Chapter One- "Baked Goods"
Roman POV:
"ROMAN!!" I quickly open my eyes and cover my left ear. I fall onto my floor and look up to see Remus standing next to my bed. "WHAT THE HECK REMUS!?" I yell back. He smirks, "Mom told me to come get you for breakfast.." I groan and climb back into bed. I pull my blanket over my head, "But it's Saturday, a prince needs his beauty sleep." I say as I lay on my bed face down. "Yeah, but she said that we have to work the bakery today." Re replies back with a groan. I slowly get out of bed, "Uhh, ffffiiiinnnneee!" I say as we walk out of my room. We walk into the kitchen to see my mom at the stove and my dad sit at the table. "Morning," I say as I sit at the table across from my dad. "Morning sweetie, how'd you sleep?" My mom asked me as she brings plates over to the table. I shrug, "I slept would have been better if Remus didn't yell in my ear!" I say as I give my brother a death glare. He shot one back as he sits down across from mom. "Just be glad I didn't use water..or something wake you up." He said with a smirk. It toke my a minute to think what the something else was.. "Uh! That's gross Rem!" I yell back. "Hey! Both of you quit it right now!" My mom yells at me and Re as she gives us death glares. "Sorry mom.." "yeah, sorry.." We both say and start eat breakfast. Today's going to be a long day...
-Time Skip-
I sigh as I stand behind the counter with my red and gold apron on.
"I'm so bbbbboooorrrreeeedddd!" Remus says as he jumps onto the counter and lays on it. "Rem, get off the counter. We put food there and I don't think people want you smelly butt on the counter." I say as I shove him off it. Remus falls with a thud and rubs his head as he gets up. I see someone out of the corner of my eye and turn my head to the window. "He Rem," I elbow him to get his attention. "Looks like the Storm family crawled out their cave," Re says with a chuckle as we watch Mr.Storm unlock the door. I don't get why our families hate each other so much.. it happened over 20 years ago. Why are we still mad at one another? I see two other people with Mr. and Mrs. Storm but they have their hoods up so I can't see their faces. "Hey Re, do you know who those two are?That are with Mr. and Mrs. Storm?" I ask as I still watch them enter the cafe shop across the street. "I've never seen them before..Hey! Do you know what would be so much fun?" Re asked with a huge smirk. I sigh, cause I know he's lying and he already has a schema in mind. "What?" "What if I go hang out with my boyfriend and yyoouu run the bakery today sound good?" Re says as he takes off his black and green apron and backs up towards the door. Deven walks in and wraps his arm around Remus' waist, "You ready babe~" "Wait Re!" I yell as they head out to Dee's car. "Thanks Ro! You're the best bitch- mean brother ever!" He smirks and walks out the door with Dee. I sigh and lay my head on the counter. "Of course..." "Hey! I heard that you could use a helping hand." I look up to see Patton walking through the door. I smile, "Hey Pat! What's up?" I say as I walk around the counter and hug my best friend. "Oh not much! Just wanted to see what you were up to.. and to tell you about the party next weekend!" He says as he grabs an light blue apron from behind the counter. "What party?" I ask as I walk back around the counter with Pat following me. I lean against the counter and Patton sits on it. "Yeah, Remy's having a party next Friday. Do you wanna go?" Pat asked with hope in his eyes. "Sure! Who's all going?" Just as I ask a lady walks in with a smile. "Hello can you help me? I need to buy a cake for my son's birthday party." She says as she comes closer to the counter. "Sure! What kind? We have red velvet, white, chocolate, lemon, strawberry-" I ask as I point to the ones in the rack of baked goods in front of me to me. "I think I'll take the chocolate one please." She says as she points at it. I smile and nod, "Ok, what would you like for it to say and what color of frosting?" I ask as Patton takes the cake out of the case. "Can you put 'Happy Birthday Jarron' in blue please?" She asked with a smile. I nod, "Sure! *I turn to Pat* You got that Pat?" I ask with a smile as I walk over to the cash register. I hear a yeah from the back of the bakery and after a few minutes Patton comes back with a chocolate cake with blue writing on top in a cake box. "Here you go, that will be 10 dollars." I say as she pulls out her wallet out of her purse. "Thank you so much boys. My son's going to love it." She says as she walks out the door with the cake in her hands. "Of course, any time." "Thank you come again!" Patton and I say as we continue our conversation. "So who's all going to the party?" I ask as I wipe down the counter. "Uh..I think.. Joan, Thomas, Talyn, Emile, Logan.. *Patton blushes when he says Logan's name* and I think Lo said he might bring a friend or something like that to it." Patton tells me and I smirk, "Ooh~ I see what's going on~" I say as I elbow Pat and he blushes. "You're just wanna go so you can go see Lo~" I wink at him and he shoves me. "What!? No I don't!" He says while hiding his face. I laugh and shout, "PATTON HAS A CRUSH ON-" Patton quickly covers my mouth and grabs my arm. He takes a step back and falls and takes me with him. We fall and lay there on the floor as we laugh our heads off. After a minute or so I stand back up and stick out my hand for Pat. He takes it and I pull him up. We continued to talk all day and only a few people came in today as the day went on. "Thanks for helping me today Pat." I say as I lock the door and take out my car keys. "No problem Ro, I love to help!" "Need a ride home?" "Yeah, if you don't mind." "Of course not Pat! You're my best friend and I don't want you to get hurt if you walk back home at this hour." I reply back as we walk to my car and get in. After a few minutes of silence Patton asked, "So you are coming to the the party right?" "Yeah, what time does it start?" "Nine, and I was thinking maybe I could come pick you up about that ok?" Patton asked as I come to a stop in front of his house. "Sure!" I say with a smile. "Ok, great! I'll see you Monday Ro!" He says while getting out and waves bye. I wave back, "See ya Pat." After a few minutes of driving home, I open the front door and step in. I close the door behind me and walk to the kitchen. I see my mom in the living room. "Hey mom," I say as I look in the fridge for some leftover pizza that we had from supper last night. "Hey sweetie, how was working the bakery with Rem today?" She asked as I walk over to the microwave. "It was fine, I guess.." I say as I wait for my pizza. "Also where is Remus I thought you guys would come home together?" My mom asked as she walks into the kitchen. "Wait, Rem isn't home yet?" I ask her as I take my pizza out and she nods. "Maybe try calling him?" I say as I take a bite of my pizza. "I already tried, he's not answering me." My dad says as he walks in with an angry look on his face. "I think he might be with Dee, if that helps any. Cause a few minutes after we started Dee showed up and Rem went with him." I told them as I take another bite. My dad sighs and grabs his keys, "I'll go get him..thanks for telling us." "No problem.. well I'm gonna head to bed if that's ok..night mom, night dad." I say as I finish my pizza and go to my room. "Good night sweetie." "Night Ro." My parents reply back then I hear the from door close. After a few minutes of getting ready for bed I climb into bed and check the time. It's 11:30..I sigh and set my phone down as I start to drift off to sleep.
(Hey guys, thanks for reading the first chapter and hopefully you liked! I know it was a little boring but I hope you liked it. I hope you have a great morning, afternoon, or night! Bye)
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