Chapter 5
Jamie helped to support Dakota as they hobbled toward the entrance that they came in. He hailed a cab and they hopped in.
"Give me your leg," he said, helping her to pull it onto his lap. He tried to pull the leg on her jeans up to examine the blood stain forming through the material, but the thick denim wouldn't budge past her upper calf. Jamie decided to just wait until they reached the apartment to take care of it. "How are you feeling besides your leg?" he asked.
"I'm fine, really. Just need to throw a band-aide on my knee, change my clothes, and wash my hands," she replied.
"Let me see your hands," he requested.
She held her hands, palms up, in front of him. He gently circled the little intentions in her hands that her fall on the gavel left with his thumbs. Luckily, indentations and some scraped skin was all that was evident of the fall on her hands- no blood.
Once they reached the apartment, Dakota slid her knee off of Jamie, but before she had a chance to start to open her door, he pulled her over to his side of the cab by her arm and scooped her up.
"Agh!" she yelled in surprise. He pulled some money out of his pocket for the cab driver and took hold of Zep's leash, putting it around the wrist that was supporting her bottom. She put one arm around his neck while digging in her purse for her keys. As they entered the apartment, Jamie set her down and unhooked Zep, letting him run free through the house. He then guided Dakota into the kitchen and told her to take her jeans and shoes off while he raided her bathroom for medical supplies. He came back just as she was about to put her jeans into the wash.
"Drop them, I'll take care of it later," he ordered while laying the supplies down on the kitchen counter beside him. She did as he said and walked back toward him. He lifted her up onto the counter and took in the site of her beautiful body for a moment. There she was sitting in her underwear and t-shirt on the counter. If she hadn't been injured, he wouldn't have been able to resist imploring his mouth on her right there. Her glance down to her knee reminded him of his current duties, though, and he got his mind back on track. He picked up the washcloth and gently started toward her knee, which was tore up pretty badly with now dry blood on it. As he touched it with the slightest of ease, she flinched and sucked in a deep breath. "Sorry, I'm trying to clean you up," he said softly.
"It's okay," she said, looking down.
He took care to clean the blood away from around the site with the warm washcloth, and then picked up a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. "Forgive me, this will probably sting a bit," he said regrettably.
When he touched the soaked cotton ball into the antiseptic and touched it to her knee, she whimpered loudly and tried to pull away from him. His other hand was tightly holding around the back of her leg though so she couldn't move it. "Ahh, it burns," she cried.
"I know, I'm sorry baby but I have to clean it or we risk it getting infected," he said. Then he grabbed the Neosporin and a large bandage and finished patching her knee up. "All done," he said, giving it a kiss.
"Thank you," she said. The tears in her eyes were obvious. He kissed her cheek.
"No problem," he replied. "Why don't you go and wash up, I have to make a phone call."
She hopped down from the counter, taking all of the supplies back to the bathroom with her. After she entered the bathroom and put everything back in its spot, she washed herself down with the washcloth and cleaned her face and teeth. She then put her pajamas on and started to head toward her bedroom when she heard Jamie on the phone.
"I love you so much sweetheart. You mean more to me than life itself. Don't you ever forget that. You're the light of my life..."
Dakota couldn't believe what she was hearing. She backed out of the room slowly, going back toward the bathroom to sit and think about what she just heard. About ten minutes later, she heard Jamie calling for her.
"Dakota, you okay in there?" he asked.
"Yeah, fine," she sniffled. She wiped her face again and walked back out, deciding not to bring it up tonight. She had had a long enough day as it was.
She found Jamie in the living room sitting on the couch. She joined him.
"What's the matter, love?" he asked her.
"Oh, I'm just worried about that man from earlier," she replied, looking down at her knotted hands.
"Baby, I promise you that you have nothing to worry about," he said, taking his hand and lifting her chin up to make her look at him. "As long as I'm living, I'll protect you."
This would of reassured Dakota more had she not just heard part of his telephone conversation. She couldn't let him know about that quite yet though until she was more emotionally stable to put up the fight that felt she deserved. She wasn't about to be his temporary 'go-to girl' or be 'the other woman,' whichever he evidentally saw her as.
"Hey," he said, "I mean it."
Her response was crawling into his arms and snuggling into his chest. He took a good whiff of her hair and started twirling it around his fingers with one hand as he rubbed her back with the other.
She yawned. "I'm going to curl up on the bed, wanna join me?" she asked him.
"Sure, just let me grab a drink and run to the loo and I'll be in," he replied.
As she walked into her bedroom, she noticed the setting sun as the room darkened. She hadn't realized how late it had gotten. She started over to close the blinds when she noticed movement outside.
"Jamie!" she screamed. "Jamie! Come quick!"
Jamie ran in at lightening speed, "What's the matt..." Jamie saw before he finished the sentence, even though Dakota also interrupted him with the problem. The guy in the dark shades, navy shirt, and dark jeans was attempting to climb down the fire escape as fast as he could.
"That man's out there!" she yelled as Jamie was running out of her bedroom, trying to get down to the bottom of the fire escape before the guy could get away. As he flew down the stairwell and out the front door, he saw the man running around the side of the building and down the street. The man hailed a cab and Jamie found one as well.
"Follow that cab. Now!" he ordered. He got the NYPD on the phone and alerted them to what was going on as they rushed around corners here and there.
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