Top answer was:
'Eren tries to find out the identity of his savior'
Eren's p.o.v:
I felt myself be picked up by a hooded person. "Hey! Who are you?" I ask, flailing around and trying to pull the person's hood off. All for nothing though, because I can't even reach the hood. I sighed.
Your p.o.v:
"I cannot tell you, Eren." I said to Eren. Hopefully he wouldn't recognise my voice. Eren began to flail around, trying to reach up to my hood. I was scared that he was going to turn into his Titan mode, so I resorted to a less violent method of carrying - piggybacking.
Eren's p.o.v:
The person repositioned me into a piggyback position. This person was a little dull. I have easy access to their hood. I smirked and whipped off the person's hood, seeing [hair length] flowing [hair color] hair. "[y/n?" I queried. The girl shook her head, allowing me to see some of her features. Her [skin color] skin, and nose. I sighed, and she put her hood back on.
Your p.o.v:
'Damnit! He knows who I am! If he asks me tomorrow I'll just deny it. Simple as that.' I thought to myself. I had forgotten that Eren was half naked on my back, so I stopped for a moment. "Eren, do you not realise that you are half naked?" I asked him. In the dim moonlight, I could see a feint blush on his cheeks.
Eren's p.o.v:
I blushed a little as she told me I was half naked. I turned away from her and fixed myself up, zipping my pants up and redoing my straps. "Glad she's dead..." I mumbled, turning back to [y/n] "Alright. All done." I told her.
Your p.o.v:
Eren had finished fixing himself up and I piggybacked him back to the dorms, running as fast as I could. I let him go and he went into his dorm. "Thanks" he whispered.
*time skip to tomorrow*
Hope you enjoyed!
'If Eren asks tomorrow, should [y/n] deny saving him? Or should she tell him the truth?'
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