Chapter 3
---Dans PoV---
Once you get home from school you walk into the living room. Hoping to find your mom. But instead you find a random dude "w-who are you??" You take on an angry tone of voice.
"Well I'm-"
"YOU KNOW WHAT I DONT CARE" just as you were yelling at the unrecognizable man your mom is walking downstairs. "D-Daniel!" You mom yells at you. You begin to yell back. " WHAT THE HELL MOM YOU JUST GONNA CHEAT ON DAD JUST BECUSE HE MOVED OUT DOESNT MEAN YOUR NOT MARRIED" you begin to tear up.
"Me and your father aren't together anymore Dan can't you se-"
"NO I CANT YOUR STILL MARRIED MOM JESUS I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" You run upstairs. How could your mom do this? She's a terrible person! She's still married TO YOUR FATHER! your mom opens your door. "Dan." You look back at her and don't even bother to look at her disgust filled face. "Dan honey I think you should leave.." That really striked a nerve. What?! "WAIT WHAT?" She sits by your bed and you turn to her your chocolate eyes filled with tears. "You should move out. You are old enough. You can leave tomorrow." "M-MO-" You begin to talk but she stops you. "Honey you need to do something with your life! Get out there get a job!" You don't understand. Is she kicking you out Because she hates you? She leaves your room and leave you to cry yourself to sleep. At some point she calls you for dinner but your to emotionally tired.
***next day***
You sigh and roll out of bed remembering yesterday you stay on the floor berrying you face into your legs. But remembering school and Phil. You repeat your daily process. You stop yourself when you get a call from your old friend Chris. Talk about bad timing...emotionally wise. It's weird you moved away and hadn't had much contact from him. You get ready to put on your happiest voice.
"Heyyyyy dannn"
"Hey Chris what's up?"
"Well in here with pj and I have some great news!"
"We're transferring to your school"
That changed your mood quickly. Chris could practically hear your smile.
"Omg really! Heyyou havetomeetthisboyithinkimightlovehimandhessocuteandlovesmuseandblusheswhenitalktohimand-"
"Dan shut up, all I heard was boy-cute-muse and blush."
"Oh" you laugh at how fast you were talking. You really loved Phil. Like a lot. you sigh "when are you gonna be here ?"
That's when you got really exited "today"
You Accidentally hang up and run downstairs. "MOM CHRIS AND PEEJ ARE TRANSFERRING TO MY SCHOOL TODAY"
She just nods understanding but not happy enough to care. You glare at her and pack a few needed items in your school backpack. Blanket-laptop-some clothes. Our probably going to sleep on a bench tonight so..yea.
You brush your teeth and practically run to school and bump into someone. Hearing the familiar voice.
"I-I'm really s-sorry i jus- h-hey d-Dan I'm sorry" Phil looked down.
"It's ok Phil" you make sure to smile really big to confirm it.
----Phil's PoV----
Dan hates me. He hates me. Hate. Like hate hates me. He smiled does that mean it's fine? Is he just smiling fake? Does he actually despise me? Uggggg.
"Wanna walk to school with me?" Dan asks slightly sounding nervous. Maybe there was a chance...
You nod And walk beside him. "Soo uh Phil. Guess what."
You smile. "What Dan? Are the dinosaurs taking over I told you it's not going to happen." You make sure your teeth show. Your actually really happy today. To be with Dan anyways. " well I have some good news and some bad news. Witch one first?" You smile fades a bit. Bad news...
Does Dan hate you?
Has he figures out he doesn't want to be your friend?
Is he sad?
What's wrong???
"U-um"-you stutter-" bad n-news so the good news will fix I-it" he smiles but He looks like he is a million miles away. "Your so cute when you stutter"
Your brain was going a million miles a half second.
"I-I MEAN UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Dan was just kinda stuck 'uhing'. Your worried look turns into a sweet smile. "Well If you want to be even dan I think your dimples are cute!" You blush like a tomato and look up at his face. But instead of that confused or grossed out look on his face it was a smile-and a blush.
"Well I won't keep you waiting on that bad news" your smile dropped and turned to worry. "Don't worry Phil it has nothing to do with you" Dan noticed your worried look. It's nice how he takes in your feelings. " so last night I caught my mom cheating.." Dan barely got out. " and I yelled at her and told her I hated her..." Dan looked like he was about to cry so you pat him on the back just listening and taking everything in. "A-and I went to my room and cried" a tear dropped from his face. Smashing Your heart into little bits. "A-and....then she told me to move out....and to get a life and my own place." You swear you felt your mouth shape a 0. "D-Dan I" you couldn't help it you hugged him. You gave him the biggest hug ever. It didn't matter what people thought, it only mattered that I was there for Dan.
----dans PoV----
You feel Phil hug you and of course you hug back. He was just the sweetest person ever. When he pulled away you frowned a bit but thanked Phil. "Dan.."
Phil blushed. "You could uh....stay at my flat with me." You sit there in awe at his sweetness. How could people be bulling him this whole time?!!! "PHIL I SERIOUSLY COULDN'T." You.notice you sounded Angry making Phil jump. "I mean i don't want to be a burden! I wouldn't want to!" Phil smiles " it's ok Dan I don't even have a flatmate yet!" You smiled no way you could make yourself a burden to him "anyways I have A place to stay" you lied. Phil's smile lowered a bit. "Oh o-ok" you hugged Phil one more time. "come on lets go" you pull Phil up and walk to school.
More in next chapter.
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