I sat by the entrance of the hospital, glaring at Sammy.
"Why are you here?" I spit.
"I could ask the same thing." she hisses in the same tone. "I wonder why he went for you."
It was no secret that Sammy had a crush on Spring. But he insisted they would only be friends, and went for me instead.
"Maybe for the same reason he left you."
She screeched and threw a punch at me, which I dodged. "I'll show you, golden boy."
We continued fighting. Only to have it stopped by a rather painstricken scream.
"Stop, please!"
It was Spring. There were tears in his circle eyes, something I had never, ever, seen or wanted to see in such a strong, handsome person.
"Sammy, Goldie..." He rushed forward, tackling the two of us in a hug. "Don't you ever fight again, please..."
He was crying. My strong, powerful, fierce Springtrap, crying because of me.
"It's okay, it's okay!" I try to comfort him.
"But it's not!" he wailed, hugging us both tighter.
"Hey, tell you what," Sammy suggested. "How about you and I go get some Starbucks later? Without him, of course."
Springtrap pushed us away. "Why can't you understand I only like you as a FRIEND, SAMMY?!"
And he just ran. I instantly glare at Sammy. "Thanks, Samass."
"Your diddly fucking damn welcome, Goldiebitch." she snarls back.
She vanishes. Literally. Into thin air.
And the moment she goes, I break down silently. Springtrap...
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