his voice and knew I was screwed.
"Can I talk to you Scarlett? Please."
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