Jungkook bites his lower lip, waiting for her response. She had squinted her eyes while looking for the group behind him, and now she's put on a straight, poker face. She must've thought he planned this...
But seriously, how the fuck are they here?? Didn't they say they're gonna check out - what's the place called - Gentlemen's Cup...Plate - whatever, it doesn't matter! Why the hell are they here now?! Now she's gonna think I purposely set her up to meet whoever it was that bothered her at the wedding or worse - that I brought her here to show her off!
"Your friends are calling for you," She cocks an eyebrow, making him feel ten times worse than he already did. "Won't it be rude to just leave?" And then a smirk -
Fuck my life! Okay, Jeon Jungkook - here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna be a man and face whatever this is and let her know that whatever she thought it was, isn't what is actually happening! You better not fuck this up or I swear you won't be able to sleep well for a long ass time!
With that, he pursed his lips and took a deep breath before turning around. The good thing is that she's still clutching on his arm. The bad thing...is that she takes her time following behind him instead of being at his side.
She must've felt used and embarrassed - well done, you prick!
"Junggoo!! What a fucking hell of a surprise man! We thought you went back," Yugyeom stood with arms wide open, welcoming him too early - or more precisely - from six feet away.
"Yeah, Junggoo! This is way past your bedtime! What the hell are you -" Mingyu stopped shouting over the loud music the moment Lisa came beside him. In a swift, he pushed the girl that was sitting on his lap. She plopped on the sofa and adjusted herself next to him with a frown on her face.
The entire table now sat frozen - staring at the girl in his arm. For a second, Jungkook allows himself to embrace the pride of having her so close to him in front of his friends.
"Yeah...we just thought of having some drinks. This is Lisa, by the way," They continued gawking as she smiled politely and slightly dipping her head to bow.
He ignored the jealousy creeping up in his chest and gestured her forward to have a seat on the sofa, next to the girl sitting beside Jaehyun. She took off her coat - resting it neatly before she sits - and he swore he felt like poking the eyeballs off his friends!
"What happened to the Gentlemen's-whatever?" He tried neutralizing the awkward silence in the small VIP section. "I thought you're partying there?" He purposely said out loud, just to make it clear to Lisa that he hadn't planned this.
"It's Gentlemen's Bowl. Nahh...it's too far out the way and I'm too lazy to drive back," Jaehyun replied with a knowing smile. Jungkook smiled back as a way of thanks. "Hello, Lisa-ssi. I'm Jae - nice to meet you,"
"Hi," She smiled and he could tell that it's not the same confident smile he's been seeing. Is she nervous...or angry?
"Please...have a drink! What would you like -" Jaehyun leans forward and prepared the 2 unused glasses on the table.
"I'm sorry. If it makes you uncomfortable, we can leave," He whispered close to her. She glanced over to him and stared - as if assessing his sincerity. Jungkook grew nervous at such close proximity. After a few seconds, she smiled.
"Whisky...on ice...please," She said to Jaehyun, and Jungkook lets out a relieved sigh.
"Good choice...we just happened to have a Glen Moray here," Trust Minghao to try and brag about a freaking whisky brand! Jungkook rolled his eyes as the guy began pouring, all the while smiling sheepishly at Lisa.
His eyes landed on Mingyu, who's sitting across the table in front of him. "This is indeed...very unexpected. How did you two meet?" His clipped tone emphasized the annoyed smirk on his face, and Jungkook suppressed his need to laugh.
He turns to Lisa - who at the same time, turns to face him. She has a knowing smile, so Jungkook pursed his own to let her speak - trusting her to answer whatever she wants.
"We bumped into each other. Jungkook helped saving me from a harmful robbery shortly after the wedding, so I asked if he wants to have dinner - as a way of thanks,"
"Whoa - Junggoo?? Are you serious - this Junggoo??" DK leaned forward.
"It can't be - our Junggoo saved you? How??" Yugyeom added on and laughed.
Seriously - is it so fucking unbelievable for them to hear this?!
"Yes, your Junggoo saved me. He actually knocked the robber out - was it with one punch?" She turned to him with an innocent look - obviously pretending to have lost her memory on the event!
"Two," He can't help his shy smile - because who the hell won't be shy after being looked up to by this beautiful woman?!
"Ahh yes, two punches. I was so scared - the robber had a knife! Thankfully, Jungkook was there to save me,"
"Damn Junggoo!! See, I told you he's the manliest!" Yugyeom's excitement made him laugh, shaking his head a little.
It was overly exaggerated, but he welcomes whatever she said - trusting her intentions on making him the hero of the night. She's way too kind, what have I done to deserve this?
"So you guys must've known each other well enough by now huh? It's what - 1 am and you're already on first-name basis?"
Wow...Mingyu's not holding back is he? Why is he suddenly sounding like an unnecessarily over-protective brother??
"Yeah...you can say that...right?" She challenged the smirk with her own, as she placed a hand on his arm.
Damn...am I the luckiest man alive or am I the luckiest man alive?!
Aside from the awkward glances from that one guy - what's his name? Minggu? Mingyu? - and the hushed whispers, but far from shy laughters as well as the never-ending clinging from the girls on their men, this is much easier to manage than what she expected! She guessed that the girls are being paid to be by their side but she didn't mind on that thought.
These guys are actually making legit jokes on each other and are quite mindful on the way they speak to her. They each had introduced themselves in polite manners, and are now sharing the stories of how they got to know each other - which she now knows that in somehow, it involved Bam-ie.
The alcohol also played a big role on kicking away her nerves and making her slightly more braver than before. She's actually enjoying herself up to this point! The heat in her body makes her happy and the closeness of Jungkook beside her makes her feel safe.
Bless my feet in heels tonight that I didn't have to run!
But after a while - and this might also be the alcohol doing - she can't stop glancing at his hands, resting comfortably on his thighs. She's not sure why...but since what happened at the art gallery earlier when they almost kissed and how he held her hands while they sneaked out and ran - she wanted to feel the warmth of his palm on hers again.
Was it in-the-moment kind of thing - was that why he did it? Had he realized what a complete mess she brought him in after, and decided to go back to being just be the nice guy that he is now? Aside from his polite and gentlemanly ways, there's no signs or indications that he's interested in her.
He continued to laugh and joke along with his friends, and it's the most real that she's seen of him since they first met 5 hours ago. Perhaps she was just imagining it all...he was simply being the kind self that he is, and she had probably put him in an awkward spot back at the gallery. Suddenly she feels bad over the whole thing.
He really is a nice, decent guy. He never tried to flirt with her - not in the way she's used to, that is! He hadn't tried taking advantages towards the fact that she did - on a number of occasions - gave him the signs that she wanted him to make a move -
God, why is she even thinking so much about this?! Stop it, Lisa! You've only just met the guy and now you're desperate for him to like you?? What were you thinking - he's way out of your league! He's so freaking rich - obviously, he would have way prettier women around him all the time - why the hell would he settle for you?!
Lisa took the glass and downed the entire liquid at one go, hoping that it would somehow drown all the bittersweet feelings in her chest. She heard the vague cheer and laughter from his friends as she closed her eyes - trying to bear with the burning heat flowing from her throat to her stomach.
Maybe if I close my eyes long enough, this night would end faster -
"Hey..." His soft whisper brought her back and she opens her eyes to find his concerned ones. "Are you okay?"
Am I okay - stop being so damn charming and handsome, maybe then I'll be okay!
"Yeap!" She answers instead.
"Do you want some water?"
"Nope! Whisky is fine! Whisky is good to me - this must be one hella expensive bottle, huh? It tastes good too - did you try? How much does it costs - I feel like getting one, you know...just to have when it rains at night. I'm not a big drinker - don't get me wrong - but yeah, I like to have one glass or two when it's cold. I usually go for wine. White one. Not the expensive one though, I can get it off the shelves in the supermarket near my house. Red is good too! It's good to pair with dinner but this tastes good too - that's all I'm saying -"
That is...definitely not all that you're saying - what the hell are you blabbering on??
He chuckled a little and she thought she saw stars in his eyes. Lisa shook her head a little to get rid of those butterflies in her guts. When she looks back up, the glass is back full. She took it up to drink more, but was stopped halfway through. He took the glass from her hand and placed it back on the table.
"You shouldn't drink that quick. You'll get sick,"
Damn...it really sounded like he cared for her! He should stop sounding like that, especially now that the DJ had started spinning a raunchy remix of Ne-Yo's Sexy Love!
"Scared that I'll ruin your expensive suit? Or your reputation?" She smiles down to her knotted fingers, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to cry at both prospects of embarrassing herself.
"You won't ruin anything. I just don't want you to get sick,"
And...you just embarrassed yourself...again! Well done, Lali - God, can I disappear from his sight now??
"So Lisa...I thought you said you can get really wild at a party?" The annoying guy leans forward, smirking at her. "Let's dance so you can show us how wild you'd get?"
I mean...okay, let's weigh this one out! He was annoyingly flirty when he came up to her at the wedding - but that only means he's brave enough to do it right? And he is good-looking - not as good-looking as Jungkook - but it could be her chance to get rid of this...whatever this feelings she has for the guy beside her. So maybe it won't be so bad to take up the offer?
"I -" She felt his palm on the back of her hand. His hand is warm - just like how it was back at the gallery - and his fingers wrap themselves securely in hers. She felt the butterflies going crazy as she muttered, "I'm sorry. I'm already booked,"
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