Ch. 2
**Kirstie POV**
I woke up this morning still wrapped in Jeremy's arms. It's nice to have someone there that you can talk to all night about your problems and them give all their attention.
It's kind of nice to have someone listen to your every word for once.
I decided to try to go back to sleep since Jeremy was still sleeping. He looks so cute when he sleeps.
Wait Kirstie stop! Jeremy is just your friend! And nothing more than that!
**Jeremy POV**
I woke up and Kirstie was still sleeping. She looks so precious. I should probably get up and make some breakfast for her.
As I'm making breakfast I hear a loud banging at my door. So I go to answer it and BOOM! Right in the face.
"Ouch! Who are you!?" I say holding my nose.
"I'm Josh. Kirstie boyfriend and I know she's here. Now where is she!" He says angrily and kind of slurring his words.
Like Jesus dude it's 10:30 in the morning.
Kirstie rushes down the hallway and sees Josh in the doorway and me holding my very bloody nose.
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay, Jeremy!? And how could you do that Josh! How did you know where I was?" He says annoyed and angry.
"It wasn't hard. Yay always run over here when we have fights!" He says.
"What do you want? I said I'd be over later to get my things." She says sounding more annoyed.
"I came to tell you, there's no way in hell that your leaving me! I says in a angry tone.
"I'm a grown woman I don't need to listen to you! And I broke up with you! You cheated on me!"
The neighbor must of heard all the yelling and fighting because the cops were called. When they came to my door I was so relieved. I just wanted this guy out of my apartment.
The cops took Josh away while Kirstie and I explained everything that just happened. While they were putting him in the back of the cop car he say, "YOURE GOING TO REGRET THIS!" He says to us.
Kirstie looks so scared I had to go over and give her a hug.
"I'm so sorry all this happened!" She says shyly.
"No it's alright. It's all his fault. You should have nothing to feel sorry about, Kirst." I say comforting her.
She looks up at me and smiles and says, "You're a good friend, Jeremy. Thanks for be here for me." She says wiping tears off her face.
"Is it okay if I stay here with my dog Olaf until the PTX tour starts?" She asks I'm a shy manner.
"Sure. We can go get Olaf and your stuff in a little bit." I say while giving her a big smile.
"Okay just let me go take a quick shower!" She says excitedly while running down the hall to the bathroom.
She's such an amazing person and she so beautiful with her big brown eyes.
I think I'm falling for her.
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