♥ Confession 1 - Faculty Incident
I'm Ruby. A freshman of PokeSchool in Highschool department.
Our school has Elementary department, Middle Department, and Highschool Department.
I'm already sixteen years old and I'm currently heading at my respective classroom.
Okay... let's make things more clear. I'm currently in a hurry because I'm already late!
I stopped my tracks and prepared myself to face our teacher. Getting so nervous seeing his reaction for my tirediness.
"G-good Morning! Sorry if I'm late!" I greeted when I finally gained the courage to enter. "Sir. Steven, sorry for being late early in the morning!" I bowed as I apologize, sensing those random stares that were targetted on me.
"Is that's so? Then please head to your seat." he points my chair. He sounds so gentle, basing on his tone.
Gods, why am I taking a like on a teacher of all people.
Weird? Yes.
But, none to be regretted, I'm glad that I fell on this class. This class is his advisory, that's why...
While I'm still inside of my thoughts, I headed to my seat. I'm sitting on the left side of the class, beside the window. Second to the last.
Sir. Steven is specialized in teaching metal type-pokemon subject. Everytime he discuss, I always listen and gave all of my attention that's why I get the highest grade in all activities. I'm always on top in his subject, just for him to notice me.
And if you're asking if he knows my feelings for him, the answer is NO.
If anyone knows? None.
Only myself.
"Ruby!" Sapphire on my back calls out, preventing me to continue on daydreaming. " What?" I coldly asked. But when she called me it was in warning whisper.
"Sir. Steven's calling ya! Moron!" my eyes widens as I take notice of that. My whole body quickly respond and I stood ice to face him, who was looking at me in surprise.
Again, all eyes were darted on me.
So embarrassing...
"Ruby..." I felt my heart jumped when I heard him saying my name.
Oh, come on! Ruby! He just said your name! That's all! What's all the fuss?!
"Ruby, go outside. I'll discuss something to you.." he calmly ordered and reminded the whole class to wait for our next teacher which is my father, Norman, who's specialized in teaching normal type-pokemon subject.
Getting really nervous again. I know he will lecture me and all! Because of my stupidity! But... I guess it's fine. So I can have a moment of alone time with him.
"So, Ruby..." Sir. Steven starts when we finally got out of the classroom. He really likes calling name, huh?
"Why were you late?" he asks while he crosses his arms below his chest then his index finger tapping on his arm.
I sheepishly scrath my head as I rewind the situation earlier for me to reason. I don't want to lie to Sir. Steven. "M-my dad scolded me for waking up 10 minutes late... So he punishes me by leaving me alone in the house. That's w-why I'm ... late."
"You got that right, son." suddenly, dad pops up out of nowhere creeping the hell out of me. When I heard his voice I accidentally let out a squeak.
"D-dad?!" I exclaimed but he just ignored that. " Sorry for the trouble, Steven, about this boy." my dad chuckles, "Don't worry. He wasn't late but almost."
"Well, aren't you glad, Ruby?" My dad tease as he messes with my hat.
Instead of paying attention to them, I thought of imagining that in this kind of scene Sir. Steven looks like his asking a permission to dad if he could take me as his...
"Ah... Yes?" I jolt when I heard Sir. Steven's voice calling me. It really caught my attention. "And just to remind you, prevent yourself from daydreaming or spacing out." he reminded and I apologized for that.
"Umm.. Where's dad?" I asked while looking around.
"He already went inside." he said.
"I'll be going then, " he informs and was about to leave. But he stopped when his figure's beside mine. He places his hand on my shoulder then leans onto my ear. "You better tell me what you're daydreaming about, Ruby..." he whispers making shivers run down to the end of my spine.
My whole body felt hot and numb. My cheeks started to become warm knowing that I'm really blushing of what he did.
"So~ what did Sir. Steven told ya?" Sapphire whispers when I got back inside of the classroom while my dad's already starting to discuss his lessons on the class. I just ignored her because I'm still processing of what just happened. My heart won't stop its rapid beating.
"Ruby!" when I heard my name being called for two-times, I panicked to stand up. I know it's my dad who called me and the one who disturb me from spacing out.
"Pay attention to the lesson. If you failed on the up-coming exam, I'll ground you for not using your pokemons for weeks!" my dad threathens with his pen pointed at me.
He never lies because he's always dead serious. I just apologize and started to clear my mind to listen to the class.
His class ended with him announcing that there's a quiz tomorrow about specific places where we could find strong normal-type pokemon and about their weaknesses.
Our next subject is Sir. Wattson's subject which he teaches about electric-type pokemon. However he's absent due to some urgent problem he has said yesterday. And now's free time.
"Ruby~ " a girl calls out my name from my back. This stubborn girl is my childhood friend. "What?" I coldly asked for the second time. "You're so cold! You've been ignoring me first thing in the morning!" she complains with a pout.
"That's because I want to."
"Mean!" Sapphire sulks.
"Hey! Please stop fighting, Sapphire. Ruby." Wally, on my front, scolds us. "But Ruby won't speak out what Sir. Steven has told him!"
"He just scolded me okay? So, let me sleep! I'm tired." I already prepared my arms on my desk for me to nap on. I didn't wait for her reply and went back on daydreaming.
I'm not really going to sleep. I'm just going to imagine Sir. Steven's alluring face, really.
When did I first start to like him anyways?
I remember...
Back then when I was in my first day as an elementary in PokeSchool as a first grader, 9-year-old, I was so very nervous that only Sapphire and Wally are excited.
But, good thing, it went smoothly for the next few weeks of school. It was fun.
And there, one day getting so bored, I headed at the playground at the back of our school. I sat on the metal swing while watching the grass dancing with the wind of noon.
The whole playground's quiet.
"Sapphire and Wally are taking too long." I muttered that I was too bored that all my classmates had gone home while only the three of us were left. Both of them needed to clean the classroom since they're today's cleaners.
"Geez... I still have to wait for dad before we head home." I sighed as I push myself with the swing. Thinking that I'll wait for few hours just to wait for my dad, who's teaching only in highschool department, to leave.
I suddenly got scared when I heard bushes rustling at my back. Suprisingly, a huge Salamence came to attack me with his bite attack. Before his attack came to me I quickly got off of the swing.
I panicked so I took out my Torchic, Ralts and Swablu.
I commanded Torchic to use peck and Ralts to use psychic while Swablu to use quick attack. But Salamence's too strong that it used dragon breath to my Pokemons. After attacking them, the Salamence used dragon claw at me when I tried protecting my fainted Pokemons.
His claws slash my right side forehead.
I felt my throbbing forehead in pain as |I fell on the grass weak. It's so painful that I felt blood crawled down on my face. My eyes started getting teary from the pain.
At that time, I thought that I was going to die for good but when I was about lose conscious when I heard a man's voice not too far from me.
"Metang, use psychic!" he shouts then I saw a blue pokemon attacking the Salamence. After that attack I saw, someone held me gently on his lap.
"You're going to be fine. I'm here. I won't leave you." he whispers warmly.
I wanted to speak but my throat became dry. The last thing I remember is his eyes full of worries. Then, my vision went black ending with a last drop of tear escape my eye.
. . .
"Unn..." I groan and slowly open my eyes. Am I dead is what I first asked myself but when I scanned location I was actually laying down on a white bed.
Realizing that I'm in a hospital with a bandaged on my head.
I tried to sit up to process my surroundings. My eyes caught a strange guy napping on a couch on my right side.
"D-dad?" I questioned. But I felt a pain throb on my head the part that was bandaged. I let a soft groan from that pain.
'It's not my dad. His hair color was sliver-like. Who is he?' I strangely thought.
"You're awake..." he mumbles as he gets up. His hair looks quite messy, when my vision is as its focus, and I find it unique. His blue steel eyes looks stunning. How odd. Have I met him before?
"I'll call your dad. So, stay here." he commandes me with gentle tone. Before he leaves he ruffles carefully my hair preventing it to hurt my bandaged part. He's so very careful of what he's doing and I liked it. There, he left after giving me a warm smile.
Who is he?
Why is my heart beating so fast? Am I scared of him? No, I don't feel that way. But I'm not nervous or anything particular. Then, why is that?
Why is that I feel so uneasy when he ruffled my hair and gave that rare genunine smile?
I slowly went back to lay down. I gripped my shirt on my chest as I tried calming to lessen the beat.
Door suddenly opens, revealing my dad and mom who's full of worries on their faces and beside them the guy from earlier.
I wonder how long I've been here?
"Ruby!" they cried then mom gave me a tight hug. "What happened to you? We're so worried!" my mom's cries out while my dad ruffles my head. "Thank god that Steven was there to save you from that wild Salamence!" my dad remarks.
Stev.., who?
"It's him, Steven." my dad points the man beside him. The guy earlier that saved me? Him? I do remember now! He's the one!
I slowly looked into his eyes that were looking on mine with glad.
Gods, this feeling again! My heart started pumping so fast.
"I'm Steven. Steven Stone, your father's co-teacher. Ruby." he introduces polite. But what my heart made it beat faster is the way he has said my name.
And that's the moment I realized that I fell in love with this Steven Stone.
. . .
"Ruby!" Sapphire taps my back and in whisper she calls my name. "Ms. Winonna's coming! Ya wake up!" she panickly shakes me. "Sta-stop shi-shaking m-me!!" I complained to her. And she stop. This annoying Sapphire's interrupting my daydream!
Well, she's telling the truth anyways. The moment I look up, I saw Ms. Winona coming inside of our class in time.
Ms. Winona our flying type-pokemon subject teacher.
When we're done doing the greetings, we began doing a seatwork about the differences and similarities of flying type to dragon types.
"Class! Next week, you'll be having a project." she announces the whole class. Some groan in complain and some kept quiet and waited what kind of project it is.
"If you can get 6 different flying type pokemon in a day, you pass. That's all now pass your seatwroks infront."
[Time Skip] Lunch Time
"Hey, Ruby." Wally calls. I stopped walking and look at him. "Let's take a lunch on the rooftop with Sapphire." then points to Sapphire beside him who's holding her lunch box.
After Wally invited me to join lunch with them on the rooftop, we discussed about the project of Ms. Winona.
"Ms. Winona said that our project's catching 6 different pokemon that are flying type. Do you think its hard?" Wally worrriedly questioned and used his chopsticks to pick up his octopus-like sausage.
"It's easy! Flying type pokemon's weaknesses are rock, electric and ice." Sapphire remarks with excitment. "I can use my Marshtomp to weaken them!"
"Maybe I can use my Combusken on them... No, he won't have that much effect though." I sadly thought.
"I... I don't think my Roselia nor my Skitty will have any effect to flying types." Wally says in depress.
"Don't worry! Your Roselia and Skitty are't your only pokemon. You still have a Magnemite and Kirlia. You can use electric to flying type, you know?" I suggested to atleast cheer him up. "I forgot! My Magnemite has Thunderbolt and my Kirlia... well, I guess I can just teach her." well, that cheered him up.
"Ya do know that we still have a project on his subject." Sapphire takes note. But who is it?
"In what subject, Sapphire?" Wally questions.
"Sir. Steven's! Of course!" Shoot. Now that she mentions it I remember now! Wait, that's not right...
"Actually, Sapphire, it's an assignment not a project." I reminded her. "And I'm already done with it!" I added. True, whenever there's something that needs to be accomplish on his subject, I quickly do it in a dash.
"I'm done as well, ya know?" "I'm done too."
"Can I be the one who'll give it to him?" I ask them. I'm asking if it's okay for me who will bring their assignments with mine to Sir. Steven.
"S-sure." Sapphire and Wally curiously agreed. Hope they didn't notice my plan.
Yes, I have a plan.
And it's now or never.
[Time Skip]
"Class! You may now dismiss." Sir. Steven announces and the whole class started leaving one by one including Sapphire and Wally.
"Bye Ruby!" "Later~" they said and left the classroom leaving me with Sir. Steven.
Geez... This feeling of uneasiness again.
"Ruby, come with me." he gestures and I followed him to the faculty.
Looking around if there are any people around, and few are. And some started to take their leave.
Everytime, Sir. Steven's always the one who's left in the faculty for hours while others start to leave early.
"We'll take our leave, Stevie!" "Bye, Steven." "Bye dear!" Going out me boy!" Sir. Sidney, Ms. Phoebe, Ms. Glacia and Sir. Drake said their farewells to Sir. Steven and left.
And, clearly, only the both of us were left.
I can't breath properly. My heart beats so fast that I might faint in no time. Probobly, I might pass out from nervousness.
"Aren't you going to give me something?" he asks me in a tease way but he knows that I'm going to give my assignment to him anyways, including Sapphire's and Wally's.
I fished my bag to get our assignment while we head on his table. He sat down on his chair and I was left statnding.
"Here, Sir." I gave him three papers containing a handwritten essays. "And sorry if I had some errors finding where other steel types can be found outside of Hoenn. But I found this instead." I pointed my work. Guess that should do it. "This is fine. Atleast you have an assignment."
Thank god...
After he said that, I swallow a lump down through my throat to gain all of my courage to say what I've been keeping for almost 9 years.
I'm confident that no one's in here beside us and that my dad is still in his advisory class.
"Si-sir. Steven. I have something to tell you." I started and braced myself. "What is it?" he asks while checking our assignments.
"I- I like you, Sir. Steven." I stutter while I observed his reaction.
He stopped checking and froze. He froze for few moments and slowly places down his ballpen. I bit my lower lip in embarrassment.
"You do know that I am a teacher and you are a student, Ruby?" his voice becames stern and it scares me.
"Yes. I very know that. And for almost nine years that I have liked you! No, not like. More than like! Love! Sir. Steven, it's love!" I quite bursted out there to make myself that I looked serious, because I'm really hell serious.
I have the feeling that he doesn't believe me! But I just spit out the top truth!
"I'm sorry." when I heard that, I felt a pang in my chest. It's very painful. "I can't. And even if you said you love me, you don't have any proof." he says and avoided my eyes to continue checking, as if like nothing happened.
He's definitely ignored my confession!
It's truly painful... My chest feels boiling pain... so much pain!
"No! I have proof!" I declared and when he heard it, he turns his head to face me and at the same time I gave him my first kiss.
A/N: It's quite long, no? Just to remind you this ain't one-shot. Well, it looks one. Hope you enjoy this! Alot still has to come!
Sorry if there are some typos or grammatical errors.
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