Final Battle
*Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto! Masashi Kishimoto does. So read, vote, comment! I'll update three more next week!
*Karasu's pov*
I woke up to the house being attacked and Naruto protecting Tsunami and Inari. Just as he was about to get stabbed my water went out to protect him. "I don't think so." I say coldly. The man looks wide eyed at me as I take my katanas out and stab him.
"Karasu!" Inari and Tsunami shout.
"Are you okay?" I ask looking at the three.
"Hai." Tsunami and Inari say. Naruto gives me a weird look but nods.
"Inari, here's the plan." Naruto says and starts explaining his plan while I hold off son of the men. I end up killing a good deal of them. Inari and Tsunami end up leaving to safety and me and Naruto head to the bridge.
Naruto and I don't speak the entire way there. I slow down a bit as I sense two familiar chakras. What are they doing here? They're probably after Naruto.. or me. I think to myself. "Go on a head Naruto, I forgot something at the house." I say.
"Okay, hurry up though." He sa and I nod. He then speeds up and goes to the bridge.
Troubles coming your way Pup. Think you can handle it? Hakai asks me.
Of course I can Hakai. I reply to her. And just as I thought, Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki appeared.
"I see you've found me." I state calmly.
"We're here to capture you, Leader will be pleased." Kisame grins a sharply grin.
"It looks like I'm gonna have to fight you now." I sigh. I was hoping to go finish the battle with Zabuza. Maybe if I make quick work of them I can make it in time. I think to myself as I unsheathe my katanas. "Look, I'd love to have a long, good battle with you two but I have another battle to get to." I say a bit annoyed.
"You won't be making it to the next battle." Kisame say. Itachi has activated his Sharingan, so I've been avoiding eye contact. Kisame is just grinning.
"Oh, but I will be leaving here." I reply as I disappear in water and appear behind them. I slash my katanas down and hit Kisame a little bit while Itachi blocks my katana with his own.
I jump back and make quick hand signs, faster then the Sharingan can see. "Water style: electric water prison." I say calmly as use one of my creations(a/n dunno if it's an actual jutsu or not). It mixes water with lightning and shocks the hell out of who ever is trapped by it. I got Kisame, Itachi jumped away just in time. I take senbon needle and stab Kisame in the neck to knock him out long enough.
I then focus on Itachi's chakra. I found him... what's he doing by the bridge? I think and furrow my eyebrows. I appear behind him and hold my katana to his throat.
"I see you got away from Kisame." He says calmly.
"What are you doing here?" I question just as calm.
"Checking on my brother." He replies.
"I see. You never actually wanted to kill your clan, am I right?" I question taking my katana away.
"Indeed." He replies. I sigh and step away. I observe the fight with him for a minute until I see Sasuke about to protect Naruto.
I appear in front of them in an instant and take all of the senbon needles. I grit my teeth in pain and look over to where Itachi is, I see his eyes widen and him nod a thanks to me. "Karasu!" Naruto and Sasuke both yell as I fall to my knees. My mask ripped to reveal my face.
"Why'd you do that, stupid?!" Sasuke scolds.
"I felt like saving you guys. Stop complaining." I reply with a closed eye smile as I collapse completely.
"What a shame." Zabuza says. And just after that I black out. I woke up to see nothing but black and Hakai.
"Where am I Hakai?" I ask.
"You're out cold. You saved that Sasuke kid and Naruto." She replies.
"Am I dead?" I question as I look around, I see a light at the end of the tunnel.
"I'm not entirely sure." She answers honestly. I sigh and start a debate to follow the light or not.
I end up following the light but it keeps getting further away. Then I start hearing a voice. "Go back. It's not your time sweetheart." The voice says eerily.
I continue to walk towards the light and out of nowhere, this beautiful woman appears. She has long brown hair, big brown eyes, and flawless skin. She's taller then me, 5,7, and wears a white and blue kimono with light blue roses on it and a feather fan in hand. She looks at me and smiles a beautiful, kind smile(pic at top). "Karasu." She says sweetly.
"Who are you?" I ask curiously.
"I am your mother. You mustn't go towards the light. Turn away, your father needs you now, your friends they need you two. You are the light they need in the world." She says walking towards me.
"I don't see how? I'm a monster, a Jinchuuri." I sat with a sad tone.
"Oh? I don't see a difference. Jinchuuri's are heroes. They give their lives to protect the village by letting the Jinchuuri be sealed inside of them, even if they didn't have a choice. You are no monster. You are a hero. Now turn around. Your friends are calling you." She says.
"Karasu! Why'd you have to protect us." That voice, who does that voice belong to?
"Karasu please wake up?" An other voice sobs, I feel something wet and warm on my cheek. "Sasuke has awoke already Karasu, please wake up." The voice says more desperately.
"Karasu you Baka. You shouldn't have done that." A voice says emotionlessly, but deep down I can hear the hurt.
"Come on sweetheart. I know you're still here. Come back to me please. I've lost you mother I can't lose you too. I just got you." That voice, Dads voice, says in my ear.
I groan a bit as my eyes flutter open. "Karasu!" Sakura yells engulfing me in a hug.
"Can't.... breathe...." I gasp out.
"Sorry." She says pulling away.
"It's fine." I reply giving a rare smile. Then I feel cold on my face and my eyes widen. "Where's my mask?" I ask showing panic.
"Here, I always have a spare." Dad says as he hands it to me.
"Thank you." I reply relieved.
"Eh! Karasu-chan, why do you wear the mask? Your pretty! Believe it!" Naruto yells. As I look over at Naruto and Sasuke to see blushes on their faces, I even see Sakura with a blush.
"Because, fan boys are too troublesome to deal with." I mumble as I put the mask on and secure it with a senbon needle.
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