Chapter 1 Best And Weirdest
A\N The video is beautiful!
Reader's P.O.V.
I didn't struggle against the chains, you were almost done.
Kikyo put the bullet in the fire before placing it in the gun. She pulled the trigger. Bang! The gun fired off and the bullet bounced off my skin. "Good job, (Y/N)!" She said tearfully. "I knew it was a good idea to keep you!"
"Can I go then?" I didn't feel like being here right now. I just wanted to go do something. Training was done for life and I was bored.
"Oh, (Y/N)!" Kikyo seemed to be in distress. "Killua has left home!" Oh god, not Killua again. She always seemed to be upset about him. "Since you're done with your training, could you follow him for me? I don't mind if you interact with him. Just make sure he's ok and tell me if anything happens, ok? Please?" She burst into tears.
"Sure." I replied. Anything to get me out of this dumb basement. It was boring.
"Thank you, (Y/N)!" She seemed so happy. God, Kikyo was weird. Sad one second, happy the next. I didn't even know if she could see, with that screen thingie on her face and all.
"May I have a picture of him?" I asked, just wanting to go now. She handed one to me, but first I broke away from the restraints.
I shape-shifted into him. And then, I knew everything about him, where he was, what he was thinking, and what he planned to do. Luckily, he wasn't out of the estate yet.
I walked out of the mansion in the form of Illumi.
A\N Sorry I just wanted this.😜
When I got out I swapped forms, into a white dove this time. I flew to where Killua was. I perched on a branch and waited for him to walk farther.
I swapped again, into a hawk. This way he wouldn't notice anything suspicious. He was almost to the gate. I flew on the other side of it. I hid behind a tree and turned into a human girl. I thought this was a pretty cute form. I'll stay like this for a while.
A\N This is what you look like.
Killua pushed the gates open. I could tell he didn't try very hard but he still opened all the way to the fourth gate.
He spotted me and waved. I waved back. I walked over to him. "H-hi, I'm (Y/N). Nice to m-meet you." I stuttered as you spoke. Why couldn't I speak like a normal person? Your thoughts were in a jumble.
"I'm Killua. Nice to meet you too." My eyes widened, even though I knew who he was. I had to act like I didn't know however.
"Killua? The Killua? Killua Zoldyck?" I asked like I was surprised. God, he's so cute. I just wanna kiss him. And be in his ar- No! (Y/N) You can't think of him this way! But his eyes are beautiful. I took a step back in case this boy gave me anymore unnatural thoughts.
"D-don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you! I don't wanna kill anymore people."
Killua's P.O.V.
"D-don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you! I don't wanna kill anymore people." Dammit Killua! Now that girl is gonna be scared of you! She is really pretty too! Well looks don't matter that much, but I have a feeling that she's a good person. A good person who knows that you're an assassin. A tear fell down my cheek as I thought of all the people I've killed.
Then the best and weirdest thing happened. She hugged me.
Reader's P.O.V.
When a single tear streamed down Killua's cheek I had no choice. I wrapped my arms around him. And then, he put his arms around me too. I felt sheer bliss. This is, by far, the best moment of my life. Wait, I can't think about this! Argh!
His arms were so warm, and they held me firm and secure. For the first time ever, I knew what true happiness was. To my dismay, he let go.
"So, what are you here for?" Killua asked.
"Oh, w-well you see I came here with the tour bus. And I was standing here looking at the architecture of the gate and then I turned around and BAM! It was gone. Now I'm waiting for the next one to come." He laughed at this. I blushed, even though I knew it wasn't true.
"I'm waiting for the tour bus, too. I'm going to stay at a hotel near here. Where do you live?" Killua asked.
"I don't have a home. I travel the world looking for someone to go on adventures with." This was partially true, whenever I was allowed to go out I would try to meet new people, but Kikyo always made me come back before I could do anything.
"I just hope you're the first person I will get to travel with." I mumbled this so quietly I thought Killua couldn't hear.
"I do too." I blushed 2574 shades of red and then the best and weirdest thing happened.
Killua kissed me. On the lips. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He pulled away and blushed 2574 shades of red as well.
"No comment." I said. And we both laughed. We talked for a little more and then the bus arrived.
When the tour guide announced that the bus was leaving, everyone pilled on. Killua and I were sitting together and he had the window seat. I put my head on his shoulder and soon, I fell asleep.
Killua's P.O.V.
(Y/N) put her head on my shoulder and fell asleep she was holding my arm, too. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. I smiled to myself.
*Timeskip- End of Bus Ride*
Reader's P.O.V.
I woke up with my head on Killua's shoulder and me clutching his arm. I blushed.
"And sleeping beauty awakens." Killua said, looking down at me. I immediately let go of his arm and sat up.
"S-sorry." I said. God, why does he make me feel so....... weird?
We got off the bus and found a motel. We went went up to the front desk.
"2 rooms please." I said.
"I'm sorry, we only have one room left." I looked at her name tag, Matro said.
"Oh, ok then." Killua said and paid for the room. We found it and Killua held the door open for me.
"I'll sleep on the floor." Killua said, being ever so polite.
"Um, Killua. B-but would y-you mind um, sleeping in the bed with me? I have a hard time sleeping without someone else in bed with me." Killua raised an eyebrow. "My cat died recently and I haven't been getting any sleep." He nodded.
We both crawled into the bed and I wrapped my arms around his torso and his hands encircled my waist. I fell asleep right away.
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