Chapter 3
"Hey, were they ok?" Jeno pauses the Tv as Jaemin walks back into the sitting room after speaking to his parents on the phone to let them know what happened and that he is ok and safe with a neighbour. "Yes they are just worried for me so I told them I was ok and that you were nice to let me stay. They send their thank yous to you". Jaemin sits on the sofa still hugging the blanket from earlier. "We will both be ok please don't worry this is all scary for us all. We just have to stick it out keep watching the news and just follow everything they tell us" Jeno smiles softly making Jaemin smile shyly back.
" Have you got through to your parents yet?"Jaemin asks, making Jeno sit back on the sofa. " Yeah they gave out that I stayed at home and didn't want to rush to be with them and lucky I did come home when I did" Jeno winks at the smaller while heading to the kitchen turning on the kettle. Jaemin blushes and turns in his chair to see Jeno better. " I am sorry for all of this, " Jaemin whispers as Jeno laughs a little. " Hey please stop worrying, it's ok now would you fancy some hot coco to settle us both for the night?" Jeno waits as Jaemin gets up from the chair and makes his way to the kitchen. " Let me make it please, I feel rather useless today". Jeno leaves everything on the counter top as Jaemin smiles taking off the blanket that has been hanging on his shoulders all day feeling happy he can do something in return even if it is just making Coco.
" So Jaemin how old are you?" Jeno asks while watching the smaller make the coco. "I am 23, what about you?" " I'm 24, so a year older than you, " Jeno smiles as Jaemin walks closer carrying both cups, passing one to Jeno. "Oh hang on you can't have coco without mini marshmallows". Jeno hurries to the kitchen grabbing a bag of mini marshmallows from the cupboard. "Should we watch the news again?" Jaemin looks worried towards the Tv making Jeno change the channel turning on Disney plus. "How about just for tonight we watch something happy and Disney is the way to go". Jeno waits as Jaemin sits back in the chair excited as he loves Disney movies the best.
" Do you mind if I change my clothes into something else as my jeans are kinda cutting off the blood flow" Jeno jumps up as Jaemin just nods his head. Jeno rushes into his bedroom as Jaemin makes his way back to the kitchen grabbing some goodies he bought in the shop earlier bringing them back to the sitting room so they can have some junk food while watching the movie. " Aw that's a good idea" Jeno says seeing the food on the table. " I left some clothes for you to change into on my bed" Jaemin blushes as he makes his way into his neighbours bedroom being delighted he can change and relax more.
" I'll make some popcorn" Jeno shouts making Jaemin smile as he slips on the loose bottoms the taller left for him and changes his top into the t-shirt before folding his clothes and carrying them back into the sitting room leaving them beside the sofa. " What movies will we watch?" Jaemin grabs the remotes flicking through the list of movies stopping on the Lion King. "Can we watch this?" He looks towards Jeno who is smiling from ear to ear now seeing he picked his favourite movie. "Oh man I love that movie let me turn off the light" He rushes and turns off the room light and lets the TV light the room as they both sit on separate chairs watching the movie singing along to the songs becoming more relaxed with each other .
The movie is finally over and both are very tired. " I am going to head to bed now if that's ok?" Jeno gathers the cups from the table as Jaemin stands up to help him clean up. "I will go to bed also, today has been a weird day " Jaemin places the empty junk food wrappers in the bin before making his way back to the sofa which is now his bed. "Oh hang on" Jeno rushes to the hall closet and pulls out a blanket and pillow bringing them back to the sitting room. "I hope these will be ok for you. The duvet can make you feel very warm so I left you a light blanket just in case". Jeno leaves the blankets on the arm of the sofa as they both say goodnight.
Jaemin makes up his sofa bed and snuggles down under the cover. He feels so worn out after the emotional day of being locked out and having to sleep in a stranger's place. He starts to cry letting all his emotions out as he tries to hide the sounds into the pillow. "Hey are you ok?" He looks up from the pillow seeing Jeno standing right beside him on the sofa wearing just pj bottoms and no top.
"I'm sorry I guess today was just a lot for me and you being so nice and then having a nice evening everything just came to the surface". He sniffs as Jeno crouches down lower moving the hair from the smaller's forehead. "It's ok to cry like I said I'm scared to but having you here will make this a lot easier" Jeno shares his feelings as Jaemin sits up patting the space beside him. "I'm sorry for crying, " Jaemin laughs a little as he wipes his face. " Ah you're human it's ok to show emotions. I just hope you will comfort me when I become a complete mess" Jeno laughs as Jaemin just smiles back at him. " Try to sleep and I will see you in the morning and we can start ticking off those things on the list we said we would do on lock down". Jeno stands as Jaemin gets up standing facing him. "Would it be ok if I hug you I know it might be.....". Before he can finish Jeno pulls him in closer hugging the smaller as Jaemin relaxes and hugs back hearing the beat of Jenos heart in his ear.
They both pull away Jaemin a little embarrassed as Jeno is shirtless after all. " Goodnight again if you need me just come find me" Jeno leaves the room as Jaemin snuggles back down under the cover closing his eyes hoping he can fall asleep soon.
To be continued....
❤️C ❤️
As you can see this is no longer on hold as per readers request
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