Best. Day. Ever!
It was the second week into November, and as gloomy as ever. Paul's been acting..not himself lately, but says everything is fine yet I still worry that something is really wrong.
I roll over in bed to find it empty, and my heart sinks to my stomach-he didn't have patrol last night or this morning. Where would he go at 9.30 in the morning when he usually sleeps until 10.15...?
My worries subside a little when I do find a folded up piece of paper on the pillow next to mine.
Morning Babe!
Sorry I had to leave so early, but I didn't want to wake you up you looked so peaceful. Anyways! I have a surprise planned for tonight and Emily should be coming over about 10, so get ready!
I love you always,
Well today will be interesting.
~Paul's p.o.v~
"You think she'll like this?" I ask Emily as I start to freak out before she leaves to keep Scar distracted.
"Paul. Stop freaking out. It's Scar, she loves you so yes she will love it! Stop worrying, I'm going over to keep her distracted so you can put your plan in action."
"Thanks Em. You're a life saver." I say with a sigh of relief the worry gone, but replaced with nervousness.
"C'mon bro! We gotta start placing these notes, but before that we need to get your dinner part done."
I was able to talk Jake into coming back to the Rez to help with my plan as well as Jared and Embry, but not until their shift is over.
So we decided on a food up table in the beach so it's not a picnic, it's a formal candlelight dinner just on the beach-which is her favorite place. We have to wait for Jared to get off at 2 so we can start making the food coz if things go right we should be eating about 7.
Let the fun begin!
~Scar's p.o.v~
I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard Emily just walk right in, Paul must've given her his key, like she owned the damn place.
"Hey Scar!"
"Be down in a sec Em!" I quickly change into something comfy coz it's a normal glumy day for November in Washington, and brush threw my hair and plait it to the side ending just below my chest.
"Pregnant ladies can't have caffeinated drinks Em!" I say in a singsong voice when I see her in the kitchen making some tea.
"Pregnant ladies can have decaffeinated tea Scar!" She says in the same tone turning around and poking her tongue at me, before we both start laughing at our childish behavior.
"So what's on the agenda for today Emily? Why has my boyfriend disappeared for the majority of the day?" I say smirking hoping to get some sort of answer out of her.
"Sorry can't tell you that." Damn. "But I can tell you that we are going up to Port Angeles and having a spa day!" We've never had a spa day...
Maybe it's coz she's pregnant and I've heard that helps soon to be mothers, and since Leah isn't girly enough for one I guess that leaves me.
But hey, I'm alright with that! So we get into her car and start the long drive to Port Angeles.
"So Em, how did your appointment go?"
Emily had her first appointment last week to see if they could hear the baby's heartbeat, and she hasn't gotten around to telling me if they were able to hear anything.
"It was great actually! I can't believe I forgot to tell you! We finally got to hear Baby Uley's heartbeat and kinda see the baby one the ultrasound!"
I was so excited for her and Sam, they've wanted a baby for a while now but I think all that past stress made it hard on Emily. She had a couple miscarriages before and so now that she's been able to hold into this one, she's being extra cautious.
"That's brilliant Em! And Baby Uley?" I say with a smirk in her direction.
"Well yes. That's what we've decided to call the baby, since we don't know if it's going to be a girl or a boy and we don't wanna call it and 'it' so this is the best way."
"Don't worry Em, I think it's cute. And anyways I can't wait to meet my new god baby! Did they estimate a due date for you?"
"They said somewhere around April 20th." We talked some more about babies, her avoiding my questions about Paul and of course all the questions on how well our relationship is going.
"It's going great Em! These few months with no drama have been amazing! 'Cept Paul started acting really strange yesterday... Like he was hiding something from me. You don't think he'd cheat on me would you?"
My worries finally bubbling up to the surface, and my heart dropping into my stomach at the potential thought of Paul leaving me.
"No! God no Scar! That man loves you too damn much to do something like that! Maybe-maybe there's just a lot on his mind." She says not making any eye contact at the end of her sentence, as we pull up to the spa place.
I just nod and follow her into the spa. So we're getting full body massages, Em's being for pregnant ladies, manicures, pedicures and facials. I must admit today was very relaxing, but it was difficult to get Paul's strange behavior out of my head.
When we finally got back to my house it was about three and Emily sent me up to my room to shower and get changed into my white lace strapless dress that went a bit shorter than mid-thigh then she was going to do my hair and make up.
By the time we were done it was 4.30 and Emily told me it was time. For what? I don't know. I go downstairs to find a note on our front door with my name on it in familiar handwriting.
Hey Baby!
Hope you had a wonderful day with Emily! I bet you look gorgeous too! So this starts my surprise. Go to the place where my life changed forever, where you became the center of my existence. I love you baby see you in a bit.
Paul xx
I look at Emily slightly confused but smiling at the note, she nods her head in encouragement and hands me my keys.
So I jump into my car and drive to Sam's remembering the mud fight and bumping into Paul on my way down the stairs. I walk into the house and see Embry standing on the staircase with a big grin on his face as he hands me another note.
So you did remember? Kidding, that was the day I realized how much I truly loved you, imprint or not you, Scarlette Cameron would always be the love of my life. Now Love go to the place we had our first kiss after realizing we were meant to be soulmates.
Love you! Pauly
I smiled and held back the tears. Who knew Paul Lahote could be such a romantic?
I say bye to Embry before heading out the front door and to the left to the little patch if forest where Paul and I had our first kiss after all the drama with Jared went down and we were finally happy. And speak of the devil I find Jared holding the next note smiling at me as well.
"Hiya sis. You look gorgeous by the way." I say thanks and start to read the next note.
I must tell you Love, every time we kiss it is amazing. There's so much love and passion that it gives me shivers. I remember always wanting to kiss you but we were always 'best friends' and well at the time I thought it would've been weird. But now I know we've been in love with each other years before that dreadful fight. Go to the place I tried to teach your clumsy self how to surf, where I was so close to kissing you it killed me. Love you so much it hurts.
Your one and only love.
Goodness how I love this man. I wonder what he's doing all this for? He's never done something this romantic and extravagant for any normal date before? Guess I'll just have to wait and see.
So I jump into my car and drive down to first beach remembering the time we had tried to go surfing and the first time I realized how much this man had an affect on me. How much I loved Paul Lahote. I leave my car in the car park and see Jake standing where the sand meets the park.
"Jake?! What are you doing here?" I say walking up to him.
"Don't worry about me Scar. Your boyfriend is waiting for you." He's says with his normal warm-hearted smile and I can't help but smile back.
I'm glad Jake and I made up, I didn't really realize how much I missed my wannabe little brother.
I take off the heels I've been wearing all night and start my way towards the beach, and that's when I see rose petals littering the sand in a walkway no doubt towards Paul. I follow the roses until I see a table set up with candles on too of it and surrounding it in a circle shape, and that's where I see Paul.
A giant grin appears on my face as I take in all he's done for me and I can't help but to throw my arms around him in a hug. He chuckles and I pull back to see his eyes so full of love and desire, no doubt matching mine when I lean in and kiss him, with so much passion we stumble back a bit in the sand before he adds just as much passion and to short a time later we have to pull back but we keep our foreheads together, smiling.
"This is all so wonderful Paul! Who knew you could be such a romantic!" I say planting another kiss on his lips.
"I'm glad you like it Lottie. And I even surprise myself sometimes." We both laugh at that and Paul separates himself from me making me pout slightly which of course makes him chuckle at me.
"How about we sit down and have some dinner?" I nod as he pulls out my chair for me and I sit down, and him shortly after. "Sorry to have disappeared all day today Love, but I had to get everything ready."
"it's all right really, Emily and I had a nice little spa day. This is all so brilliant, I love it Paul. You've really outdone yourself." I say and we both smile and eat in comfortable silence, until we've finished a cheesecake they apparently made from scratch.
"Take a walk with me Lottie."
"Of course."
So we get up and he intertwines our fingers together as we make our way down the shoreline walking in what little waves there are.
It was very enjoyable, the best date we've ever had on such a surprisingly beautiful night for how cloudy it was today.
"Lottie?" Paul breaks me out of my thoughts and I've realized we've stopped walking.
"You know I love you right?" I nod my head.
"And I love you." He smiles at me and grabs both my hands.
"Ever since I've laid eyes on you when we were five, I knew you were something special and knew then that I always wanted to be in your life no matter what I had to do. When we started getting older the crush I had on you got stronger, and I was worried I was gonna mess up our friendship. I got really jealous of the boy you dated for a bit in our junior year because I wanted that to be me, I wanted to call you mine."
"And now I can, I do have to say the imprint brought you back into my life, made me see how much I really missed you over the years how much I still loved you even though we fought. It showed me that whatever life may throw at us, we can get through it. Together. And that's how I always want it to be. You and I. Forever. So will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
He says and words have escaped me the moment I saw him get on one knee. Tears running down my face I nod my head vigorously and finally find my voice.
"Yes! Oh a million times yes Paul!" I say and we both have the biggest grins on our face as he slips the most beautiful ring on my finger and I grab his face to kiss him with every fiber of my being.
He responds the same way and soon we are headed back to our house no longer being able to control ourselves.
The second the front door is locked, clothes begin flying around the room and somehow we manage to make it upstairs to our bedroom without breaking the kiss. Skill I know. Paul lays me on the bed and breaks the kiss long enough to ask me with his eyes and all I have to do is nod and I think you guys know where it goes from there. ;)
***Holy long ass chapter!! I had to put it alll in one though! I thought it was cute and romantic and just couldn't break it into two! You all rock for reading and hearting it!! <3
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