| 3 |-in love with the bastard-
(Y/n) sat silently next to Feliciano then she finally spoke up,"hey Feli,d-do you really think I like that bastard?" (Y/n) quickly covered her already flushed cheeks with her hands,in a very failed attempt to hide her blush,
"Ohhhh,(y/n)~you're totally falling-a for him~!" Feli smiled brightly,he knew (y/n) more than anyone,
"Do you think h-he likes m-me back?" (Y/n) asked,still blushing,
"As I-a told you before-a,he likes-a cute things,and you're-a the cutest thing ever with-a that blush of-a yours!!" Feliciano chirped happily,
"Feli stop it dammit--" Feliciano quickly ruffled her hair,
"C'mon (y/n),let's-a go and fix the stuff between you-a two!" Feli exclaimed,not really waiting for her respond as he dragged her out,"but-a remember,try saying-a whay you really feel okay?"
-time skip at China's house-
Feliciano knocked on Yao's door,said man quickly opened the door,gasping at the sight of (y/n),
"Aiya!!what are you doing here,aru?did you come to insult me in my house?" Yao glared at (y/n) who remained silent,
"Actually-a mr. Yao,we have something to tell-a you!" Feliciano said,trying to be as formal as possible,signaling that they didn't come to cause trouble,nor problems,
Yao sighed,"fine,aru,come in"
(Y/n) and Feli stepped inside then sat on the couch,Yao sitting across them,
"What did you want,aru?" Yao asked,
"Uhm,(y/n) is the one-a who's supposed-a to tell you that-a" Feliciano said and looked at (y/n)
(Y/n) stared at Yao,taking in his beautiful features,she immediatrly blushed,she tried searching for the words she needed in her dictionary but oh well,she couldn't find them,
"I hate you so freakin' much,thank you and have a horrible day!!" Well wow,that was the complete opposite,
"(Y/n) no!!say what you really feel!!" Feli's eyes widened,
"I FEEL LIKE SHIT!" (Y/n) yelled,
"IF YOU HATE ME THEN GET OUT AND NEVER SHOW ME YOUR FACE AGAIN,ARU!!" Yao yelled at her and she glared at him,fighting back her tears,
"WITH PLEASURE!!" She yelled and ran back home,her tears staining her (s/t) cheeks,
'Why is the truth so freakin' hard to admit..'
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