Chapter 8 - Mystery Solving
Your P.O.V
I start up the motorcycle and headed out, following Bill, Dipper and Mabel. It was about a hour drive to get to a awesome mystery. But then something stopped them from going. A giant Ravine splitting from where we are, to where we need to go. They all hit the brakes, since I was in the back, I stopped last and looked down their. "So anyone got a my plans?" Dipper asked kicking a rock down the ravine. I go back down the ravine on the side that we were on and turned around immediately. I do a wheelie and they kept looking at me in a scared way. "(Y/N) What are you doing?!" Bill said running his hand through his hair. I went over the little tiny ramp made from the ravine, and I jumped over the ravine. No fear at all. I made it through and Dipper looked like he was about to jump and save me. I stopped as I made it over. "So, are you guys coming?" I said taking off my helmet. I started to laugh. They all smiled and do to exact same move as me. We headed up a mountain that lead to a forest on top. We all stopped at the edge of the cliff and looked down. I slowly felt someone pushing me, I looked behind me, they were in the tiny forest, looking around. I look back down at the cliff, there was a little pond at the side of the mountain. Something shoved me down the cliff. This time, I am doing it myself this time. I reached in my backpack and pulled out an anchor like chain with ropes. I threw it to the edge, gripping on a rock. My fingers were bleeding from the shard rope strings. I hear footsteps come close to the edge. "(Y/N)?! Are you okay?!" Dipper said trying to pull something out of his backpack. I climb up slowly." Yeah, I'm fine, Let me do this by myself." I said pulling myself up.
So I had a dream. I'll tell you guys about it. I guess I'll let this be your guys perspective.
Gravity Falls Dream 8/9/15
~~~We were on a mission to help bill cipher in human form to find his home in the human world where he was apparently born. We were sailing the ocean. When it was soon enough. We stopped in front of a massive light post that had the words "Mary Lou" written on it. Bill was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and a yellow vest and black jeans. He looked actually cute from my perspective. The giant light post had land attached to it. White fence covered the edges of the land. We all jumped over it. We looked to our right and we saw a giant clay cinder block that looked something like a condo. We all went there, climbing up the stairs. The book said that Bill's home was exactly right here. We looked around and there was no roof and half a wall was missing that was the one facing the Mary Lou. Everything was gone and/or Raided. Except a black tail coat. I handed it to Bill. He had remember his birth and childhood. This place was his home. He put the black tail coat on and stared at the Mary Lou. I tried grabbing my phone out to take of a picture of that wonderful sight, but he got up right after. "Bill, you looked.... Very handsome in that pose by the way." I said blushing and putting the phone back in my jean pockets. "Oh thanks." He walked to the wall beside the Mary Lou. He took off his coat and threw it on the ground. "Let's take the long way back." Bill said smiling weakly crying a little. "Okay. I'm grabbing your coat because it's cute. If you want it, just tell me and I'll give it back the second you stop that sentence. Let's go Bill." I said grabbing the coat and his hand. We walked together but we didn't say a word. We were both blushing. He stops me and pets my hair. He leans in for a kiss. I closed my eyes and let it happen. I put my arms on Bill's shoulders, making it hang over. "I love you." Bill said smiling and giggling very softly. "Bill, I never knew you had feelings for me." I said looking at his handsome eyes. "I do. Since you came all this way to find my home. Thank you." Bill said hugging me. I blushed. "Your just.... Amazing and handsome." I said as he put his hand on my cheek. I woke up.~~~ Okay Back to the Book! >v<
Dippers P.O.V
I saw (Y/N) fall off the edge so I quietly do Bill can't get in my way. I see a hook with a rope attached was gripped on by a huge rock. I look over and held out my hand. She grabbed me because she was at the end of the rope. Her hands were bleeding from the sharp rope strings popping out. "And I would die as many times for my friends so many times, but I can't hold it all...." (Y/N) sang as she smiled at me. I helped her up and at the very second I pulled her up, I see Bill glaring at me and he brushed his hand against his hair. I just smirked back at him. "Are you okay (Y/N)?" I said pulling out a ace rap and wrapping her hand around. She fainted. She can't take a lot of pressure can't she? But that what makes her special. "I'm going t- take a nap. Shouldn't we all? It's been a long day. Let's sleep under the stars. It was actually dawn so Mabel made some food. (Y/N) woke up as soon as possible, but we told her to just lay down. Mabel offered to feed (Y/N) by hand, it was like she was paralyzed. "Did you guys see how I saved myself?" She said in confidence sitting up. "Um... Dipper saved you (Y/N). You probably dreamed that while you were fainted." Mabel said pulling out sleeping bags out. "Oh... Thanks Dipper. This time I wanted to save myself." (Y/N) said with a smile. She mumbled something and ahead out one tear from her left eye. She still had the hieroglyph in her eye. Poor (Y/N), always the one getting hurt or in danger. And for some reason, bill was wearing gloves that day she had the eye problem. Hmm... I have to investigate this tonight. I must protect her, because I love her. I look at the stars with everyone. "Hey I just saw a shooting star." (Y/N) said pointing behind us in the sky. She reached through her backpack and pulls out brass knuckles with incredible sharp spikes on the tip of the grass. "I'm going out for a walk. Need to exercise off that dinner." She said standing up and walking off. I can't leave her alone. But if I do, Bill will follow me. Um... I can't do anything. I try to look for something that can get Bill off my back. I found a clone spell. "Umm I have to go to the bathroom. Be right back." I said walking into the forest awkwardly. I cast the spell. I spoke ancient words and a clone appeared from the ground. "Hi me, I need you to occupy Bill and Mabel." I said pointing towards the way to them. He then nods and runs towards them. I then run off the go catch up with (Y/N). I see her in a not so far distance, punching a tree. The brass knuckles go through the tree, making it fall. It didn't make a loud noise at all. She was using just her hands and feet to kick down trees. I breathe in then out. I grab a rose from a bush and walked towards her. I felt so wobbly, I felt like a noodle in a bowl of soup. I hear her singing "Little Do You Know" by Alex and Sierra. But she was singing only the women singing parts. She ends her first part, then I walk up to her singing the male part. We sang at the same time. Our pitches met, our love met, it was a perfect moment to make a move. Her eyes were wide open for the scare I gave her. "I didn't know you could sing Dipper." She said giggling. "I knew you could sing, your just perfect." I said dancing and twirling her around. She looked at me. Her eyes sparkled at the night sky, so beautiful. I put my hand on her cheek and leaned in for a kiss. "Hey what do you think your doing?!" Bill said yelling and running towards us. I kissed her though. He was far away. I covered her ears so she couldn't hear. She wrapped her hands around me and continued.
Bill changes his appearance for Y/N because she doesn't say anything good about his appearance. Okay I gotta get school over with, I start on the 12th so I gotta go school shopping. Won't be posting as much on school days as I do on summer. But I promise I will update this as soon as possible. Okay bye guys. P.S sorry I kept publishing and un publish it, I had some big mistakes I had to fix. So here you go. Okay bye >v<
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