*Shadow's POV*
"What happens now? We haven't found a single trace of her, and Eggman hasnt tried to take her back." The echidna pointed out. It had been nearly two months now. It's probably the longest we haven't heard from Eggman.
"I mean, is Sonic seriously going to keep her?" He asked the room as everyone looked at Faker from across the room who was playing with Sage. He was hugging her and nuzzling her.
"He doesn't seem to mind it." Rose said with a smile. She had given up on Faker already after figuring out he didn't swung that way, but it was obvious she still had a crush on him that would probably never go away. At least he wasn't being chased 24/7 anymore.
"Maybe not, but what happens when Eggman does attack? Is he taking her to battle with us? It's not safe." Rouge pointed out.
"I don't know. Sonic doesn't seem to want to give her away unless we find her family." Miles sighed and rubbed his head. "I don't blame him, honestly. He had an adoptive family, and he went through a horrible trauma after losing them. I guess he doesn't want her going through something similar, especially if Eggman is involved. But he's not thinking straight."
"What?" We all turned when we heard Faker growl. He was still holding Sage, who was looking up at him, confused. He looked at us, then passed Sage to the echidna and walked outside to be on the phone.
Of course, everyone was curious and got closer to listen. Not that we needed to because Faker was basically yelling at whoever he was talking to.
"I am aware! I do not - No! I- But she-" He wasn't able to finish a single sentence because whoever was on the other side of the phone kept interrupting him and getting him angrier. "Fine!" He snapped and walked to the door to come back inside.
Everyone took a few steps back and acted like they hadn't just heard him. "Tails!" He raised his voice at his best friend, taking everyone off guard. "You're coming with me."
"Whoa, what's going on? Where are we going?" That question was answered quickly when Faker put his mask on and went into his room to get dressed.
It was a huge change. He wasn't the same Hedgehog he was just a second ago. He tried to reach for Sage, but the echidna took steps back.
"I think you should calm down first, man." He answered.
"Give her to me." Faker answered angrily.
"Go with them. You're faster than us to catch up. You can hold Sage while they get whatever is happening resolved." Rouge shoved me forward as she spoke. I turned back and glared at her, but the echidna agreed with her before I could even say anything and passed me Sage.
"He will hold Sage until you calm down." The echidna patted my back. I wanted to break his wrist.
I rolled my eyes but gave in, knowing Rouge would not let me out of this one. "Fine. Whatever. Let's go." He had been acting strange lately.
Faker grabbed Miles hand and then dashed off, I made sure I was holding onto Sage tightly and chased after him. Sage seemed to like the run. She wasn't crying or reacting in any bad way at all. She actually started crying when I stopped earning a look from Faker, who had become like a protective father all of a sudden.
"What did you do to her?" He asked as he walked to me after we were in front of a giant gate.
"Me? This little monster is mad because I stopped." I said and kept her away from him as I moved her closer to my chest, knowing my fur seemed to calm her down.
"Sonic. What are we doing here?" The fox asked his best friend.
"Sally is in there, and my mother wants me to talk to her. Chuck needs to see you, too." The guards let us through, and as Faker walked ahead of us, guiding us, Miles walked beside me.
"Don't give him Sage until he's calm. She doesn't seem to mind Sonic at all, but it's better if he calms down first." He said even though I already knew that.
"Shadow, you can wait in my room." Faker said. He seemed to already be calming down. "I'll go once I am done with all of this. Plus, she looks exhausted." He pointed at Sage, who was falling asleep on my arms. "I actually need a doctor to give her a check-up. She's been sleeping too much. It's strange." He rubbed his face and then took in a deep breath. "Okay. Tails will show you where my room is. I'll see you in a bit." The guards proceeded to open up two doors that were triple our size, and he walked in.
"Okay? He's been very moody. It must be because he is always tired now that he takes care of Sage 24/7. Kids are exhausting." He started guiding me to Fakers' room, and once we were there, he opened the door for me and then left.
I walked in and placed Sage in a crib that was left there from what I guess was the last time Faker was here. I sat down on the bed beside her and looked down. She was cute.
She looked so happy as she slept and hugged her blanket. And she was purring just barely audible. I couldn't help but smile at her. She wasn't so bad, I was just very uncomfortable around the rest of the group seeing me any different.
*Sonic's POV *
"Oh, thank chaos. You're here." Sally said as she walked to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry, Sonic. I really am."
"Let go." I said, my arms remained at my sides, not touching her. I was still mad at her for everything she had said.
She let go and rubbed her arm. "I didn't mean to say all of those things. I was just so mad in the moment. I'm really sorry, I can't believe I let my emotions get the best of me. Will you forgive me?"
I crossed my arms. I didn't know what to say. I was still mad, but I knew how she felt. I also let my emotions get the best of me. We both said things we shouldn't have and in public at that, too.
"I also want to apologize for what I did to you years ago. I know you avoid some things, and I wanted you to be happy, I truly did. So, to make things easier for you, I told the others. I knew you would avoid it for as long as you could because you're always afraid of how your family will see you. I loved you, Sonic. I still do, and all I wanted was to see you happy, so I risked our friendship and told everyone. I promise I didn't do it with bad intentions." She spoke. She seemed like she was going to cry.
"Sally." I stopped her before she could continue talking. "Sally, it's okay." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "It's okay. I promise." I hugged her. "I am really sorry for breaking your heart all those years ago. And thank you, you know me better than I know myself. You were right, I would have avoided telling anyone for as long as possible. I would have been stressed all these years, I would probably have kept myself hidden by being in a loveless relationship just to hide who I am. Thank you." She hugged back.
Once we pulled away, he gave me a big and bright smile. "Friends?" She extended her hand.
I smiled back at her, and took her hand, shaking it as I spoke. "Friends."
I feel like I should say something here. Like a warning.
For those of you who haven't been following my stories. I am a very evil person, and I know some stories don't have a happy ending.
This is a warning that I AM going to end this book by breaking everyone's hearts :)
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