India, Mumbai.
Good luck chawl.
Ranveer and priyanka living in that small chawl as a perfect and happily married couple. She tried her best to get used to atmosphere there. She worked just the way ranveer's maussi asked her to. She never uttered even a single 'Uff' and worked like machines there...
Her brothers daily called her to repeat their usual lines "Prianku, we'll buy you a house. Just say Yes" but she never took their help as her husband loves his self respect and would never agree. Though he never said anything to her regarding this, but she, herself didn't wanted to hurt him.
Everything was going okay, But something wasn't fine.
Prianku is sitting on a chair of dining table... Which isn't big table like she used to see in Oberoi mansion but it's also perfect as per her little family.
She is cutting vegetables. Kamini came and looked at her from behind she smirked switching on the Iron.
"Priyanka beta. Have you switched off the iron?" she asked going little away
"G maussi" she replied not looking at back but just focusing on cutting the vegetables...
She never even touched knife to cut even an apple. Her brothers never let her. But here she's cutting vegetables so she's trying her best to focus on it...
"Aaa" kamini screams as her arm got burned.
"Maussi" ranveer came running... He had heard their talk and is fuming to know she didn't really switched off the iron...
After lots of drama the matter finished there...
Many incidents happened after that but ranveer always tried ignoring... His maussi made sure to not leave even a single chance to show her as mental patient...
One day ranveer had to go to village to meet her maussi's friend who was ill, as her maussi can't travel.
After he left prianku and kamini got to know that prianku is 4 weeks pregnant...
Kamini's evil mind worked like a train and she planned and plotted everything... And after ranveer returned. On that day itself prianku took her medicines given by kamini as usual and after gulping it down. She started behaving madly. Breaking things, beating both kamini and ranveer... And much more mess.
"See Ranveer she is mad! She bet me daily" kamini cried hugging ranveer and not wanting to but still he called mental hospital and they took her away...
She was 8 weeks pregnant at that time. Ranveer came back after a month. As he never knew she's pregnant. (check last chapter)
Doctor's got to know it and tried contacting ranveer but failed as his maussi didn't let him know.
3 Months passed with prianku in hospital locked up and ranveer also locked himself not able to bear the pain as his love is gone. He always made excuses to her brothers.
He told them that they're going to sweden for honeymoon. And they trusted him.
But then again he just made excuses... Omru used to come to his house too as shivaay was on bed due to paralysis... But they never found either of them.
Omru started searching ranveer... And in process got to know that their lovely sister is in mental hospital. They went there and bring her out. Destroyed the owner by casing on the hospital. Hospital got shut.
Ranveer met doctor on road and got to know everything. He went to meet prianku. On annika's order he was allowed to meet prianku.
Annika's order was Like 'Line on stone'
He apologized. She forgave him. She wanted a father for her children's. She was 7 months pregnant at that time... They both patched up and kamini was sent to jail. Ranveer resigned after getting her arrested.
While she was 7and half month pregnant they went to london.
there they lived life of perfect Fake husband and wife...
*** Flashback ends...***
Oberoi mansion.
6:00 PM
Party time!
Guests started arriving. Hall is beautifully decorated. After all it's shivika's reception. everyone's busy gossiping... Cameras are set and media is waiting...
Just few hours ago hall was all normal and now it's decorated like as if it was getting decorated since a week!... Only oberoi's have this super power. To do anything in minutes...
Girls got ready in one room and boys in one other room...
From front stair case dadi jhanvi shakti and tej descended and greeted everyone...
After few minute's from either side of stair case not front one... Boys and girls came down... Not looking at the crowd but at their partners and sharing eyelocks...
(Just Focus on dresses)
They all stood in centre and got in couples... Smiling to media who's busy taking their picture's... They walked to the big stage in the centre of hall and occupied their seats... All elders smiled and stood behind them... And dadi sat on middle chair.
Mic's were set and flashes were flashing!...
M-1 "So mr.Oberoi, for what this Press conference is held?"
Rudra " As you all know from last one year, bussiness, whole Oberoi Empire was under me. As bhaiya, i mean shivaay singh oberoi the MD of OE fell ill and was paralyzed. But, now we're happy to announce it to you all, that he's perfectly fine now. So from now own, Once again whole OE will be under Shivaay Singh Oberoi." he announced professionally and smiled at his brother who reciprocated.
M-2 " So it means again you're going to stay at home? Aren't you going to handle part of your share?"
Tej "Excuse me? You're indirectly trying to say that shivaay is snatching their shares?" his voice held anger and eyes were narrowed
M-3 "Of course, it seemse like this only. Once again shivaay singh oberoi would be enjoying shares of his brother."
Om "Better keep your assumptions to yourself only. We've nothing to do with these shares, in no sense they belong to us! Its all shivaays. He's the one who made them worth everything. Not we! So i think you got your answer." he shouted in anger but it didn't felt like he's shouting. He's all professional too... In one year, alot has changed. Om and ru both. But inside they're still same...
M-4 "Does it mean you and rudra singh oberoi are once again going to stay at home. free?"
Shivaay "How dare you.?" he shouted echoing the hall... Annika held his hand and he calmed down... "Of course not, they're not going to sit free like you. Rudra was never interested in business as everyone has their own wishes and dreams so does they have. Rudra is soon going to open his dream project. It's almost ready, in fact you, you all will be invited on opening ceremony of his Fitness Center." he smirked as he indirectly 2× Taunted the media person. While all rest were giggling seeing shivaay doing it... "Regarding Omkara, you all know. He's a self made billionaire. So he'll just continue raising his art-Bussiness... And he's also opening his art gallery in London. if YOU can afford you're invited on ceremony. Otherwise we'll sponsor." he again smirked while the media person fumed.
M-5 " Good to hear this Mr.oberoi. So we've also heard that you're going to announce about your wife? Is it true?"
Shivaay "indeed! Meet her, my wife annika." he held her hand and raised it with a smile and she smiled looking in his eyes
M-6 " What about you Mr. omkara?"
Om "Yeah, as i said earlier that I'll announce about my wife with shivaay only. So, meet my wife. Mrs. gauri omkara singh Oberoi" he pointed to her and side hugged her
M-6 "Isn't it strange? All of you married middle class girls? We know no-one."
Rudra "What's wrong in this? It's not written anywhere that a rich man can't marry a middle class girl. In fact i would suggest other rivals and partners of ours, who are single, to find themselves a middle class girl. As they never have any motive behind marrying you." he smiled hugging his wife.
Om "They never marry you because you're rich, but they marry you as they seriously love you. I'm so proud to tell that my wife is a middle class girl not rich bitch! Who always loves money not persons. Who doesn't know the meaning of love." he smiled proudly hugging his wife...
Shivaay "Middle class girl isn't a tag to be ashamed about. It's a tag about which we can proudly tell.. That yeah man I'm a 'Middle Class'. They're sensitive, they knows what life is, more than people like us. They're most adjusting. Most trust able and more caring. With experience I'm saying. I never liked any middle class girl. At least not her." he smiled looking at anika. "i hated her dressing style. I hated her way of speaking. I hated her. But then she, she changed my life. She showed me true faces of rich bitch! Even though i never behaved nicely with her, still she cared about me, still she helped me and my family. And that's what precious in these girls. 'Middle class girls' they cares and loves everyone and never expect anything in return except 'respect'." he kissed her hair side hugging her. "We're proud to announce that we've middle class wives" he added and smiled...
M-7 " What about you mrs. Priyanka singh randhawa? Why your husband is your PA instead of partner in Business. Is there some conflicts between you both.? There were rumors about you treating him as servant, as he's not of your class.?"
Priyanka "I really don't care what kind of rumors are being spread. I know those useless people have nothing else to do. I would sue them if i found one. Coming to PA. Yes, he's my PA instead of Partner because he had no knowledge of business. As you all know i started business from beginning not like any shifted branch. There i needed PA and My Husband is best choice. I trust him and no one else, while i handled main things he took care of minor things. And as now it's going to be year, he learnt a lot." she held his hand and looked at his face. In his eyes "I'm proud and happy to announce the new MD of Riyank Enterprise" she faced media and smiled...
M-8 "Where's mrs pinky shakti singh oberoi?"
Dadi "Pinky went to our village, to meet her family. Any problem?" she asked more professionally then all...
"no" nodded the media person
Jhanvi "I hope, you're done with everything! So conference is over. Enjoy the Party!" she smiled and held tej's hand.
All disperses...
To Be Continued...
Precap: Reception party with masala...!
Love~ Annie...
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