He really is cute when he's nervous! A part of her feels bad that she came up like that - accusing him of all the worst intentions – but she can't help her amusement now as the guy drove slowly and carefully along the empty road. Is he too scared of her – is that why he's driving so slow?? Lisa doesn't know how to drive, but she thought she could definitely drive faster than this on her first try!
"Take your time...the bus will just wait for me," She teased.
"Oh – I'm sorry!" He pushed the pedal a little too hard and sudden that she jerked forward a little.
"Are you sure you own this fancy car? It doesn't look like you know how to drive it," Lisa laughed.
"I am! I'm sorry – I was just...I'm sorry!!" He dipped his head a little.
Gosh – what a cute bunny! "You apologize a lot, don't you?"
He fell silent and she could see the tensed jawline. He looked really handsome in this profile...
"Do you uh...do you ride the bus a lot?" He started maintaining a normal speed.
"Yeah...the best way to get around," Lisa stares out to the surrounding trees. Finally, he sounds normal!
"You don't drive?"
"No...I got into a car accident when I finished highschool and it kinda traumatized me for life," She giggled.
"Oh...was it a bad accident?"
She weighed out the question, tilting her head from a side to another. "Well...it wasn't that bad considering I'm still alive and walking. But my boyfriend died from it, so yeah...I'd say it's pretty bad," For a second after, she wondered why she's still using the word 'boyfriend'...as if the guy is still around.
"Are you serious? Oh my God – I'm so sorry!!"
"Hm? Why?" She turned to him.
"Just...for asking,"
"You shouldn't apologize for simply asking without knowing, you know...if you already knew and purposely asking to hurt – that's a different story,"
There's definitely something more about this girl than a just a beautiful face and figure! She wasn't afraid to speak her mind, that's one. He wonders if she's aware how easily she intimidates people by it. And it looked as if she enjoys goading people...or maybe it's just him – testing and challenging him so to speak.
He's not sure why, but he finds it kind of admirable. He doesn't have much experience when it comes to communicating with girls – only with his employees and Sana, but they never had him tongue-tied at any point before so he's not quite sure how to handle this situation.
Perhaps he should refrain himself from asking any further questions? But damn...since she mentioned about the car accident and the 'boyfriend', he really feels the urge to know everything about her. Who she is and what kind of person she was before, if the event had changed her in some way. Are there any other big, life-changing events that have happened in her life that had gotten her paranoid about being followed earlier?
Were she been stalked before? Had she experienced it many times that she could be so brave about it now? Suddenly he feels so bad about creeping and freaking her out like that – no one should ever be made to feel that scared. No one should feel that angry either – jeez, that face is probably gonna haunt him for the next few days! Or maybe weeks!
She also seemed like a smart person. He wonders what she does for a living. Maybe she's a lawyer – that would explain the bluntness and sarcasm she naturally throws out –
"Well...you...thank for the lift!" She said, taking off her seatbelt as he pulls over at the bus stop.
"Jungkook...my name's Jungkook," Thank God he didn't stutter!
"Oh...Jungkook-ssi, thanks again for the lift,"
"I could wait with you until the bus gets here," He didn't know how and why that came out eagerly.
She laughed a little, looking even more beautiful than serious profile he caught when she was staring out the window earlier. "I think I've scared you too much, Jungkook-ssi. I appreciate the offer, but I'll be fine," She opens the door.
"You didn't scare me!" His sudden burst stopped her and she looks back at him. "Well...only a little bit. Sorry for the misunderstanding –"
"You're nice. Very hard to meet nice people nowadays...so keep being nice, okay? And take care," She smiled before walking out from his car.
Jungkook took a deep breath to calm the heavy beating in his chest. It's weird. This evening is weird. Leaving her here feels weird too. What's wrong with him??
Damn, it's so cold – where's the freaking bus already??
Lisa kept rubbing the coat on her arms – an unsuccessful way to keep herself warm but she does it anyway as she scans the road to her left. She was sitting down earlier but it made her colder so here she is, pacing in front of the bus stop and cursing to herself for not thinking of bringing a scarf along earlier!
Ah...there's that car again – seriously, is he lost or was he purposely going in rounds along this street to check on her? Again Lisa, maybe it's not him! Why would he go through the trouble – she had practically harassed and accused him and if she were to be in his shoes, she'd definitely leave and never show up in front of her ever again, being so embarrassed at the incident!
But how many people owns a dark green of the same BMW M8 Coupe with the exact perfect tint in this town – she swore she's never seen one until tonight! The color itself looked like it's customized! Or could it be that she hadn't notice it until tonight and the reason she kept seeing it is because she was just recently in it?
Hmm...only one way to confirm it...the plate number. She didn't catch Jungkook's full plate number earlier, only the last two digits were 97. And this one...97 too! Okay, if the car pass by again, she'll know that it's the same car that's been circling around for the fourth time now!
This is not stalking...no, I'm not stalking her. I'm just making sure she gets on the bus safely. A lot of things could go wrong and she might need help – although this is probably one of the most luxurious areas in Seoul and hardly anything could go wrong –
On his fifth non-stalking effort, he saw the girl still standing at the same spot from before. She looked so tiny from here – Jungkook chuckled at himself for being so afraid of her earlier!
When he almost reached the bus stop, he saw her coming up to the edge of the street – waving a hand as if she's calling for something. Jungkook peeks at the side mirror but found no other vehicles on the right lane.
Is she...is she waving at me?? Oh God, she noticed me?!
He contemplates on pushing the pedal on full speed, just so he won't be caught in another act of stalking and embarrassed himself more than he already did but the closer he gets, the more apparent her expression became. She is indeed looking at his car. She already knew so wouldn't it be worse to ignore her?
Jungkook sighed to himself as he pulls over – already resigned to accept the fate of his stupidity. He watched her sauntering to his car and he unlocks the door. She's going to shout...she's definitely going to shout at him now!
"This feels like that Netflix series – what's it called..." Her voice is calm...chirpy even as she stepped in and shuts the door. "Ahh...You!"
"Me?" He's so confused – what is she talking about??
"No, You. It's the name of the series,"
Oh... "Is it good? Are you recommending it?" He smiled in the hope of focusing on the subject, rather than the questionable act of him appearing here again!
"It's about a guy who stalked a girl cus he fell in love with her at first sight, and began killing people who are close to her or tried to hurt her. It's about a serial killer,"
Fuck – why does she have to be so...bold??
"You're not like that, aren't you Jungkook-ssi?"
"N-no, of course not!!" I mean...he wouldn't kill anyone...
She stares at him impassively, as if trying to gauge his sincerity. Jungkook didn't know what to do or where to look at – being the nervous wreck he is when he's with this girl!
"So I'm guessing...you're just a concerned citizen, trying to make sure I get on the bus safely?"
He scratches his non-itchy neck, not sure how to respond – or even function – correctly! She knows everything...he's already busted and there's no way he could deny it!
"I uh...I feel bad...like maybe you missed your bus cus of me and I just wanted to make sure –"
"You can make it up to me then! Just send me back," She said with a smile and pulls the seatbelt, hooking it on.
There – now he feels so much better! "Okay!" She jumped a little in her seat.
Did he just shouted that – did you just – oh my God, just drive – just...why is this happening to me?!
"Okay..." He didn't dare to look at her – focusing on getting in the drive gear and starts moving. "But we need to make one stop, if that's okay. I need some ramyeon and kimchi...for uh...for supper," God, she's so cute – how can he gets through this ride and come out from it alive?? "My name's Lalisa by the way...but you can call me Lisa,"
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