This is bad...this is really bad!!
Jungkook started typing a message to send to his bodyguard. He's never been in a robbery hit before – only seen it in action movies. He attached his location and pressed Send. Shit, will he get here in time?
"How many of them?" Lisa leans close beside him and he peeks from behind the shelf. Her vanilla scent is distracting the intensity of their situation and Jungkook had to force himself to focus.
"Just one I think," He whispers back, afraid of turning to find her face so close to him.
"Is he with a gun? Or a knife?" How is she able to ask that so casually – does it matter? Of course he would have some kind of weapon with him! How else would he rob the place??
He stretched his neck more, but couldn't see what the robber is holding as his back faces them. All he could see is the shaken cashier, taking out the cash from the register while trying to calm the culprit down at the same time.
God, this is so bad!! What if he shoots the guy? What if he notices that there are other customers in here and shoots them too? Lisa must be so scared right now –
Jungkook turned to his right and found Lisa at the other end of the aisle.
When did she get there? Why is she there??
She ducks back down after screening the walkway, then looks at him. She mouthed something while showing him a canned drink in her hand.
Is she thirsty? Can't she find bottled water instead – opening that can would make a sound and that's the last thing they should be doing!!
He squints his eyes as she gestured animatedly with her hands, trying to read whatever she's saying.
'I'll throw this', she holds the can up again and points to the walkway. She then mimicked a walking sign with her fingers – then some other sign languages he couldn't make out – and 'hump on him'. Wait, that can't be right – why the fuck would he hump the guy – oh, does she mean 'jump'? That would make much more sense –
But hold on – what the hell? It's so dangerous, they shouldn't interfere!! They should just stay put until either the robber is done or his bodyguard gets here! I mean...I do boxing but the guy might have a gun and shoots at him – I'm not ready to die!! I have to get the National Security Service job first –
Jungkook shook his head furiously and received a 'Yes' and an equally aggressive nod from her. 'No!', he mouthed again and she started signaling with her fingers, counting from 3.
'No, wait!' – damn it, this girl is going to get them both killed! He really wants to scream at her – and now it's down to 2. He shook his head as hard as he can - his last attempt to stop her – but within seconds, she rolled the can on the floor along the walkway.
Jungkook shuts his eyes, feeling so much like screaming his frustrations out. The sound it made when it meets an edge stopped both the robber and the cashier. Jungkook peeked, careful not get himself caught.
The robber is walking slowly and cautiously towards where the sound came from.
Okay...okay, he can do this. He can run – now is his chance! But Lisa is still squatting at her spot.
Jungkook thought quickly on his next move. His eyes scan around wildly, searching for an idea or a way out. They then landed on a fire extinguisher next to the entrance. Right!
He tiptoed as the robber went further in. The cashier caught him and Jungkook signaled the guy to be quiet. This has got to be the most terrifying thing he's ever done in his life!
Almost there...
He was about to grab the extinguisher when the entrance bell chimed and the door slides open. Fuck!!
What the hell is he standing there for – he should run!!
Lisa rolled her eyes before taking a deep breath and creeping up behind the robber. Briefly, she saw the horror on Jungkook's face as he stares deadpan on the criminal. Poor bunny, he must be in shock!!
The thought angered her and the next thing she knew, she's on the robber's back – shouting at Jungkook to run. The robber had his arms opened wide and began flailing around, trying to get her off him but Lisa's grips are as tight as they were when she almost tripped her camera off a boat that one time!
Everything felt like it's moving too fast. It looked easier in her mind before, but as she grabbed a fistful of the robber's hair and caused him more rage than she imagined – she began to question 'what the hell was I thinking??' in her head.
There are hard muffling sounds and shouts which she can't focus coming from whom. One of the robber's hands made its way to her hair, and the other tugging on the side of her coat.
He's not holding a weapon!! He's weapon-free now –
She pulled more hair and try scratching on the man's face but after a few, she felt her body losing balance. She closed her eyes, ready for the hard fall and the possibility of knocking her head onto something hard. She then heard two hard hits and a loud thump.
Is that the sound of her head hitting something? But she can't feel any pain – is she...dead??
She opened her eyes, finding herself on her feet and leaning on Jungkook's chest. He's shaking...and so is she. The robber is lying unconsciously on the floor.
"Are you okay?"
It took her a few seconds to recall on what just happened and when she did, she can't help from jumping in circles!
"You did it!! You knocked him out – oh my God – you actually took him down!!" She stops only to stare at the body on the floor again.
When she looks back up to Jungkook, his concerned frown slowly disappears and changes into a triumphant smile. "Yeah...I mean...yeah...I did,"
I can't believe I did that! Like...I knew I was strong but I never thought I was strong enough to knock someone out with just 2 punches! Damn...I could really pass as a boxer! I really knocked him out!!
Jungkook stares down to the unconscious body beside the girl. Lisa is still tying his hands together after she did the same to his feet. She pulls the skipping rope tightly to make sure they're secured enough. Once she's satisfied with her work, she stood back up and heads to the cashier.
Jungkook continues staring at her – still in a state of disbelief! He didn't know what was going through his mind. He saw the knife pointed at him as the robber charged closer. Then somehow, Lisa had gotten on the man's back. He still couldn't move as the two fought – the man thrashed around and knocked almost half of the things on the shelf in his efforts to get the girl off his back.
It was when Jungkook saw the grip on Lisa's hair and how the man's hand had gotten a hold of her coat – revealing the soft skin of her thighs – that his rage spiked up in full. There was no way he'd let those dirty hands reach anywhere near her body – so he barged in close and punched him once on the stomach, and another to his face.
He managed to catch Lisa in time too before she fell. She could've hit her head onto the metal shelf and the thought scared him to death!
"Here," She came up to him and held an ice pack – taking his right hand and pressing the thing onto his knuckles.
It's red...but it wasn't so painful. Could she feel his hand trembling? The vanilla scent is back, calming him down bit by bit. She looked so worried, staring down to their hands. The ice pack started numbing the pain, as well as the warmth of her palm – and Jungkook wanted to pull it away just so he could continue feeling the heat. Her plump lips are pouting again...tempting him to lean in...
"The police are on their way,"
Who cares – wait, police?!
Jungkook looks up in panic. He can't be here – he shouldn't! His name will be in the report, what if it gets on the news? Sure, it's not him who's trying to rob the place but what if they wrote some silly remarks – it'll cause unwanted and unnecessary attention! Even if his PR team can clean it up, he can't afford to risk his name being associated with any dramas or scandals – especially now!!
"We need to leave. I – I can't be here when the police –"
"Hey...shh..." She said softly. "It's okay, I already told him we'll leave,"
Oh...she did?
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