Chapter 31
Author's Note: I apologize for how long this has taken me. There is no real excuse but work has been crazy and there has been an important event in my life that now requires a lot of my attention. I promise I will keep writing and will work on the next chapter on a daily basis rather than letting it slide to tomorrow as I did on this one. It also took awhile for me to do the research needed and get all the details straight. It was the hardest thing I have ever written because I wanted it perfect. Part of me is concerned it's still not good enough, but I've made you all wait long enough. I'm dedicating this chapter to AthenaShakespeare because she has waited for this moment since the very first chapter before I ever published it on Wattpad. Thank you to all of my readers. Without further ado, I cordially invite you all to Jamie and Dakota's wedding....
"Dakota, are you almost ready to go," Celina asked from outside the bedroom door.
"Yeah, is Jamie still here," she asked as she peeked around the corner. All that was visible to Celina was her head with her hair all done up and her perfect makeup.
"No, he's left to get ready and he's going to meet us there," Celina replied. "Why?"
"Whew! I don't want him seeing me in the dress before the wedding. Although he has probably already seen the dress," she admitted, emerging completely from the bedroom.
"Wow! Oh my gosh, Dakota. You look...gorgeous....," Celine replied breathless. After a few moments she remembered her thoughts. "No, he had me take care of all of all of that. His sisters reminded him that it's bad luck to see the dress before the wedding so he tried not to look at the picture in your book and asked me to get it," she assured the beautiful bride.
Dakota sighed in relief. "Alright then. I guess this is it," she breathed.
"Are you ready for this," Celina asked, worry flashing upon her face.
"As ready as I'll ever be," Dakota replied with a smile on her face.
"Off we go then," Celina stated while wearing her bright orange maid-of-honor dress that stopped right before her knees. She had her hair up in a bun and a pearl necklace on, just as the bridesmaids who were getting ready at Jamie's sister's house would. Everyone was to meet at the shore at 5pm and the wedding would begin precisely at
She wore a silk, ivory gown with short sleeves that hung slightly from her shoulders. It was silk with diamonds throughout. Her hair was pulled back into a bun on top of her head with curls circling her face. Her veil came down to her shoulders and had red and white roses lining her hairline. Around her neck was her grandmother's diamond necklace that she had given to her when she was younger. It was her something old, yet it was very beautiful. As she had wished, Jamie had gotten his late mother's heirloom for Dakota to borrow. Celina helped her put it in her hair. Jamie had gotten her brand new diamond earrings and left them on the the dresser for her to find as he left. As for her something blue, Dakota had a favorite sapphire bracelet that she put on her left wrist.
As they stepped outside, Dakota saw the horse drawn carriage waiting for them to take them to the wedding. "He really did follow my book," she gasped.
It was a bit of a trip due to the speed of their ride, but Celina and Dakota finally made it to the wedding right as most of the other guests were getting settled.
Dakota exited the carriage to find two lines going down the beach with white flowers on the side and golden candles, making a pathway for the bride and groom. Jamie was waiting at the end under a beautiful arch. The waves weren't too far down from that as they gracefully crashed into the shore. There were birds chatting and singing in the background, setting the perfect scene in Dakota's eyes.
Before Dakota began her walk down the aisle, Dulcie, dressed in a beautiful pink dress, wobbled down to her dad, throwing yellow daisies and daffodils out from her little white, wicker basket. Dakota's and Jamie's sisters were standing in peach dresses in a similar style to Celina's. Jamie was in his black tuxedo with an orange tie that matched Celina's dress and a pink handkerchief sticking out of his pocket that matched Dulcie's dress. His groomsmen, Dakota's brother and some of his best friends, were dressed in their tuxes with peach ties and golden handkerchiefs. Jamie picked the toddler up as she made her way towards him and kissed her on the head, before handing her to Millie who stood close by to take her back to their seats. Dulcie giggled and smiled, seemingly happy with the event and proud of her brilliant work.
As Dakota started down the aisle with Don and Antonio by her side, Jamie's band played the 'Bridal March'. All of their family and friends were surrounding them in little white chairs. At Dakota's wishes, there was no "bride side" and "groom side," just family and friends sitting wherever they wished to celebrate the couple's big day.
Jamie took Dakota's arm as she reached him and her fathers went to find their seats beside Melanie, who was bawling and trying to keep her makeup in order.
"You look...stunning," Jamie gasped. "I can't get over how much I love you."
"Then don't," she grinned.
The pastor from Jamie's parent's church then spoke up. "Friends and family, we are gathered here today..."
Jamie tried to focus but couldn't get enough of Dakota's beauty. He just wanted to say the words and take off into the sunset with her.
Dakota felt the same way. She was enjoying and taking everything in, but was ready to kiss Jamie. As she began to focus again, she realized it was about time to read her vows.
"Jamie, when I was younger, I always said I would never get married. There had been so much heartbreak in my family over the years and I was determined to avoid that. The day I met you, all of that changed. You ground me and make me a better person. It's like I wasn't whole until you came into my life. There's no one else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with than you."
"And now, Jamie," the pastor said looking his way.
Jamie cleared his throat. "Dakota, since the day I met you, I knew you were the one. No one else on this earth makes me happier than you do. You are someone me mum would've been proud to call a daughter-in-law. You are already the perfect stepmum to Dulcie and I can't wait until the day I see you holding our children in your arms. You're the one. You've always been the one and you always will be.
The pastor had them repeat their promises to each other and say, "I do."
Then, Dakota's brother stepped aside to Melanie to get Zep so the pup could deliver the rings. Zep wagged his tail happily as he went towards Dakota and Jamie. He bowed his head as if to tell them they were welcome to take the rings off his back and get married. It was like he was welcoming Jamie into his and Dakota's life. "I now pronounce you husband and wife," the pastor officially announced.
Jamie bent Dakota backwards and kissed her in one of the most passionate kisses imaginable. It took Dakota's breath away as he held her in his arms. Had he not had a tight grip on her, she'd have fallen. She felt like she was floating on air.
Millie was the first one on her feet clapping. Melanie's sobs could be heard by all and Antonio's hushes and comforting words weren't helping to calm her at all. Jamie's dad, Jim, was smiling proudly at his son. Everyone rose to their feet and threw out birdseed as the happy couple made their way back down the aisle to celebrate their new life together as a couple.
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