Solo Mission
*Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto! Masashi Kishimoto does. So read, vote, comment!
*Karasu's pov*
It's been two days since I left on my mission. I read the file the first day, it told me that the One Tailed Beast, Shukaku's Jinchuuri was among them. That's why I have to go, only another Jinchuuri, that knows how to control their Buuji, can go. So basically, I have to go in order to keep him under control.
I'm pretty close to the village and it's only been two days, so I'm going to continue to walk. I was currently reading when I heard some rustling in the bushes. I decided to ignore it and keep walking. When someone attacked from behind. My water went up to block the attack.
"Water Bearer! You have a pretty high bounty over your head." The voice shouted. I turned around slowly.
"Hm? I don't have time to waste. I have a mission to finish." I say emotionlessly.
"Die!" He shouts charging at me with a kunai in hand. I sigh and pull my katanas out. I block his kunai with my katanas.
"If you really insist on killing me for my bounty then you'll have to do better then that." I say in an emotionless way that can make anyone shiver. My eyes darken as he comes at me, just as he get close enough I pull my katanas up and back down, cutting him in half. Blood splatters on my face and kimono. I sigh as I slash my katanas to the sides to get the access blood off and sheath them.
I continue on my way to Suna. Within the next hour I arrive at the gates. I show my mission scroll, and my ninja ID, to the guards and explain why I'm covered in blood after being asked. They nod in understanding and one takes me to the Kazakage. We walk to his office and then knock on the door.
"Enter." A stern voice says from the other side. We both enter and bow. The guard explains that I'm here to escort the Sand Siblings. "Thank you, dismissed." He says to the guard.
"Lord Hokage sent this with me for you." I say as I pull out a scroll and hand it to him.
"Ah, yes. Thank you.." he says trailing off.
"Karasu Bara Hatake, sir." I reply bowing slightly. A knock is heard on the door and the Kazakage tells them to enter.
The door opens and four people walk in, a sensei, a blonde girl with four ponytails, a boy with a cat hat and face paint, and a red haired boy with the kanji for love of his forehead with a gourd on his back. Sand begins to wrap around me but my water easily dispels it. "I really wouldn't try that if I were you. You may be a Jinchuuri, and a feared one, but you do not frighten me. Nor will your sand work against my water." I state emotionlessly.
The Kazakage chuckles. "Now now, Gaara. That is no way to treat your escort. Karasu, these are the Sand Siblings and their sensei. Introduce yourselves. You can stay a night or two." The Kazakage says.
"Hai Lord Kazakage." We all say and walk out of the room. I turn towards the team once we're outside.
"We can leave whenever you want. I don't mind. I'm Karasu Bara Hatake, by the way." I say emotionlessly and introduce myself.
"I'm Baki, their sensei." The sensei says annoyed, probably because their escort is a child.
"I'm Temari. It's nice to meet yah." She says smiling slightly at me.
"Kankuro. What do you say you and me go out on a date?" He asks seductively about to put an arm around me, my water teleports me beside the red head and Kankuro face plants.
"That really never gets old. I'll tell you now, I don't like physical contact, and you're not my type. Now, next time you try and touch me I might just cut your arm off." I say emotionlessly.
"Kankuro, that's enough. You're an embarrassment." The red head says just as emotionlessly as me. He then turns to me. "I'm Gaara, and we will leave tomorrow."
"Very well." I say.
"You can stay with us." Temari says gesturing me to follow her. I raise an eyebrow at her but follow anyway.
Hey Pup! I'm bored! Let's go out and kill something! Hakai whines, being blood thirsty for once in a long time.
I grab my head as she sends pictures of blood scattered everywhere and bodies littering the ground. No Hakai. You'll have to wait until later. I reply to her as my knees begin to buckle under me.
"Are you okay?" Temari asks taking a step closer to me.
"I don't want to hurt you. Don't come any closer." I say threw gritted teeth. Why are you being blood thirsty now? Hakai! Stop! I yell in my head.
"Come with me." A cold voice says. The others are looking at us weirdly. "You three can leave or be killed." His cold voice says again and the three leave. "Come on. Let's go. I take it you don't want to kill anyone in the village, so come on. We'll find a few rouges nearby." I slowly nod and follow him.
Oh! Hey that's Shukaku's Jinchuuri! Let me speak to him! I wanna see my Shukaku-kun! The blood thirsty wolf yells excitedly.
I get it now. Tch, stupid wolf. Your a fangirl. This is annoying. I grumble in my head. Gaara and I walked in silence out of the gates, nobody stopping us or questioning us. Probably thinking he's going to kill me. I don't mind though.
"How'd you know I was a Jinchuuri?" Gaara asks.
"I read your file. Nothing more then your name and that you were a Jinchuuri though. Information needed for me to complete my mission. And when you tried to kill me with your sand I knew which Buuji you held." I reply monotoned.
He nods and we return to our silence. We walk for about fifteen minutes until we run into a group of rouges. "Hey look who it is. Isn't that the Water Bearer? Her bounty is the second highest under the kages." One of the guys says.
"There's 15 of us, and two of them." One smirks.
"Let's get them." Another says grinning like a madman.
"Well Gaara, you take the right I'll take the left?" I question curiously.
"Sounds fair." He replies. And with that we behind to kill them without hesitation. We ended up killing every last one of them. Blood covered, head to toe. Guts strung all over the place, body parts littering the ground. I begin to laugh like a maniac.
"Well that was fun." I reply grinning then I notice my mask was cut off. I completely freeze as I notice this.
"Your mask was cut off." Gaara says plainly but has a small blush on his face, I think, it's hard to tell with all the blood.
"Eh. I noticed." I mumble as I bring water out and let it clean me up. I then pull an extra mask out and put it on. "Let me clean you up." I say looking at him.
"Thanks." He say emotionlessly as I clean him. We then just sit in silence for a little while.
Pup!!!! Can you pull Shukaku-kun and Gaara in your mind? I wanna talk to Shukaku-kun!! Hakai whines.
Stop whining. I thought you were supposed to be a mighty Buuji? She just 'hmph's' me and whines some more. "Hey Gaara, I wanna show you something. First, I'm going to have the water go up around us, to protect us from any enemies who might come around." I say giving into Hakai s whining.
"Okay." Is all he says. I turn to sit face to face with him, and my water goes around us, and hardens like ice.
I make fast hand signs and grab his hand before her can pull away. We both get pulled into my mind along with Shukaku. Then I hear the high pitched squeal/howl from Hakai.
"Shukaku-kun!!" Hakai yells
"Geez, you haven't changed Hakai." Shukaku says emotionlessly sitting in front of her.
"So you're a Jinchuuri?" Gaara asks and I nod.
"Yup. That's Hakai, the Ten Tailed wolf." I reply.
"Thanks Pup! I owe you big time for letting me talk to Shukaku-kun." Hakai says to me.
"Tch. You owe me for letting your blood thirst control me earlier also." I say monotoned.
"You've got guts kid. Talking to a Buuji like that." Shukaku growls.
"You don't scare me." I state emotionlessly as he snarls in my face. All the while, Gaara is standing in the background annoyed.
"Why'd you bring me with?" He complains.
"Because that's the only way I could get them both together. Sorry." I apologize to him.
He sighs and lays on the ground. I copy his actions. We lay there in silence for a little while having nothing much to talk about. The silence is nice, but it doesn't last as I hear Hakai say something about an enemy near by.
"I'm not in the mood to fight. Eh, I'll release the jutsu, and you can fight." I say looking at Gaara.
"That's fine with me." He says. I nod and put my hands in then tiger sign and say release. Soon we're both settling in our bodies again. After a minute my water goes back to the gourd and Gaara kills the enemy that was trying to get in the shield.
We walk back to the village in silence, both of us being satisfied with our kills. When we got there, no one stopped us from walking back in, again. I finally get it now. They're scared of him, Hakai. They're scared of Gaara, it's sad. I whine in my head.
No, they're scared of Shukaku-kun. She sighs sadly. We walk in silence the rest of the way to Gaara's house.
"Gaara?" I ask lowly. He does a 'hn', and a tick mark appears on my head. "I'm guessing your team has figured out my secret by now?"
"You'd be correct." He replies coldly.
"I will have to have them swear to secrecy or erase their memories. If it gets out then I could be in danger. Only few know, and I already have the Akatsuki after me for her. That's what I forgot to tell Lord Kazakage, the Akatsuki are after the Buuji's." I say face palming.
"Hmm, we can go tell Father in the morning. And don't worry Karasu, they won't tell anyone. Though, I'd erase Baki-senseis mind. I don't feel he's trust worthy enough." Gaara says looking ahead. I nod my head in understanding. We get back to their house, and Gaara calls them all down.
As I see Baki I make hand signs without being seen and aim at him. It hits me directly and he collapses. Gaara looks at me confused. "Oops.. It's been a while since I've had to erase a mind. He should be okay." I say shrugging.
"Why'd you erase his mind?" Temari asks a little panicked.
"Because, he's not trust worthy of her secret." Gaara says blankly.
"But, you two are. Which means you cannot speak about it. Only very few people know, and I have to keep it that way." I say seriously.
"We can keep it a secret. Don't worry." Temari and Kankuro say at the same time.
-time skip, the next day, on their way back to Konoha-
We're on our way to Konoha, we haven't run into trouble but I have a feeling we're being followed by people. I can't feel eyes on me and I can smell something off in the air, it smells like poison. I'm not liking this, I'm even higher on alert then usual. Gaara has noticed my change and has decided to walk with me.
It's our second day so we decided to rest for the night. Right now, we're setting up camp, and getting some fire wood and such. I'm sitting in a branch taking look out position, when I spotted it. Two men in Akatsuki cloaks. A man that has long blonde hair like Ino's hair style, and a man who looks to be a puppet.
I jumped from my branch in front of my group and put a finger to my lip signaling to be quiet. "Lower your chakra as best as you can." I whisper in a demanding tone.
Everyone nods and we grab our important things and begin to leave. But it was too late, they'd caught up with us. "Water Bearer, you know it'd be easier if we knew your name, un. So why don't you tell us?" A semi hyper voice says.
"Tch. Why? So you can lure me in with someone dear to me? Sorry, I don't think so, it's not like I have anyone that dear to me anyways. Sasori of the Red Sand, and Deidara, newest member of the Akatsuki." I reply boredly. I glance at Gaara and he nods slightly.
"So, you know who we are. That just means you're a threat to the Akatsuki." Sasori' emotionless voice says, though it sounds gruff from being in that puppet.
"I don't have time to go against you today. Maybe another time." I say as I grab Temari's arm, while Gaara grabs Kankuro and Baki. My water wraps around Temari and I, while Gaara's sand wraps around him and the others. We teleport as far away as we can. As soon as we landed I collapsed on the ground. A needle sticking out of my back.
*Gaara's pov*
We teleported as far away as we could, and as soon as we landed Karasu collapsed, a needle sticking out of her back. Temari was panicking while Kankuro and Baki went to check on her but her water went up around her. I internally sighed as I took a step towards her. The water went down and I pulled the needle out quickly. "Poison." I state handing the needle to Baki.
"We need to get her to Konoha." He says.
I nod in agreement and pick her up. We run all the way to Konoha. I knew that Hakai was working to get the poison out, but he didn't. She doesn't need the medical attention she just needs help getting the poison out. As we we're running I sliced where the injection site was. The poisoned blood began to leak out, then stopped all of a sudden. That's when I knew she'd be okay, her wound healed over.
She began to stir as we got closer to Konoha. She peeked her eye open and looked at me. "You're awake." I state blankly.
"Yeah. Put me down." She says just as blankly. I oblige to her wish to be put down. "Where's the needle that was in me?" She asks.
"Here." Baki says handing it to her. She takes it and observes it.
"I'll have to make an antidote to this. Luckily it's harder then that to kill me." She says annoyed. "Let's go. It looks like we're almost there."
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