New kid
Johns POV
It was just a normal day. A mix of being beaten up, shouted and insulted. To say I was unpopular was a understatement. I have two friends and I swear they only stay with me because I don't have any other friends. Not that it was my fault. At first, I tried to talk to people. I tried to make friends, but the more I talked to people, the more I pushed them away. So I just stopped talking to people.
I pulled my hood over my head, hiding my face, and rushed to class. In my haste, I had knock someone over.
(Alex is bold)
"I'm s-sor-y, it w-was my f-fault....." a boy with hazel eyes and a long, coffee-coloured hair tied into a neat ponytail
looked at me.
"It's ok, I wasn't looking where I was going. My name is Alex Hamilton and-"
He was cut of by me running away. Why was he talking to me? Me, of all people. He must be new and not know about me....... he'll soon learn. I sit down in class and wait for our teacher, Mr Washington to start.
"There is a new student joining us today, class. Please be nice. Alex, do you want to introduce yourself?"
Now it makes sense, he's new. He doesn't know that nobody speaks to me.
"Alex, go sit next to John," he points at me. Oh no, this is not going to end well.
"Hello again!" I give him a feeble wave, looking at my desk.
"I don't think I introduced myself probably, my name is Alexander Hamilton, but you call me Alex,"
"J-John Laurens," I almost whisper at him. This is bad, really bad.
"Nice to meet ya, John."
Class starts and Alex is writing like he's running out of time. Man, this kid is insane. Class quickly ended and I quickly ran out of there before anyone could punch me. I hear someone behind me and freeze, knowing who it was.
"Well, well, well, why's Johnny boy in such a rush?" Thomas Jefferson.
Let me explain, there are two groups of bullies in this school. The Smfdr, Consisting of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Aaron Burr. They were awful and could find dirt on anyway, even the teachers.
Then there's the Redcoats, George King, Charles Lee, Samuel Seabury, Francis Kilcoch and James Reynolds. More people means more people to beat you up. Their leader, George king got everyone to call him 'king'. And both of those groups bullied me, just my luck.
"Answer me when I'm talking to you!"
"U-um, I-i....."
"Aw,look. Little Johnny is scared!" James Madison said from behind Thomas.
Punch, Thomas was holding me by the neck on the wall. I was struggling to breathe.
"I'm afraid please isn't going to cut it this time,"
Another punch, he drops me and I crumple onto the floor.
Kick after kick, I don't make a sound. I know it will be worse for me if I do. I'm just laying on the concrete floor. A new voice joins the mix. My vision is blurry so I can't see who it is.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" A unfamiliar voice shouts.
I barely see Thomas and the others leaving.
"John?!? Are you ok?!?"
" A-Alex?"
"Yeah, it's me. Are you ok?! What did they do to you!?!"
" I-I'm ok....."
"John, you're clearly not. Come on," I felt a pair of arms pull me up.
"A-Alex, you don't have to...."
"But I want to, you can come back to my house. I think Mrs Washington can help,"
Mrs Washington? I'll ask him about it later. He arrive at his house, which was more like a mansion. My vision is a bit better now. Alex pulls me inside.
"Hi Alex! Who's your friend?"
"He's John, he just got beat up. Can you help?"
"Oh no, of course I can. Let me get George," The women shouts upstairs and sits me down on the sofa.
"What happened?" I look at Alex, silently asking him to explain. Then we hear a loud set of footsteps.
"What's wrong, Martha? I was marking," it was Mr Washington.
"John, here, got beaten up," Alex wrapped his arm around my shoulder when he realised I was shaking.
"By who?!?" He looked furious
"By Thomas Jefferson and his crew," Alex responded, still hugging me.
"Here we go dear," Mrs Washington had came back with her arms full of medical supplies.
"I told Thomas to stop that, did he do any damage John?"
"H-he ....." I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence.
"He did," Alex finished for me.
After Mrs Washington had bandages my arm and put plasters on my cuts, Alex lead me to his room. His room had sapphire blue walls and a king sized bed. The walls were covered with Band posters and on his bed, he had a large lion teddy. It was nice. I sat down on the bed.
"I need to ask you a question, and I need you to answer me honestly,"
"How long has Thomas and his crew been beating you up?"
"Um..... two years,"
"John?!? Why haven't you stood up to them or something?" I burst into tears, the scars of the past running too deep not to.
"Oh John," he pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry for shouting, it's just awful, why would anyone want to beat up somebody as amazing as you?"
"I deserve it...."
"No you don't, you deserve to be loved, not beaten up!"
I sob quietly into his chest. He didn't let go of me. He sat like that for hours, him occasionally whispering incouragement to me. "Do you want to stay over? The Washingtons won't mind,"
"Ye-yes please,"
"Now, do you want to watch a movie?"
"Yes please,"
"Is Disney ok? I don't think we have anything else,"
"Yeah, it's ok, I love Disney,"
"Cool, you can choose. I'm going to go get popcorn!" I looked at the shelf of Disney dvds, eventually choosing the little mermaid. It's my favourite film, yes I am a five year old. Alex came back and we start the film.
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