Chapter 4
Do you know how hard it is to write this while this song is blasting in your ears? So hard😂👌🏽
*Max's P.O.V*
I must of dozed off because I was awoken by Anna yelling "EWWWW!" from the door frame making me jolted up causing (Y/N) fall off the bed. The blankets rolling off of her exposing her.
(Y/N) yelped. Barney came down the hallway. "Hey what's all that noise-" he paused when he saw (Y/N) sprawled on the floor.
"Ow what the hell?" She mumbled as she look around the room. Her eyes widen when she saw anna and Barney starting at her. She grabbed the blanket and hoped back on the bed and curled up in the corner. She caught my gaze as I followed her every move. She blushed pulling the blanket up more. "Why do you keep staring at me?" She spoke soft but sharply. Her eyes fluttered at me making my stomach drop. They were soft with a hint of sparkle in them.
"I- I can't help it." My voice was horse and my face flushed.
"Oh my god." Anna groaned. "I'm going to vomit." Barney said, his real accent coming out. I shoot them a dirty look making them flee the room. I look over to (Y/N) whose smiling. "What?" I ask. She looked at me with a smile. "I'm just.....happy for once." She looked at my lap then to hers. Her smilie disappearing. I layed a hand on her thigh. She looked at me with tears flooding in her eyes. My smile flew away causing a frown.
"My life before Anna, wasn't great max. Things, things happened." She inhaled a shaky breath. "When I was in high school I was..." She paused searching for words. "Not, this." She looked down at herself and a wimp came out. I went to go hug her but she pushed me away. "Let me finish." She said softly. I nodded sadly. "My parents, they, they were like me. Perfect. Outside but not in. If I didn't come home with A's or B's on my report cards, if I got in any fights, if I ever backed talked a teacher or any adult I was-" she began to get choke up. "I didn't get to eat for that day." My head turned side ways. Not understanding.
"I was fucking starved! Why do you think I'm so skinny now!" Her eyes bloodshot. My heart was being twisted in my chest. "I was beat with my dads belt. Just for talking to a guy! I can still remember the leather smell. I remember looking back at my father and seeing his face. It was of pure hatred. Every swing he took, the cracking of the belt against me. My dad met my mom, across our town. In the back of a car." She shook her head. "They never wanted me. I was a mistake max!" She sobbed. "No you wasn't." I said while choking up. "Max, Its all still here." She pointed to her head. "And here." Then to her heart. "And here I am, turned to be just like my mother. A slut." She broke down sobbing into her lap.
"I-" she cuts me off. "It's ok, you don't have to say anything. I know you care." She crawled over to me and looked at me. Her eyes were a bright (E/C). Her smile spoke of sadness and eyes blossomed. A tear streamed down her face. I wiped it away and caressed her cheek. Her head tilted into my palm making my heart flutter.
Damn it max, what are you a girl? Snap out of it!
But I couldn't. I couldn't leave my eyes from her. I couldn't stop what my hand was doing, because I didn't want to stop. I couldn't stop the feelings that I was having. I began to know this girl only a couple of hours ago and I'm attached. There was something else wrong with this girl and I wanted to find out. I would do anything for this beautiful mess. And I had one question.
What exactly made her go down this path?
(A/N): Hello! My Magnificent basterds! I know I haven't uploaded in awhile and I'm sorry I got a new phone and it's been hell getting service again. But I'm back now and I'm hope to be posting a lot more than I have. This chapter was complete shit and I'm sorry for that but I hope the next few can be a whole lot better! Thanks again!
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