Chapter 2. It's Better In The Dark.
warning: Unwanted kissing, violence, swearing.
Virgil staggered back, hands grasping at his left side as he breathed heavily through his nose. Clamping his mouth shut to not pant in agony. "S-sorry" he manages to stutter out under pained breath. "I take it back."
Roman seems to pause at that, lowering his sword that seemed to shine even under shtty kitchen lights. "Oh, your bleeding, I must have gone overboard my dear." Roman acknowledged, as his eyes dragged over Virgil's body, practically peeling back the flesh. He tucks his sword out of sight once more. "Here let me help." He says in a soft tone, stepping forward and offering his hand.
Virgil steps back with a flinch. He knew he deserved what he got, but that didn't stop him from fearing what was to come next. "I'm good. I can go to pat."
Roman shakes his head with a laugh. " Nonsense, I'm perfectly capable of helping." He declares, latching onto Virgil's arm and pulling him forward. "Despite insulting Disney you are still a pretty prince in need of saving."
Virgil wrinkles his nose in distaste, bile stinging the back of his throat as he feels Princey lift him by the armpits, wedge his way between his legs and sit him up on the counter. .. "Really, I'm fine." He argues, placing a hand on Romans' chest and pushing.
Romans grip tightens, a scowl to his face as he leans close and up into virgils. "I am helping you and that's final." He tells him, his hand crawling up Virgil's sides and then jabbing into the wound, fingers curling once inside. "Behave or I'll pull."
Virgil gasps, fresh tears stinging his eyes with their salt. He squirms in place, breathing deeply as he sees a hot white flash in front of his eyes that is soon replaced by foggy blotches. "Y-yeah. I will."
Roman smiles then placed a chaste kiss on Virgil's neck. "Good boy." He praised as he removed the appendages now slicked with blood. "Suck."
Virgil closed his eyes and opened his mouth, taking the fingers in then, swirling his tongue around to lick them clean. He did so despite the awful taste of the coppery sweetness of his blood and sweat. Task complete, Roman removes them and pats his head. "So good, now let's get you patched up."
Virgil runs into Patton on his way to Logan's room, his legs weak like jelly as he stumbles across the smooth floor. Taking a break every few steps to rest against the wall. Praying that the blood wouldn't leak through the decent stitch and patch job Roman did. Must be from all his imaginary battle experience,
"Hey kiddo, you alright?" The cheerful man questions, a tilt to his head as he looks Virgil over.
Virgil nods with a sucked in breath. "Yeah." Just got into a Lil fight with Roman."
Patton tsks placing his hands on his hips. "Always starting fights, that's not very moral of you." He scolds, swaying his head loosely. "You've been such a hassle
lately kiddo." He sighs, resting a hand on Virgil's shoulder. "Maybe some good old playtime will help sharpen you up."
Virgil bristles, pulling sway, his wild eyes setting towards the end of the hallway. "Patton, please no. I'm sorry. I'll do better." He begs, tears filling his eyes for the second time that day.
"It's Dad and it's too late for that," Patton grumbles, tightening his hold and pulling. "Now quit having a tantrum."
Virgil's struggling increased, heels digging into the floor as Patton dragged him over to his room. Not even stopping when Virgil's cracked and chipped nails dug into his shoulder.
The door was thrown open, revealing a nice light blue room. A desk full of nicknacks, shelves full of toys and nostalgic Thomas childhood items and a soft-looking bed. The mattress was big, large and round with 3 body pillows and quite a few stuffed animals. Then there was a small table and a kid's tea set. But what Virgil set his eyes on the longest were the two toy chests.
Patton tossed him onto the bed, locked the door, opened the chest and pulled on his gloves. "Are you ready to learn kiddo?"
Virgil holds back the urge to flinch. "Yes..."
Logan downs his fifth cup of coffee of the day, legs jittery and bouncy as he works, foot constantly tapping against the floor as he continues his endless job of properly organizing all of Thomases thoughts, feelings and knowledge. He was about halfway through his set goal when he realized he hadn't checked up on Virgil in a while. He stared at the door as though it offended him... He didn't want to go outside... not outside with them... he glanced at his work, then back at the door.
A quick thought of Virgil alone and bleeding spurs him into action and soon he's risen to his feet. If asked, No he didn't personally care about Virgil, he just needed to be ok for Thomas to function. Though for anyone who wasn't blind of the heart could just see that Logic was attached.
Turning his door open he came to greet the hallway. He adjusted his tie, closed the door and made his way into the madness of what was the light side. He decided to check the living room first and found Roman resting on the couch.
"Salutations" He greets's
"Sup, Nerd." Is Ro's simple reply.
Logic bristles at the simple unimaginative insult and approaches. "Have you seen Virgil? I need to discuss his work progress with him."
Roman lowers the remote with a click, watching as the screen went black. "Yeahh, I think he headed to his room?" He paused in thought. "Or maybe he's with pat?" He taps his finger across his chin then shrugs.
"Thank you for the information." Logan replies, turning, "I shall continue in my search."
"Hey wait!" Roman calls out gently, coming to a stand. "You're hardly ever out of your room." He complains. "I've missed you."
Logan, falls silent in his footsteps, back going rigid. "My apologies, I have simply been busy."
Roman step's forward, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Stay, talk." He suggests, arm sliding down and looping around the Logical man's waist.
Logan turns, expression blank. "I do not have the ti-" His eyes widen, as he's pulled down, firm arms holding him in place as Roman dips him down. "Let me go!" He wack's his hands against Roman's arms, like a child having a mild tantrum.
"Hush, Microsoft," Roman mutters leaning down close. "You need to get away from work, be free, and relax." He says lips coming far too close to Logan's comfort.
"Creativity, this is inappropriate behaviour," Logan mumbles with tense teeth. "I am not asking this time but telling you to put me down."
Roman sighs with a groan, pulling him up. "It's not inappropriate, I'm the romantic side, can you blame me." He argues, sliding his hands to Logan's arm and pulling him into an awkward spin.
"Yes, I see." Logan sighs, collecting himself, moving back and adjusting his hair and tie. "Go practice on one of your fairy tale creatures." He suggests, waving his hand dismissively, "I have important things to tend to."
Roman huff's "Maybe I will." He spins around on his heel's exiting the room from a different direction than logan.
The man with a tie feel's his feet meet the bump of the edge of the door, then be placed upon the hallway floors again, he turns heading for Virgil's room.
He reaches it fairly simply, knocks and hears nothing.
"It's Logan." He clarifies knocking again
. .
Nothing once more.
He's not there. Must be with Patton then, he begins walking at a brisk pace, turning down the hall's barely registering freshly hung painting's hung by Patton as he turns eyes latched onto a blue door.
He slinks back, hiding in the crook of the edge of the hallway as he spots it open. Holding his breath as Patton exits, a cheery atmosphere hovering around his body, as he removes his blood-soaked clear gloves. Logan swallows, feeling how his adam's apple bobbed as Patton heads in the other direction, humming a gentle tune.
With a shaky step, he went forward, stopping once he reached the door. Then paused, ears trained to pick on the simplest noise. After a short while of nothing, he opened the door.
The lights were on and he spotted Virgil instantly, his head slumped against the pink and blue kiddie's table, a dullness to his eyes as he stared at logan. Mouth muffled by a silky purple gage, his wrists and legs bound to the small chair with duct tape. Reconigination passes through those violet orbs and he begins to wiggle towards logan. His arm bumps the table due to his eagerness, causing the teacups to spill the blood-red liquid within them, spreading across the smooth plastic surface of the table, in round wonky puddles.
Logan smells the scent of copper and promptly holds his breath for a moment. He doesn't register he was moving until he's kneeled, face to face with Virgil. "Here let me." He whispers his tone soothing as he pulls back duct tape, and removes Virgil's gage, allowing it to hang loosely around his neck.
"Thank you for not leaving me here." Virgil coughs out, reaching up and removing the baby bonnet from his head.
"Of course." Logan hum's in reply, undoing the strings of the baby bib and looking at the purple side once over. "Where are you injured?"
"Arm's but it's ok, he patched it," Virgil mumbles with tired breath, leaning into Logan's shoulder with a relieved sigh.
Logan manage's to help Virgil come to a stand when they hear footsteps.
Logan steps back from Virgil. "Sink out!" He demands eye's glued to the door that lay closed for now.
"I'm not leaving you here!" Virgil argues, a tense arm reaching out to grasp him.
"Do it! Now!" Logan insists, shooing him dismissively with his hands.
The warm blue of the room swirls then fades into darkness, his eye's struggling to adjust. Where did he go? This wasn't his room. He steps forward, arm stretched out, feeling for a wall. "Hello?"
"OH, janny jan he's back!!" A shrill voice announced with eagerness, a thick appendage wrapping around Virgil's arm once more. The Emo hisses in pain, not bothering to tug his arm back as he's pulled into a firm chest.
"Remus, let him go." A cold voice demands, before coming into view. Virgil blinks through the dark, noticing yellow, right, de, or is it jan?
"Who exactly are you?" He asks, finding his footing as Remus lets go.
Remus pauses for a moment, twirling his mustache between his fingers, "Huh, I guess you can call us the dark sides!" He replies with joy, looping an arm around Janus's waist and pulling him close.
Virgil bristle's "The dark sides?" He repeats, stepping back. "Patton told me about you.." He glances behind himself. Wrapping his arms around himself and squeezing, a shudder wracking his body at the coldness of the atmosphere.
Janus sighs, placing a dramatic hand on his face and dragging it down "Whatever he's said it's not true."
"Yeah!" Remus pipes in. "He's a filthy olll meany!" He whines, swaying his hips with a pout.
Virgil takes another step back.. "Well it's nice meeting you but I must go..."
"NO!" Remus shouts, reaching for him and grasping his arm. Virgil flinches, a pained noise leaving his lips. "Oh, I'm sorry." He mumbles, letting go. "You ok? Is he ok Janus?"He asks, looking towards the yellow one for reassurance, a kicked puppy looks in his eyes as he stands there dumbly.
Janus moved closer, taking Virgil's arm in hand in a calm manner, brushing Remus's question off. "What happened?" He questions, taking control of the situation.
Virgil bite's his lip, then releases it, with a sigh he opens his mouth. "Patton did it."
"WHAT!" Remus shouts, lurching forward and grabbing Virgil around the waist causing him to see white as pain sparked up his spine. "I'll kill him."
"Remus sweetie let go your hurting him." Janus hisses, as he rolls up Virgil's arm and takes in the bandaged gashes. "Though, I *do not* want to kill him as well."
Virgil sighs, "It's alright. Just disturbed another wound..."
Remus pulls him closer. "That's it I'm dragging you to the Darkside with me." Virgil tenses in Remus's hold, drag? The Darkside?
Janus releases his arm and places a gentle hand on his shoulder. "What he means is do you want to come back with us?"
Virgil blanks, back with them, he pushes Remus's arms and he lets go without a complaint. Huh.... "Can Logan come with us?"
Virgil sighs... god he was really going to do this. "I'll go with you, drag me to the dark side."
Remus grinned widely. "With pleasure."
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