First Mission
*Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto! Masashi Kishimoto does. So read, vote, comment! I'll update three more next week!
*Karasu's pov*
"Karasu! Wake up! You're gonna be late!" Dad yells walking past my room.
"What time is it?" I ask sitting up.
"Five till 7." He says walking into his room and locking the door.
"WHAT?!" I scream as I rush to get ready. I run around my room throwing on my usual kimono and my mask and tie my headband around my waist. I put my gourd on my back grab my katana's and slip my shoes on and run out the door.
I run as fast as I can to the Hokage's office while trying to strap my katanas on my waist. I make it at 7:10, I stop in front of Asuma-sensei. "Sorry I'm late. Dad didn't wake me up till five before 7." I say while panting a little.
"It's okay. It's not like you're three hours late like him." He says with a closed eye smile.
"Where's Ino?" I ask as I don't see him. Choji is sitting eating a bag of chips and Shikamaru is leaning against the building.
"Probably checking out some guy." Shikamaru answers not opening his eyes.
"Sorry I'm late! There was this really cute guy." She says blushing. I give her this 'are you dumb' look.
"Now that we're all here let's head in." Asuma-sensei says opening the door.
"No way in hell am I walking up all throes stairs again." I grumble. "I'll see you up there." I say giving a closed eye smile and disappearing in my water, and reappearing at the tops of the stairs. I wait for a few minutes soon they all arrive at the top.
"Could have taken us with. Troublesome woman." Shikamaru says lazily.
"I haven't figured out how to teleport anyone else with me." I reply lazily.
"Alright, let's go." Asuma-sensei says as he walks towards the door. He knocks and we wait for the 'come in.'
We opened the door after hearing come in. We walked in and bowed. "I see you're liking your team Karasu." Lord Hokage says looking at me.
"Hai sir. I chose correctly." I reply to me.
"Good. So for team tens mission, you'll go and help at Misume's farm. Pulling weeds and such. And Karasu, after that mission I have a special mission for you. One which only you are qualified to take." He says handing a scroll to Asuma-sensei and another to me, along with a file.
"Hai Lord Hokage." We reply bowing.
"Alright let's head over to Misume's and help out." Asuma-sensei says. We all turn and walk out the door.
I open my mission scroll and look over it. 'Escort the Sand Siblings to Konoha for the chūnin exams. Will take three days to get there and three days back. Exams are in two weeks.' It reads, I sigh at this and put the scroll away. "What's it say?" Asuma-sensei asks.
"What's what say?" I question.
"The mission scroll." He replies.
"I'm not obligated to tell you that sensei. That's classified information." I reply and he smirks.
"Keep it that way." Is all he says. "Alright. We're here." Asuma-sensei says. We walk up to the door and knock. An older lady answers. "Hello Misume, we're here to help you out."
"Ah, thank you Asuma. I see you have a new student." The woman says looking at me.
"Yes, this is Karasu Bara Hatake." Asuma-sensei replies.
"It's nice to meet you dear. If you guys could just pull the weeds and pick some of the veggies and water the plants that would be nice." She says.
"Alright, you heard her. Let's get to work." Asuma-sensei say.
"Hai Sensei!" We all say and get to work.
-two hours later-
We finished our chores, I mean mission, and are now heading back to report. "Hey Karasu?" Ino asks.
"Yes Ino?" I answer.
"How come you get to go on a solo mission?" She asks gaining the attention of Shikamaru and Choji.
"Because I'm qualified. I'll be back in 6 to 7 days." I reply casually as we walk up to the Hokage's door.
"What*chomp* is your *chomp* mission *chomp* Karasu-chan?" Choji asks while stuffing his mouth full.
"I'm not obligated to tell you." I reply monotonously as we get to the Hokage's office. We knock on the door and wait for the faint come in. After hearing come in we walk in and bow, then I notice dad and his team.
"Karasu-chan!" Naruto and Sakura yell running to hug me. My water teleports me beside Sasuke as they fall face first.
"Hey Karasu, how's it going?" Sasuke asks, then smirks at the death glare I get from Ino and Sakura who were fighting until he spoke.
"Not that bad honestly." I reply to him with some emotion, causing Shikamaru to glare at Sasuke.
"Karasu, I've packed your bag already. So you're set to leave after you're done here." Dad says handing me a bag.
I take a peek inside to see everything I need and a few energy pills. "Thanks dad. I just need to refill my gourd then I should be fine to go there and back." I say as I shift my gourd.
"Okay, team seven is dismissed." The Hokage says making his presence known.
"Hai Lord Hokage." They say and leave.
"Okay, mission report?" He asks us.
"Successful." We all say in unison.
"Good. Here's your pay. And Karasu you may leave for your mission now." The Hokage says.
"Hai Lord Hokage." We all say as we bow and walk out. I put my bag over a shoulder and walk to the river to fill my gourd.
"Hey Karasu!?" A lazy voice calls out. I turn to see Shikamaru walking towards me, so I stop and wait for him. "Where are you going?" He asks after he catches up to me.
"To refill my gourd, it's running low on water." I reply casually walking back to the river.
"Oh. So, why exactly do you have that gourd?" He questions as we arrive at the river.
"Well, it's a secret. But because you're on my team I may be able to tell you.. but not yet. Maybe some other time though." I reply as I move the water around to the gourd and refill it. "Well, Shikamaru, I have to get going. I'll be back within a week." I say.
"Alright. Be careful troublesome woman." He says sitting on the ground and looking up at the clouds.
"I'll be fine. Bye Shikamaru." I say waving.
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