"So what do you think?" She held the camera up to her face, pretending to take a picture of him. Jungkook smiles down shyly.
"I don't know anything about cameras...is it the same that your dad gave?" The guilt crept up again. It'll never be the same, he knew that.
"Same model, yeah," She examines the feel of the small thing in her hand, and Jungkook took more time to stare at her features. He couldn't see the frown but her eyes are focused. Her cheeks puffed out slightly and a small pout appears. She turns it over and once pleased with the selection, she smiles warmly at the salesperson.
It's so unreal, he thought. Their flirty kisses and touches at the gallery - with her hand clutched in his...from there, in his car, walking on the streets all the way to this store...he felt like he's been walking on air! All the hoping, waiting, the bittersweet surrender he felt for the past few months...and he's finally here with her.
The flashback of their playful bickering over the petty subject of finding a parking space earlier came into mind, and he can't help but smile foolishly. It felt so...normal. He imagined about this day so many times before, and he thought he'd be an awkward mess in front of her. But she made him feel so comfortable that he didn't even realize the fact that this is only their second day being with each other! How is that so -
"Hey...come back to me," She waved right on his face and he laughed. Then she squinted her eyes. "You're daydreaming, aren't you?"
He snaked an arm across her tiny waist and pulls her close. "I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that you're here,"
"I'm not...this is all a dream, Jungkook-ssi," She's obviously trying to suppress her giggle.
Damn...he never met a woman who could consume all of his attention the way she did. With the way she's gazing up at him and how she had willingly blocked out any space between them...how is she so effortlessly seductive?!
"Don't do that," He leans in for a whisper. "I'll kiss you so hard right here, in front of all these people we don't know, just to prove that it's as real as it gets,"
There's a sharp gasp and her body tensed. Jungkook smiled proudly for his own sudden bravery.
Jungkook pulled up into the parking spot and Lisa began second-guessing her earlier consent to drop by his place. It's already hard enough to keep their hands off from each other the entire evening - and they've been spending it in public! What would happen if she's all alone with him?
I'll tell you what'll happen - the same thing that happened the last time you were there! You're gonna jump on him...savour him for all the times lost, and you're gonna let him take you any way he wants -
Lisa wanted to slap herself, really. He said he has something to give to her and that's why they're here - but here she is, thinking about ripping his white shirt off the moment they stepped into his suite! What kind of a woman is she to be thinking like this?? She doubts that any respectable woman would have these thoughts!
But then...they don't have the hot Jeon freaking Jungkook as their boyfriend...if they have - I bet they'd be thinking the same thing too!! Like how can you not -
Her door opens and Jungkook smiled warmly behind it, erasing all her doubts instantly.
It feels weird to have her back in here again...and he's not sure if it's bad-weird or a good one! He hesitated earlier, wondering if it's a good idea or an idea at all - but she smiled and it looked genuine enough. But during the elevator ride upstairs, he could see the fidgeting on her fingers so does that mean she's uncomfortable about being here?
He tries his best to keep his distance since then. He didn't want her to think that he brought her here for 'that'. I mean...if it happens, who is Jungkook to deny it? But even if it doesn't, he wouldn't have minded. Just her presence alone is enough...
"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked. She's looking around as if trying to recollect her memories of the place and he grew nervous.
I hope she only remembers the good times...maybe I should get a new place just in case -
"Oh, my artwork!" She shrieked and run in little steps towards the living room. Jungkook can't help but bask in the view of her swaying hips and long legs from behind and sighed to himself.
'As real as it gets' huh? Well, it can't be any more real than trying hard not to succumb to this need to touch her!
He stopped approximately 2 feet behind her to maintain the distance. It's like there's a magnet on her - any closer would be dangerous! He pushed the thought aside and wondered if she liked it being hanged here in the big room. He initially thought of placing it on the wall of his office, but figured he wouldn't be able to focus much on work if it's there.
"The first colored thing in your house," She muttered.
"Yeah...is that your way of saying that my house looks boring?" He chuckled.
She turned to him with a poker face. "No. This is my way of saying your house is boring," She leans forward a little. "Your house is boring,"
He sighed a laugh and shook his head a little. Getting a new house - next on the list!
"So what was it that you wanna give to me?"
"Oh...yeah, hang on," He left and went into his office, opening a drawer and taking out the small envelope. He hands it over once he's back outside.
"You kept it!" Lisa gasped when she took out the small memory card.
"And...and the strap too," He rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of whether her expression is good or bad.
"Why didn't you tell me when we were at the shop? You won't have to get me new ones if these are still around -"
"Cus you wanted it...I'll give you anything you want - I told you that," Is it a bad thing? Was he not supposed to say yes to anything she asked?
She sighed and when she looks up, her eyes are shining. "You're just..." Jungkook closed his eyes, preparing himself for a beating. "So freaking amazing...you know that?"
What? He peeked and saw that she was serious.
"I...no I'm not. It was my fault anyway...I'm sorry again,"
"I know you are," She tiptoed a little and kissed his right cheek, making him flutter inside. "But still amazing,"
He laughs down shyly.
"Are you happy?"
She smiles brightly, her warmth radiating the entire room. "I am. I really am," She took a step closer to him. "Thank you...for liking me so much,"
He wanted to correct her words but decides to wait for another day. "It wasn't hard...you should know that,"
He pulls her in for another sublime kiss and she lingers for more. He knew that even if she didn't, they would've been perfectly fine from now.
Jungkook felt Lisa's fingers, soft and warm - wrapped between his own. Such a perfect fit.
She stares around the daisies under the early spring sunshine, bright and filled with hope, while he stares down at her, thinking of the same. There is no other sound apart from their own soft footsteps and the quiet hush made from the breeze. He felt his heart beating in such peace, and he hoped she felt it too.
Lisa was right when she said it wasn't going to be easy. In the span of 8 months since they first kissed in his treasured gallery, they had argued, cried, and made up a lot. Her loud and blunt ways had sometimes poked his sensitivity, and his careful, calculative steps had challenged her patience. But it was never long before they ran back into each other's arms. And he still wouldn't trade it for anything else.
He'd told her that he loved her a month after they started dating. And she said she loved him more than she loved her cameras 2 days after that. He's been waiting for that day when she'll tell him that she loves him more than she loves Leo, but the question's slowly disappearing from his mind.
She adores him, he could see it in her eyes as days come and goes. Jungkook kept thanking his lucky stars for following her that night because if he didn't make that decision, he wouldn't be able to walk by her side today. They'd always laugh about it in their many late-night conversations. Well...it's mostly Lisa who's laughing - but her laugh made him laugh too, so it's the same thing!
Now...to the more important subject of the day...would she say yes?
He stopped his tracks, prompting her to stop with him. Lisa turned with wide eyes, probably wondering why.
"I uh...I need to tell you something -"
"You're nervous - why are you nervous?" She frowned in panic - looking cute as a button, he thought! "Oh no...you're breaking up with me, aren't you?"
"What - no!! I'm not - fine, yes, I'm nervous! I'm always nervous when -" He sighed. "Okay, hear me out and don't say anything until I'm done...okay baby?"
She nods but the frown is still there. He pulls her close and wraps his arms around her waist.
"Okay...here goes! I know you kept saying that we haven't been together for that long and every time we'd have a misunderstanding, you'd say it's cus we're too different -"
"I'm sorry," She cuts in and he pursed his lips. "Sorry again," Her cheeks puffed out.
My God - stop being so cute - I'm trying to have a serious conversation here!!
"Back to what I was saying...I think we're making good progress, you know? Like...we're arguing less and less, and I haven't heard you cursing at me for the last 3 times we did...and it took me less than 2 minutes to chase you back - so I really think we're getting good at this!"
She looks up with a bright smile and his breath hitched. My love...so...so beautiful...
"Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is that I bought us tickets to Brisbane next week. To visit your parents," She squints her eyes and leans back - probably already knowing his hidden agenda. Jungkook tries his best to appear as casual as possible. "Everything's all booked for - the hotel, itinerary - can we go?"
"What's this about...really?"
Aish...I can't even hide it!
"I just wanna spend some time with them, especially with your dad,"
"You still think he hates you, don't you?"
"Well...I mean...it's very hard to believe that anyone would not like me - but yeah,"
She's laughing at me - do I sound stupid by saying that??
"Bunny!! You're the cutest, you know that?"
"I prefer charming, but yes, you've said that so many times -" He sulks.
"And I'll keep saying it cus you are! I told you - my dad doesn't hate you! He's just a very quiet person,"
"But he talked a lot with the waiter - how can he liked the waiter more than me -"
"Uh...cus he's a chef and he was complaining about the food?"
She's probably right, but it still failed to convince him! He'd been looking forward to Lisa's parents' visit last month and although her mother seemed more than approving of him, he can't help but dwell at her father's less-than-enthusiastic persona! He wanted to ask her to -
"Look, would it help if I ask him what he thinks of you?"
"No! No...don't do that! He might think I'm a pussy or something -"
And there she goes...laughing at him again! Damn it - I started off really cool back there, didn't I??
"Okay, okay...I won't. Fine, we'll go,"
"Really?!" The excitement is evident as he lets her go and began jumping in circles! Once he's done, he caught Lisa's eyes on him - amusement written all over her pretty face. Jungkook cleared his throat and grabbed her hand back in his to start walking again.
This feels amazing! He's determined to win her father over, and she's letting him! He will do his best - force all his charms out, and once her father's comfortable with him, he'll pop the question! Damn...he can't wait for that day!!
After a few steps, he stopped again and turns to her. "How much do you love me now -"
"Mmm...this feels like a trick," She looks around but at him. "What exactly do you wanna know?"
"Will you marry me if I ask you to?"
The curve on her smile had never looked so beautiful. Her eyes are shining with unspoken delight and hope, and they're staring at him as if he holds the key to her universe. The wealth of emotion in her dazzling depths almost brings tears in his eyes, and Jungkook could practically hear his heart singing with joy!
"Ask me and you'll know,"
Hey guys!
I hope everyone's feeling good! Thank you so much for reading my story, and for all the votes and comments! I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors that I didn't notice! This story was written way while back. Like I said, this book has a more breezy vibe, a-walk-in-the-park type of tone cus I figured the last two books were quite dramatic. It was actually shorter in the original version that I wrote, but I added in some chapters to add in a happy ending (the original one is quite sad lol!).
Further update: I'll be getting into a new book soon. A drama, definitely! I'm still torn between 2 different stories and I'm thinking of publishing both for yall to switch from time to time - does that make sense?? Haha!
In the meantime, take care of yourselves and the ones you love. Life's too short to be spending it on toxic people so let's spread positivity and love ourselves more okay? And if no one's around to make you smile, please know that I'm always here if anyone needs a friend to talk to. If not, you can always watch videos of Lisa like I did (it worked like a charm for me)!.
Love you guys! xoxo
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