chapter 1: Melancholy meetings
The blue black haired girl walked with a light brunette haired girl to the third library, she got board and started a conversation.
"Hello, your Ritsuka right?" She asked taking a glance at her.
"Y-yes..." She was hesitant, "Tachibana Ritsuka... you.. are?" She properly introduced before asking.
"Oh! How rude of me~ I'm Kuroyuki Fukô, call me Fukô." The prankster in question answered.
"Fukô? Doesn't that mean misery?" She asked.
"Yes, my mother named me Misery, for she predicted that is what I would cause." Fukô gave an angelic closed eyes smile.
"And what about you? Your name can quite literally be translated to Risk... what are you, a risk?" Fukô joked.
Ritsuka blushed beet red in stunned surprise and soon feigned anger. "WHAAAA!?!?" She exclaimed only causing the devilish angel into a fit of giggles.
"I think I like you," Fukô started and put out her hand, wiping a hysterical tear from her eye, "wanna be friends?" She asked.
Ritsuka sighed in slight exasperation, but nether the less, smiled and excepted her out stretched hand. "Sure!"
After walking and chatting to get to know each other, they arrived at the third library. "That's funny..." Fukô muttered.
"My prank spiders aren't here anymore..." came her quiet line. "Hugh?" Ritsuka asked having heard some mumbling, but couldn't make sense of it.
"Nothing~ nothing! We best see what the student council of doom want with us!!!" Fukô shouted with a sadistic laugh at the end.
Ritsuka sweat dropped wondering if her new friends mind was all there or not...
As they ascended the flight of stairs, the tension seemed to increase.
(A/N: please look up Shiko Academy Student council introductory song, YouTube.)
They opened the doors.
Fukô could tell they weren't like other people, but still... She had no idea how so, exactly...
"Tachibana Ritsuka." The blonde called out as said person entered the room, "...and Kuroyuki Fukô." 'Blondie sure is annoying... you'd think someone stoll his chocolate while he was stuck in traffic or something...' Fukô thought as she said, "Blondie, just introduce yourself so Ritsuka here doesn't have to mentally call you Blondie like I have already decided to forever be your name to me, to be."
Rem ignored her as ""mussels"" as she decided to call the other Blondie, and ""Totally gay"" as she called the guy with the rose, started snickering slightly and, a purple haired teen with two horns of hair and blood Orange coloured eyes, who she mentally nicknamed ""Mr masochist"" as she dubbed him in a previous meeting, sighed.
"I'm Kaginuki Rem, President of Shiko academy's student council." The blonde with blue eyes, introduced clearly as he proceeded to leave his seat in the front of the room and begins to saunter over.
"We received two accounts, one was a note for Tachibana San, and the other... was an eye whiteness account for Kuroyuki San..." He said as his eyes flicked between them.
"Kuroyuki Fukô, I must ask that you wait out side the room until our meeting with Tachibana San is finalized." He stated rougher than asked.
"What ever you say Blondie." The girl stated as she walked towards the door of the room.
As she did however, she heard, "We received a note that states you have been violating school regulations." From Rem.
"What?! I've done no such thing." Was Ritsuka's firm response.
"I only know what the letter says." And the door closed, stopping her from listening in further.
Fukô sat down on the floor and opened her hand bag, pulling out a small handbook to brainstorm up new pranks.
Soon enough, the door flew open and an unbelievably furious Ritsuka stormed out. She proceeded to descend down the stairs and met up with her blond friend.
"Well... I guess it's my turn to find out what Blondie wants..." Fukô muttered as she proceeded to place the evidence in a secret pocket in her bag.
She once again, entered the third library.
"As was stated prior to your absence," Rem started with a hard look. "We received an eye whiteness account of, you setting spiders outside of our library..." he spoke with a stern voice.
"Oh? But I wouldn't do that unless I had a legitimate reason..." Fukô spoke clearly a stray piece of hair comforting above her head to look like a halo. Her expression the very meaning of innocence.
It was in that moment, that the student council of Shiko academy, learned a very important lesson...
"Just kidding~" she grinned.
"I don't need a reason..." the halo was immediately replaced by horns... "to stirrup some trouble~ Pranks are fun to set up and even fall into at times~" the evil yet good nature in her very aura... yes, they learned to never trust an innocent face.
"Who are you." Rem asked with suspicion.
"Me~ I'm misery~" Fukô truthfully spoke.
"Heh, I can tell something interesting's coming!" ""Mussels"" as Fukô thought, exclaimed.
"Oh~ what a mysterious butterfly~" ""Totally gay"" flirtatious as ever; spoke out.
"WAIT?! THAT WAS FLIRTY!? AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE GAY!?!?!?" Fukô shouted at him.
He choked on his spit as Rem face parmed, and ""Mr masochist"" held himself with a grin shivering and chuckling, ""mussels"" was laughing himself to an early grave.
"Hay? Mr masochist? Are you okay there?" She asked kinda concerned for his health with his shivering.
""Mussels"" lost it even further.
"Mussels, your gonna laugh yourself to an early grave you know." Fukô stated seriously.
Everything within the room became silent. "My. Name. Is. Not. Mussels." Said ""mussels"" spoke.
"Okay then, introduce yourselves already!"
"I'm Natsumezaka Shiki," the formerly known ""Mr masochist"" introduced as he appeared behind her and suddenly disturbed her personal space, "the student council Treasurer..." He spoke into her ear, as he rested his arms on her shoulders.
She immediately pushed him. "HAY!!! AT LEAST DON'T WHISPER IN MY EAR LIKE THAT!!!" She shouted.
'That's what caused her reaction?!' The other three thought in stunned silence.
"Right! Next!" She proclaimed as she pointed to- "Totally gay it's your turn!" She preceded to interrupt the narrator...
"Me!? First of all, I'm straight!" He proclaimed as Fukô silently muttered 'as a halo'.
"I'm also the vice president of Shiko academy's student council!" He continued, then placed his hand beneath hers to bring it up. "Sogami Urie. My mysterious little butterfly~" and he preceded to blow on her hand about to kiss it- *slap special sound effect* when he got a slap to the face!
"That was creepy." She stated glaring at him...
The ""mussels"" guy then laughed at -the now named- Urie.
"I'm Nanashiro Mage. The Secretary," he smirked cocky as all darn.
"Nice to greet you, now... stop talking to me, Your mussels are literally creeping the heaven out of me..." She stated in distaste.
"Well, as I stated earlier," Rem interrupted before any conflict could arise, "you set some poisonous spiders loose in here... on purpose." Rem looked annoyed as Fukô snickered.
"So given that we have been short handed as of late, instead of the usual penalty we hand out, we must ask that you help when we ask it of you. That is all." Rem stated closing his eyes as he could practically feel another migraine coming on.
Fukô stared blankly. "As long as I don't have to deal with flower power," points to Urie, "and creepy biceps" points to Mage, "then you probably won't have that much of a problem." Fukô closed eyes smiled at the entire student council. And preceded to leave.
The student council were left in a state of shock.
That was fun to write... anyway, I hope no one died during the reading of this, be assured no anime characters were harmed or killed during the making of this fan fiction...
So far...
Please remember that I don't own the manga or anime, I only own my O/C and any madness that she may cause...
Fukô: quiet! I'm studying for a stupid human exam!!!
Me: -.-|| I'm you're creator.
Fukô: So?
Me: *gives up*
Fukô: was it something I said? Well, vote, comment, watch the anime this fan fiction is based on and if you want to, you can follow that emo girl *points to me in my corner* over there.
Me: until next time, this is Iochi Sorra Umei reporting from the emo corner, signing off.
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