A woman with Long green hair looked down at a younger women with blue black hair.
This would usually be considered normal were it not for the pure white wings adorned on the duo's back's.
"*Fukô, do you know what you must do?" The older women asked with authority.
"Yes, Mother, my lady Archimedes." The younger women, looking to be somewhere between 17 and nineteen replied quietly yet clearly.
"Good... now go." The woman dismissed.
Fukô bowed and disappeared like a fading star.
The woman looked to the side. "Be safe my child, even in the shadows, let your heart be you're guide... May you find your way in this new world..." the woman sent a silent prayer.
Her reddish indigo eyes revealed as she looked on to the sky.
-time skip to another time/place-
Another pair of Reddish indigo eyes looked at a baby bird that fell from its nest in slight announce.
"Seriously..? Another one..!? Okay! Who the devil has been shoving baby bird's from their nest's.!?" The Teenager in a Shiko academy uniform for girls angrily ranted as she stalked towards the baby bird.
She looked it over and saw that both its wings were badly damaged from its fall.
"Poor thing. I guess... I can't take care of you. You'll just die anyway. Making you suffer... I don't like the thought of that, so, I'm going to put you out of you're misery. Poor poor little thing..." She told the bird and placed it back on the ground before stomping on its skull.
She left the scene, the perpetrator, unknown to her, had watched Everything she had done and heard every word.
He was completely taken by the way she stopped the bird's suffering, suffering he had initially intended to continue.
Blood on the concrete, and a girl walking away, just below shoulder length tresses flowing behind her.
She started to randomly sing;
"🎵The day always started with a little pain~🎵
🎵When I was little, it was only but a game~🎵
🎵My mother told me to never lie~🎵
🎵She told me it twas, the suicide of honesty~🎵
🎵I'm older now~ Much colder now~ lost in the pain of memory~🎵
🎵I'm so tired of hearing lies~🎵
🎵To tell the truth, I'd rougher hear the cruelty of what's true~🎵
🎵So, sing me a lallabye, a Lulling melody~!🎵
🎵so, sing me a melancholy simphony~🎵
🎵make me sleep in peaceful misery~!🎵"
She sang, it was a song, a song that truly expressed her deeply scarred, but not yet broken heart.
Her past, how she actually felt.
That, was Fukô.
And the one following her heard every syllable of her past. It was then; he knew why he was so drawn to her...
They were the same; but yet... different.
-skip to school, Fukô's point of view-
My real name, is Fukô; only Fukô.
But here... I go by *Kuroyuki Fukô.
It's my third week sense I arrived in this world, yes world.
For my own world has a heaven, earth and hell separated into realm's... however; the balance between that world and this one has tipped in our world's direction, I was sent to rectify the situation.
I was created for this task by my mother, Lady Archimedes, to come to this world; even I don't quite know why...
And so, here I am. Heavens Princess of sorrow, Fukô.
I entered the building. "Fukô!" A friend of mine with Orange hair, grey eyes and freckles, named Suzuki, called out to me.
"Yes...?" I spoke quietly to her as I thought up pranks to scare the bullies in my class... their funny when they cower in fear... not that I'd ACTUALLY hurt them.. yet.
"Did you break any school rules?" She asked.
I looked at her like she was offering free movie tickets to an exclusive screening. "Of coarse! What fun would life be if I didn't bend a few rules~ hehehe..." you could (probably) practically see the shorter bits of my fringe twitch up in what looked like horns... ironic because I'm literally an angel...
"Yeah..." She sweat dropped. "Well, you and that girl, Tachibana Ritsuka, are to report to the third library for supposedly breaking some rules, I KNOW she wouldn't but... you... well, we never can be sure..." She trailed off looking at me like I was an assassin who also doubled as the devil him(or in this case)herself.
"Don't worry, all I did was set a few moderately poisonous spiders loose near the student cancel's favourite meeting room~ the third library~ and I made sure not to get court." I said with an evil grin.
"Well... th-that's nice... I guess.." She shivered slightly concerned for my life... and her own. As she should be.
Buwahahahahahahahahaha~ muwahahaha~
*Fukô: One of its meaning's is Misery- which is the meaning I'm using-
*Kuroyuki: Black snow. -I thought it was cute-
I hope you like it~ ^-^
There are reference's. If you can spot them...
This is Iochi Sorra Umei, I'm reporting from my emo corner...
Signing off.
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