Annie's story
Annie was shriveled up in a ball in a corner. This was something that also she went threw everyday she was crying trying to cover up her body "Please stop" Annie told the ocean green eye'd boy.
"WELL YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE PISSED ME OFF" He yelled at the girl. Normally Annie was strong and would fight back after a while she stopped He got stronger and she got weaker simple as that.
He took off his belt and whipped her arms with it. All she did was misplace his outfit for the day. He forced her to take off her clothes while he burned them in front of her. He picked her up by her hair. She had her hair down.
He threw her on the bed crawling on top of her quickly. She knew what was about to come all she could do was shake in fear she closed her eye's tightly as she heard the boy unzip his pants and throw them in a forgotten corner followed by his underwear.
" again..."
Annie said with tears built her eye's all he did was laugh
"This is your punishment~" he said in a sing-song Voice. This was the infamous Eren Jeager. His anger was always present so people tend to stay away from him. Besides Annie she just thought he was misunderstood. But oh was she wrong.
He pounded her with great force and speed. She didn't understand why he did this they wernt even dating she would just drop by his place to hang out. Well used to if she didnt come to his house everyday he would spread lies and never let her hear the end of it.
Annie kept her eye's tightly shut not wanting to look at his evil face Expression. He had her arms pinned above her head.
He would last a while so after half an hour he finally came. Annie could get Pregnet so he used protection. He pulled out and threw away the wrap he pulled annie by her hair again and threw her in the bathroom.
"Take a shower then get out" Eren said with a angry tone but with a smirk on his face...creepy
"B-but you burnt my clothes" Annie said trying not to anger him again his smirked dropped he turned around and walked into his closet pulling an outfit from it he threw the clothes at her face before slamming the bathroom door. She could tell he was mad but not mad enough to hit her. She stood up, almost falling but caught her self in time.
She turned on the shower washed her hair and body. She then sat down and pulled her knee's to her chest letting the water fall on her she stayed like that for a good give minutes before remembering that Eren wanted her out. She got out and dried her self and put on the outfit that Eren gave her.
It was a white mini skirt but it was long enough to cover her butt and blue button up shirt. Once she got thoes on and her brown boots and slowly walked down stairs making sure Eren was out of site like in the kitchen or whatever. Once the coast was clear she made her way out of the house safely which was rare with Eren.
She walked to a near by book store she walked in, and greeted the old lady. The nice lady smiles and greeted her back, Annie walked to back of the library and sat down. Remembering what went down not to long ago Annie laied her head on the desk and started to cry.
She didnt notice a raven haired girl was watching her most of the time. She saw the girl walk past a couple of time's on the corner of her eye so she didnt get a clear look.
She didn't care at the moment. She just wanted to be alone. No. She actually wanted to talk to someone
'Maybe the girl will come over here? Pfft of course she won't stop being so selfish Annie' Annie thought in her mind only to find out later the raven haired girl would soon walk to her and ask
'Whats wrong?'
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