Chapter 36:
“Oh my gods! Oh my gods! OH MY GODS! OH MY GODS-” I was ranting but was abruptly cut off by Maddison.
“SHUT UP WOULD YA, WOMAN?” she yelled back.
“Its 3 fucking AM! Why are you annoying the Gods of Olympus at this time? Babe, let them get some sleep too, you’ve already ruined mine, but spare the Gods at least!” She half yelled half spoke and half yawned, lol. Weirdo.
“But but but, I still gots to pack! And its 3AM and you are asleep and everyone is asleep and I, and I what? Wait, I was saying something..Oh right, yeah, um, I need to pack”
“Diana Summers, we packed everything yesterday! Whats got you so hyper girl? I need sleep, we’re leaving in about 2 and a half hours!” she complained.
“Oh, well..” She was right I did pack..what the fuck is wrong with me? Oh right, that’s because I wasn’t talking about the packing, I was writing my diary..
“Die. Okay no, I don’t mean that but please! For the love of God, lemme sleep” she pleaded.
And I, being the kind awesome sweet girl I was let the girl sleep in peace. Since I wasn’t going to get that any time soon, I settled with making myself a cup of coffee with cream and chocolate sauce, Yes, I knew how to make coffee without destroying it, be happy, I know something.
With my awesome vampire diaries mug in my hand I walked out to my backyard, it was connected to Ashton’s and our mothers being bestfriends made it easier for us to play when we were kids by connecting the two of our lawns together. There was just a small door in between the two lawns, but that’s all that separated us. I smiled at the memory, when we had setup a huge jungle gym, with a cute little plastic slide, little swings, a see-saw and the weird horse that keeps going back and forth, we also had a merry-go-round. Oh, I miss those days, we were so little and fooled around, I remember us having this mud fight where our parents literally didn’t recognize us, we were covered in brown muck and all icky, my mom nor did Lily let us come in until we cleaned ourselves as much as we could.
“Need a hug?” A voice asked behind me, and I knew instantly who it was.
I nodded, and he sat down next to me on the steps, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer to his body, engulfing me into his side and taking the cold chills that I felt away.
“No sleep?” I asked.
“Nuh huh, its December, I remember our last family bonfire, and I miss Amanda, I miss her so freaking much.”
“I know, I miss her too, I just- I wish she was here Ashton, here to explain me what the fuck is going on? Why did she give Andrew away to her sister when he was her own blood, it doesn’t make sense, none of it does, why hide her identity? Why hide her sister? There are so many questions I have, so many that I know will remain unanswered but I can’t do anything about it, I’m not gonna sit and wallow in pity Ashton, if I am sure of one thing, then it is that Mom would have wanted me to get through this, get through everything just like she did, she’d want me to be strong, although I’m tired, tired, I need to cry, I need to miss her, I need to throw tantrums, I get it that I have to be strong I do, I really do, but I need a break down.” I couldn’t go further, because I silently started sobbing.
“Look at me Diana, look here.” Ashton asked, I didn’t want to, but did so anyways.
“Listen, Its okay to breakdown, its okay to cry, it really is. I don’t get what you have against this? A person doesn’t become weak or not strong enough, that’s all in your head and everyone else’s. it doesn’t change you, Diana. You are the very same person, so what if you shed a little tears? Big whoop. If you don’t cry you become a cold hearted bitch, and that just sucks, it would be weird if you didn’t cry. You have me, you’ll always have me and your friends, look around you, okay not right now but you get the point. You have SO many friends and people who love you, who are waiting for you to have a break down so that they can take care of you, its normal, you lost your mom, it is A BIG THING. And If you think you’re gonna become weak or let down Amanda, then you’re wrong, you’re so wrong. She loves you, present tense, from somewhere above, and she can only ever be proud of what you have become, I know I am.”
And what he said actually did make a difference, its true you know? I mean you don’t become weak because you cry, instead you show emotions, you are connected to human emotions and that’s amazing, I guess I was just thinking too much. So I did what he wanted to me to, I broke down, sobbed into his t-shirt until it was soaked, let all my feelings out, cried for an hour, spoke to my mom, blames myself for a bit, then got over it, told her how much I missed her and how I could have given anything to have her beside me right now.
I told her that I knew she was watching over me and so was dad and, that the two brightest stars right above me were them, and I knew that it was them.
Ashton held me all through that, finally he wiped my tears and hugged me tightly, telling me I told you so. And it was true, I really did feel a lot better and was ready for a fun filled vacation with my bestfriends in this whole wide world!
“Alright pig, I’m gonna go shower, and you do too, please!” He begged.
I laughed and walked back into my house.
I had picked out my outfit last night; it was matching Maddison’s. Since we were gonna be going to MIAMI, FLORIDA, I had to pick the cutest outfits I have owned. Oh wait, you dint know that did you? YES IM GOING TO MIAMI BITCH! I OWN A FUCKING VACATION HOME THERE YAYAYAYAYAY. WELL, BEACH HOUSE BUT SAME SHIT
Oh right, back to the outfit. I’m wearing black high-waist jeans along with a sweatshirt Madds and I recently bought from forever21, mine is grey while hers is white, both the sweatshirts say party on the top and sleeves.
Running into the washroom, I quickly washed my hair, dumped soap solution all over my body and washed it off; the excitement was eating me up and driving me crazy! I put on my outfit, and applied a little mascara and liner to brighten up my eyes, then chapped my lips a little and drier of my hair into long curls, they’re natural I don’t even need to put efforts.
Once I was ready, I decided to wake Maddison up, poor thing couldn’t sleep at night thanks to me, not saying I regret it because I surely don’t.
She was in a very funny position, she was hugging my puffy purple pillow, and her leg was over the corner of it, her head was buried deep into the fuzzy thing that I could only see her eyes and hair. She held on to that pillow for dear life, so I clicked a few pictures of her and made a cute collage and posted it on instagram. I posed for one or two of those too, well..
It was 5AM, Madds had enough time to get ready so I just decided to jump on her sleeping body and yell good morning in her ears.
And jumped right on top of her.
“FUCK YOU WOMAN!” Maddison yelled, throwing me off her, and off the bed in the process.
Damn, she’s crazy.
“Hey!” I pouted, “You literally just threw me out of my own bed! Its 5! I was just waking you up,” I gestured, faking innocence.
“So you decide to jump on me like a monkey?” she asks, raising her eyebrows. Yeah yeah, just rub it in my face because I can’t do that.
“What? It was a spur in the moment kinda thing..”
“Just shush,” she said cutting me off, rubbing her sleepy eyes and walking into the bathroom.
Well good, she hasn’t check her instagram just yet, lol.
“Everyone is here, where the fuck is Mason?” Andrew growled.
All of us chuckled, Mason is so gonna get it, poor guy. Nah, not really, it’ll be fun.
“Hey Mase? How long? Andrew’s gone all Hulk, you’re going to get beaten up, I swear.” I warned Mason on the phone.
“Yeah yeah, I’ll handle him, I got late bro, I woke up late, I’ll be there in 2,” he replied, hanging up.
“He’ll be here in 2, let’s start sitting?” I suggested.
We were taking Ashton’s big car, and hoping to fit, because the drive from Chicago, Illinois was 21 hours and 40 minutes, sure we were stopping two times, once at night and again later with small stops to keep eating since we were travelling all the way from Illinois to Florida, but it’s a road trip, and a fun one.
There was enough space for 3 people in the back, 3 in the middle and 2 at the front, for the first 5-6 hours, Andrew chose to drive with Madds alongside him. Jeremy, Lisa and Andy in the middle and Ashton, Mason and I at the back.
“Hiiiiii chicka’s sorry I’m late, I missed the wakeup call!” Mason blurted looking at Andrew’s fuming figure.
I was trying to hold my laughter.
“Mason you bastard! Its 630! We were supposed to meet an hour ago!” He yelled
“Sorry bro, I’m here now, all set, let’s get going shall we?” Mason asked, throwing his bag in the car and sitting behind.
All of a sun filled in shortly after that ready for the best vacation in forever!
“Alright, Miami, HERE WE COMMEEEE!” Mason yelled from the back seat, right beside me, and we sped off enjoying each other’s company.
2 hours or so had passed, we were listening to music, and singing along, when Maddison would occasionally turn around and ask us to shut the fuck up because Ashton, Mason, Andy and I put together sounded like a dying cow or rather worse.
We would just laugh it off and start jamming again until Maddison forced Andrew to stop the car, she warned us, “If you don’t shut up this instance I’m gonna make Andrew turn around and take us back home!”
“BUZZ KILL!” I shouted back at her.
“You love me,” She replied, winking at me. Gods, let this poor woman sing!
“I’m hungry!” Mason grumbled beside me.
“You’re always hungry” I replied.
“Yeah me too!” Jeremy piped in.
“Oh really? What is with you people? Didn’t you eat breakfast just like 2 hours ago?” Lisa asked.
“But babe, that’s the point, it was two hours ago!” Jer whined.
I just rolled my eyes and let them argue.
“DIANA SUMMERS. WHAT. DID. YOU. POST?” Maddison suddenly yelled.
Whoops? I guess she finally checked her Insta..well shit?
“Sorry, you looked so cute, I couldn’t control” I started chuckling.
“Don’t mess with me Anns, I have really really weird snapchats of you, remember?” she smirked.
“Oh no, you wouldn’t!” I gulped.
“Oh, but I would.”
“Sure would”
“STOP YOU TOO!” Lisa stopped us, “Let me check” she giggled.
Everyone in the car burst out laughing leaving my poor bestfriend with her pouty face.
We didn’t stop for food yet, because Madds was in front, Andrew couldn’t even say anything in front of her so we kept driving. Another hour had passed, slow music was playing on my iPod which was connected to the aux. Our car was silent, Jeremy was playing flappy bird; groaning and cursing every time the damn bird died, Lisa was fast asleep on his lap, Andy was..umm..Andy was drawing on the window? Why? Why do I have such weird friends? Mason was asleep too, thank the gods, no wonder everything was so quiet.
Ashton was on his phone, so was Maddison; on instagram.
Ashton: Hey
Me: Hiii, Why exactly are you texting me, when you’re like right beside me?-.-
Ashton: Well xD I’m bored bro
Me: Yeah, me too :( all these losers are asleep!
Ashton: IKR? Bitches
Me: Haha, yep. So whaaasaa?
Ashton: I’m hungry. Aren’t you?
Me: Yeah I guess.. a lil
Ashton: Awwies
Me: ?
Ashton: lol
Me: gods, don’t bore me so much, I’m already on the verge of dying due to boredom.
Ashton: Babe, you have to spend another 15-17 hours with us, on the road get used to it =))
Me: Ya ya, I know, I’m trying :/
Ashton: So, the real reason why I whatsapped you wasn’t because I was just bored..
Me: ..well? then whatsup?
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