Chapter 21:
"Urgh" I groaned into my pillow, and switched sides.
"What the hell is your problem?" I asked, my voice muffled by the pillow so it sounded something like 'wha a hells ya pra-la'
"Seriously Anna, get off the bed! We have barely 16 minutes to school!" Jeremy yelled.
"But-" I tried arguing, but was flipped of my bed, ninja style, by a very frustrated Jeremy.
"OH MY GODS YOU'RE A NINJA?" I screeched. I was horrified.
What, when you are just woken up, no, no, NINJA FLIPPED from your bed; there are consequences- your mind working slower than usual.
"Seriously Anna, get into your flipping bathroom, take a shower and change!" He yelled.
"It is just 5:45 am!" I pouted.
"Ding, ding, ding, dance practice, Diana." He spoke as if he was talking to a 5 year old!
"I'm not 5," I mumbled.
"I...uh...I'll go change, we're late!"
"I forgot you're a pig," he scoffed.
I rushed into my closet, picked out black leggings, and a grey pullover to go with it. I tied my hair in a messy bun, and ran out.
"Oh shoot, I have to attend school!" I reminded myself.
I quickly snatched a bag, dumped a pair of jeans and a cream colored shirt to match. I grabbed my black converse and barged out of my room, and into the kitchen, almost tumbling down the stairs.
"No time for breakfast." Jeremy yelled.
He came out of the kitchen and stuffed two toasts in my mouth! TOGETHER! I couldn't even object because I was holding shoes in one hand and 2 heavy bags in another.
He himself had a few pieces of toast stuffed into his mouth.
Good, I thought.
We both ran out of my house and jumped into Jer's car. He jammed the key in ignition and the engine roared to life.
The school halls were empty, and we were still running around like crazy kindergarten kids.
I stopped once where my locker was, and stuffed my bag filled with books and then resumed running all the way to the dance room. Jeremy did the same thing alongside me.
I halted when I saw the vending machine and quickly pigged out a bottle of water and some chocolate bars that were available. I pulled out a few more bars and another bottle for Jeremy.
He thanked me, when he caught up to me after his bags were put safely in his locker.
We hurried into the dance room, only to see everyone there already!
Even, STEVEN HUMPHREY made it on time.
"Aah! Finally, Miss-I'm-always-late," Maddison gestured.
"You're making your partner late too missy." Lana started. "Did Jeremy teach you the steps?"
Jeremy and I looked at each other.
Shit again.
We were so caught up with Ashton waking up, that we forgot to practice our routine...
"Obviously...not...” Lana sighed. "Learn what we are doing now, and you can bunk all the other lectures and practice by yourself. I’ll talk to the princi. Now, c’mon, move!"
"Yes ma'am," I directed towards her and slipped into position.
"Alright, guys. Cut there, I'll give you about 2 counts to freeze and sliding into contemporary." I instructed.
I was so damn exhausted, that I could barely move let alone even instruct and demonstrate the steps. It was all so nerve wrecking. My temples were hurting, and my vision started blurring. No one noticed thank god.
But, my luck wasn't that good was it?
"Go sit, I'll take it from here. If you don't want anyone else to know, just tell them you need to go to the washroom and don't come out until at least 16 minutes." Jeremy suggested.
"Hey, listen I'll be back, till then rehearse with him, we choreographed this together." I lied.
I left the room, massaging my temples.
I didn't manage to reach even half way to the washroom, due to my fucking aching temples. I constantly massaged them; my hands were tired and refused to go any further. The blurry vision was back, I couldn't see properly, and couldn't see far as a matter of fact. I leaned on the lockers and slipped down into a sitting position, and buried my head on my knees.
Like an idiot, I left the bottle of water in the room too.
Now my mouth was dry and my throat was parched.
I sat like that for a few more minutes before finally being able to pull myself up. The headache was gone, like completely.
So weird...
Not fussing and stressing on that topic, I marched back into class. "Hey," I said with a smile.
These people had decided to take a break, thank the gods.
I pulled out my bottle and let the cool liquid pass my throat. I felt better instantly. Since my aching head was fine, I decided to not give in much thought.
"Dude, the routine is fantastic! I don't know how you and Jer managed to put this together but I think it will actually work! Like whoa, we didn’t think it would be this good." Maddison assured me.
This lightened up my mood.
After another hour of practicing, all the girls left, along with Mason and Steven.
"You remember the routine, right?" I asked Jer, popping my failed eyebrow up.
He nodded, grinning.
What was he up to?
"Gods, Diana, the right shoulder! Turn from your right, not left!" Jer commented.
"But but but-" I started
"Don't. Don't dare to give me the bullshit excuse, because you are a righty! It should be hard for you to turn on your left not right!"
"No but-"
"But I was ju-"
"Meh-meh-meh-meh-meh-meh" I mocked his big lecture, when he turned around.
"What?" He asked
"Fine! I'll turn from my right."
The routine was perfect, amazing, and so freaking sad! Well, I find it that way since I'm too cheesy.
We were going through the patch where the couples slow dances, and the guy basically misses the girl in his arms, and he needs to touch her, hold her, and be there for her. Not in a pervert way!
Jeremy twirled me around 2 more times, this time I made sure to turn from my right; we landed in the perfect position. One of his hands was on the small of my back; the other held my stretched hand firmly. He gripped my waist and I was ready for the dip. I trusted him fully, and took a deep breath and slid down under him. My legs were pointed and the slide was smooth as ever. He pulled me back up just as I was about to loose balance. I was taken aback by surprise and my face was hardly even a centimeter away from Jeremy's.
School was finally over.
I dodged a few students while running around the hallways, again. I was supposed to go meet Ashton, and I needed to spend quality time with Ashton. That is before Mel comes.
Why? Because, she was attending classes and something so she couldn't be with Ashton, we decided that I could meet him when she wasn't present, and when she is, to leave the both of them alone. Mel actually wanted me to stay, but I’d rather not. There was enough pain in my life; I didn’t need to increase it by watching the two of them together.
I hopped into Jer's car.
"Dude! You got to teach me how to drive, it’s high time...I can't keep dragging you everywhere that I go. I mean you have your own personal life too. You're not my maid, you don't need to do everything I ask you to, there is something called as 'NO' use it sometimes, it will come in handy. You can't keep letting me take advantage of you like this,"
"Done?" He asked.
I nodded, “let’s go then." He replied, with a big smile.
Jeremy had been acting too weird lately: weird as in weird in-love-kind-weird.
When I see someone whipped, I know.
For some reason, Jer was whipped too. All I needed was to find out who she was so I could make this ass happy, and let them be together!
Jer dropped me off at the hospital and left, saying he needed to be somewhere.
"Hey, I'm here to meet Ashton Waters. He was in coma just a day ago, I think he has been shifted, could you please tell me where he is now?" I asked the receptionist.
"Aah yes, yes. Go to room 109."
I thanked her and left.
"How have you been, Dear? I have missed you a lot. I was to thank you for doing what no one could. You woke my baby up and I don't know how to say thank you, you practically saved my life, Diana."
"Aww, Lily! Stop. That’s really sweet of you, but don't thank me. It wasn't me...” I blushed.
"Oh, nonsense, come here, I have something for you." She gave me a huge smile.
"No, no Lily, gods no. You don't need to get me-"
"Shut up. And get your ass here." She commanded.
Woah, okay alright. I nodded.
"Now turn around, come on, come on, and turn." She said.
I sighed, turning around.
Something cold was placed on my neck. I looked down to find a beautiful diamond studded pendant which was in the shape of an angel. Her wings were spread out, and looked so beautiful. The silver metal that the wings were made of sparkled where the rays touched it. It was breathtaking and beautiful.
"I-I c-can't accept this Lily."
"Yes you can, you're an angel Diana. Promise me to keep this close, always."
"I will." I smiled.
"Oh and he's sleeping right now, but you can go visit him." Lily said.
I nodded.
I opened the door a little and poked my head inside, yep he was asleep.
I didn’t want to wake him up, so I sat beside him, trying to be as quiet as a ninja. But knowing me, I dropped a water bottle on my way.
Ashton stirred a little, but he was fast asleep.
"I'm so happy, you're awake you know? I always knew you would. I always hoped. I'm sorry to disturb, I'm leaving. I’ll come back tomorrow, and you better be awake or ill kick your sleeping ass. Yes I will. Oh great, first I used to talk to myself in my head and now I actually started doing it aloud. Just great, you're mental."
Thank gods Ashton didn’t hear what I said, or he would tease me for the rest of my life.
Watching him sleep so peacefully made my heart clench, I wanted to tell him, I wanted him to know. It was too much to keep inside. It was time to let the weight get off my shoulders. I mean he wouldn't know anyways. He's asleep.
No harm done.
I got up and walked a little more closely to him.
"I love you, Ashton" I whispered to his sleeping face, being careful so he doesn't hear.
Quickly kissing him on the cheek, I run away knowing that he can't know, and he will never know. I'm in love with my bestfriend.
"Diana?" Ashton's voice stops me.
Tears threaten to fall down, but I push them away.
"Could you please call Mel?" He replies.
I nod and walk away.
Shit. I just hope he didn’t hear me. And of course he didn’t. I mean, he would have reacted or be shocked if he did.
Once I was out, tears were already down.
"L-lily? He's asking for Mel, give her a call. I need to reach home and help Jeremy cook." I lied. Putting on the best fake smile I could.
I knew Lily wouldn't buy it. She didn’t, from the look on her face. But, she let it go. And I was so very grateful for that.
I ran down, and asked for a cab. It would take 20 minutes to reach home and I wouldn't be stupid to walk.
What did I do?
I told him.
He would have heard!
I hope he didn’t.
He didn’t.
Yes he didn’t.
Hiiiiiii! I hope you like this chapter,yay.
See I didn’t do the suspense thing this time; I'm not that mean...
Also, the shipping names are: Adiana&Jerenna<3
And, just so you know, I read each and every one of your comments. And reply to all your messages. I am open to you all giving me suggestions so go ahead!
OHMYGODS. *dead*
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