Chapter 6 - The Love
~Super Time Skip to 12:30 AM~
Your P.O.V
Bill decided to sit next to me... Is... Is he blushing?! I never felt so shy in my life. "Hey, (Y/N)... Do you have feelings for me?" He asked looking at the stars, how they sparkled in his eyes, made him look cute. "I guess I do, you and Dipper are so cute and adorable, I can't just pick one of you guys." I said looking at the stars, dreaming of that kiss, how it made me feel. Bill put his fingers on my chin gently and pulled me to face him. "Um.. Bill...." I said quietly, blushing fifty shades of red, he gently leaned in for a kiss. I stopped him as soon as he kissed for a 5 second kiss. He chuckled lightly.
Dipper's P.O.V
'That stupid Bill. Trying to steal her from me... I love her and I don't want someone like him trying to touch her! He probably just loves her for her beauty.' I punch the wall as (Y/N) and Bill got up and started to walk to the door. "Damnit! My fist are bleeding!" They actually were bleeding. They came in and I panicked so I just put it behind my back as the blood dropped to the floor, in between the cracks of the wood. "Hey (Y/N)...." I said as I walked away in anger. "Oh... Hi Dipper. What's wrong?" She said as she grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "I'm fine.. Can I talk to you....In private?" I said with a glare at Bill. "Um, sure. Bill can you give us a moment?" She said as she brushed Bill away. As I showed her a secret spot on top of the roof, we both say down." It's One in the morning Dipper, what do you need?" She said questionably. I smiled and tossed a soda at her. "I came to bring you here to say, I love you.. I know that I just met you, but the moment I saw you, I had felt my heart come out of my chest... I am just saying, not trying to awkward or anything." I said looking at the stars, she scoots closer to me. "Okay... Do you mind if I can sleepover? I'm sorta scared now." She said quietly. "Um.. Yea sure! Go ahead!" I said escorting her in nicely. She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt so that's good enough. She fell asleep on my bed, and I can't sleep anywhere else, so I had to sleep with her. I have a good excuse because there is no where else to sleep and even Mabel can admit it! I laid down next to her and sorta put my hand over her because she was cold. I looked at my fist and I grabbed a ribbon and rapped it around my knuckles.
~Time Skip~
Your P.O.V
I dodged a bullet on that unexpected conversation with Dipper. I fell asleep on Dippers bed, I was so tired. As I was dreaming, Bill put me in another one of his little "Dreamscape" and it was a mansion with a beautiful large garden. I pick one of their beautiful flowers and they smelled lovely. I ran through the garden and I see a little spot in one of the patches of flowers, with a picnic. I walk over and sit down and I was scared by Bill having a glass of wine. "Um hi Bill." I said with a questionable voice. "Hi.... Wine (Y/N)?" He said pulling out a wine glass, pouring it in. "I guess, you are already pouring it in. Hahaha." I said looking at the green grass. "(Y/N), we can do this every night, just me and you! No crummy Dipper... Me and you can just live in the dreamscape whenever you sleep and when your awake!" He said handing me the wine. "It is beautiful out here isn't it." I said while chuckling. "Do one thing for me (Y/N). Wake up..." He said in a whispery tone. I opened my eyes slightly. And I felt someone's arm over mine. It was Dipper's arm. I grab my phone and checked it and it was 4:00 AM. I rubbed my eyes and got up and quietly as quickly as I could. I tried to make sure Dipper doesn't wake up so I slowly walk out. Dipper quietly said, "(Y/NNN).... Is that you? It's 4 in the morning. I don't think you need to be up so early. Why don't you come and sleep with me?" I got so red from blushing. "Um... No thanks. It's a habit for me to wake up early. I'm going home for a second to get changed." I said trying to make up an excuse. "Oh okay sure. Come back though..." He said brushing his hair back, half asleep. "Sure no problem." I walked home looking at the ground. And I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry." I said looking up. "You better be sorry brat. Now move out of my way!" She said in a sassy and diva like tone. I knew I couldn't move, my legs won't allow it. "Fine you little Brat! Be that way!" She said as she snapped her fingers, making two other girls appear. They started to kick me. I curled up in a little ball, waiting for someone to help me. I was weak and tired, I can't do anything, not even scream for help. I look up and I see Bill, Dipper, and Mabel running towards us. "Stop!" Dipper said in anger, blocking her way. "Pacifica, what the hell are you doing here?" Mabel asked helping me up. "Yeah! What the hell is your guys problem! She didn't mean to get in your way." Bill said also helping me up. "Thanks guys...." I said smiling while blood drips from my nose and mouth. "Oh hey brats. How's your life wasting your time at the mystery shack?" She said in a sassy tone. Dipper and Bill punched the two ladies, then both fists aimed for Pacifica's cheek, making 3 teeth fall out. "Get out of here Pacifica!" Mabel said as she kicked her once. "Screw you." She said as she limped away. "(Y/N), are you okay?!" They all asked in fear. "Yea... I'm fine. You don't need to worry I'll be fine." I said starting to limp my way to the shack. "I'll be fine...."
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