"I don't understand...is this a painting or a photograph? It looks like...like a computerized something -" The thin man said.
"Yeah, I don't know what it is but it looks a bit scary, don't you think? Lalisa Manoban...It's Large and In Charge...says here it's Print on Canvas," His friend – who looked like he spends every waking hour at the gym with his buffed-out body under that unreasonably tight shirt – answered while taking a close look onto the label. You look scarier than the picture!
"So it's just printing? Amazing...didn't the guy said the minimum selling is at 900,000 won? It costs what – not more than 20,000 won to print this thing – and they're selling at such a high price? This person probably downloaded the image off from the internet -"
No, sir...your puny brain is amazing! Lisa took a few steps forward until she's aligned with the two.
"If you'd like a breakdown on it – the cotton-poly costs only about 23,000 won," She wasn't looking at them but she could sense they're a bit surprised to find an unknown girl suddenly appearing there.
"The printing is 237,000 won to be exact and to frame it, carry it here and install it nicely like this is probably another 200,000 won. The time I spent to capture this giant wave at Chilgok Beach in Pohang – in the peak season of winter – was 52 hours straight. And I'm talking straight-up below 5 to 7 degrees...just sitting in front of the camera - when I didn't have to visit the restroom, of course. That's how I got these colors and flow by the way. Very slow shutter at dawn. The first day I tried wasn't good enough so I had to do a re-take. I checked myself into the hospital right after cus it was so cold, I got a fever from being out too much,"
She finally turned to them and crossed her arms. "Did they tell you that 10 percent of each sale would go to charity?" She fakes a smile.
"Ahh...that –" The thin one looked slightly taken aback while 'buffy' came forward.
"I'm sorry miss. My friend's not so familiar with artsy things," Lisa had to cock an eyebrow to 'buffy', who seem to have forgotten the fact that he didn't understand it too and had just said her work looked scary.
"Oh...then why is he here?" She shifts from 'buffy' to the thin one. "Are you guys looking for something to hang in your house? I think you can find a cheap one in IKEA,"
It must've sounded really rude for Mr Thin Man to walk away so soon. Lisa can't help but chuckle in amusement.
"I'm really sorry, miss," Oh...'buffy' is still here? "It must've taken you through quite some lengths to come up with this...uh...this masterpiece,"
Oh, please – masterpiece?? This isn't even in her top-ten of best work! Not for her at least!
"If you don't mind me asking...what are your thought processes behind the photograph and name? Is it something metaphoric...to symbolize something? Is it a political point of view?"
Lisa wanted to laugh but kept her face straight instead. Trust me - if there's a great story behind it, she won't be selling it so cheap! "No, it's just large. The largest wave I've seen that morning. So technically, it's the boss of all waves. So it's large...and in charge,"
"Wow...that's so...brilliant! I like how straight-forward you are with your art," He flashes a wide grin. Come on now – is 'buffy' seriously trying to flirt with her? "Miss Lalisa right? Hey, are you by any chance free for dinner later? I'd love to hear more about your work," He cocks an eyebrow and she saw the muscle on his huge bicep twitches. Yup – he's definitely trying to!
"Depends...are you gonna buy my 'art'?" She challenged back with a coy smile.
'Buffy' scratches the back of his head as he looked onto the canvas, then back at her. "Uh...900,000 won right?"
Lisa rolled her eyes. "It's 1.3 million won actually. The 900,000 are the smaller ones,"
Jungkook switched off the treadmill and the alarm on his Fitbit. He walks through his normal post-workout-at-home route – around the sofas, out to the balcony where he'll stretch and warm down, and into his kitchen where he'll open the fridge to take out the cold water and milk.
Puccini's Nessun dorma played just in time as usual – just as he had washed the glass. That's his queue - it's time to check the emails!
He strides through the large space of the living room and into his studies – sitting down in front of the 3 desktops occupying half of the long desk proudly. Once the main monitor switched on, he puts on his big smile for the login authentication.
Wait...is that...is that a zit?? Jungkook rushed to the medium-sized mirror hanged on the wall and looks closely to his forehead. Yes...yes it is – fuck! I have a wedding to attend later – why is it only coming out now??
There are sounds of notifications coming in – some from his emails and some from the connected Kakao app. He had to brush the damn zit aside – putting his priorities where it belongs for now!
Once he's done reading and replying some in his inbox, he switched to the chatroom. One from Jaehyun, asking him – or most likely his subtle ways to remind him – about the wedding tonight. He replied a brief 'yes, I'll be there' before clicking on the next one.
'Junggoo baby...are you still mad at me? I told you I was drunk. I had no idea how many drinks I had and I didn't mean to kiss him. I don't even remember his name! Please call me back'
Is she serious? 'I don't even remember his name' – is that supposed to make me say 'oh, in that case – let's just pretend I didn't see you grinding and licking each other's faces 3 nights ago'?!
The image brought Jungkook to roll his eyes in complete annoyance and disgust.
'Hey Sana. Don't worry bout it, I'm not bothered –' He typed and deleted just as quick. He might be a lot of things but he's not a liar.
Of course he's bothered but it's not because he's heartbroken over it! Sana is cute and all, but he's not whipped for her or anything like that. She was just always around – calling him up for a meet and clinging to him whenever they do – and he just lets her. Sana had been obvious about marking him down since the very beginning.
She seemed so eager to prove to him that she wants to be the one he'll eventually settle down with – always offering herself as his date on most events and occasions, and even tried to show up in front of his parents uninvited a couple of times! He never spent much time figuring out the sincerity of the girl but now he began to question his judgment of her. Even if he was never that interested in the girl, most people would've thought that they're already exclusively together and he didn't think it mattered until now.
That's what he's bothered with, really. She seemed like a classy, well-mannered lady and Jungkook hadn't mind showing her off once in a while. He wasn't in love with her but he accepted the prospect of having her as a wife. She knows how to look good and appear charming all the time – who cares if they're not in love right? The girl at the club however, didn't seem to match that profile.
He bets his mother would have a field trip if she hears about this! For some reason unknown to Jungkook, his mother never seemed to approve of Sana. She even asked him once if he's in love with the girl – to which Jungkook responded with a chuckle.
I mean...who even has time for love? Does it even exist – he doubts it. And we're talking about the kind of love you see in movies – not the husband-and-wife-for-the-longest-time type or parent-to-child ones. See, there's a reason why it only appears in fictions. It's just one of those things that people say when they want to give excuses for their distractions and lack of discipline in working harder at life! He decided to not pay much attention on finding 'love' a long time ago.
Nessun dorma ended and Jungkook cursed to himself for getting distracted by such an insignificant matter! Why the fuck are you thinking about 'love' - back to work now!
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