Chapter 2
Dakota hit the 'Call Back' button.
"Hello?" Jamie answered.
"Hi, it's me," Dakota replied.
"Hey, how are you? I was wondering if you wanted to go grab a bite to eat or something...if you're not busy, that is."
"I'm fine. Yeah, I can meet you now. I just got out and was thinking about heading to brunch."
"Great, well how about Penelope in fifteen?" he asked.
"Sounds good! See you soon."
Dakota hang up. It seemed like so long ago since they had last seen each other. A month seemed like an eternity. She thought about all that had happened since they'd met- she had broken up with two boyfriends, Jamie had divorced Amelia, she had moved to New York....everything was changing. She had missed him so much, yet was still nervous to see him again. It would be the first time they would be face-to-face since his divorce.
Of course, he and Millie were still good friends, and he would continue to be her life. They had just grown apart and had trouble with their long-distance relationship. She started having feelings for other people and he started having feelings for Dakota. He would still stay a major part of Dulcie's life, though. Dulcie's biological father, Paddy O'Connor, had been one of Jamie's best mates growing up. He was a bomb disposal expert in the army. Before he was deployed, he extracted a promise from Jamie. “If I ever get blown into the next life, look after my Millie and the bairn in the oven,” Paddy requested. He and Millie had been together for several years and were finally getting what they wished most for- a sweet baby girl. When Millie got the call that fateful day, she was devastated. At eight months pregnant, Paddy never got to meet his daughter. He had gotten to choose her name, however. He was a good man and Jamie made it clear that he wanted Dulcie to know all about her biological dad, but he wanted her to grow up with a father-figure in this life as well who she could go to and depend on, so he formally adopted her when she was born. Amelia was grateful for Jamie's comfort and presence, and she ended up marrying him shortly after. They never really had a romantic relationship, though, and since he'd started spending more time in America, they had gone down different paths and found that they were happier apart than as spouses. They would always care about each other though and put Dulcie first.
Dakota hailed another cab. As she arrived at Penelope, she noticed that Jamie was already waiting for her. She got out of the cab and smiled as she greeted him. He walked toward her and they embraced. They got a table and looked at the menu.
"I think I'll take the Curried Chicken Salad with a Diet Coke," Dakota ordered.
"And I'll have C. J.'s Fish and Chips with a water and lemon please," Jamie announced.
As the waiter left, Jamie looked up into Dakota's eyes. "So how are you really doing?"
"I've missed you," she answered truthfully.
"I'm sorry for leaving you so long, baby. You know that I have had a ton of work to do," he took her hands into his.
"I know, it's just I'm just so happy to see you again. How is Dulcie doing? Did you get a chance to see her while you were across the pond?"
"Yeah, we had a special day out. She's growing like a weed! I told Millie that if she keeps feeding her, we wouldn't be able to pick her up," he joked.
"And Millie, is she doing okay?"
"Yeah, she's working a lot too. Got a lot on her plate right now," he replied. "So what have you been up to lately?"
"Just the same old thing, you know. Doing interviews and going back and forth between LA and NY."
Jamie looked down at her plate, she had barely touched her salad. She had been picking at it but little had made it into her mouth. "I thought you were hungry," he stated.
"I guess my appetite deceived me," she replied.
"Or your nerves are getting the better of you," Jamie added. "You know you don't have to be nervous around me. It's me, Dakota! I mean, we've seen each other naked for goodness sakes!"
"I know, I'm sorry. It's just, I've missed you so much and was afraid you had moved on from me," Dakota heard herself say the thing she most feared. She didn't want to lose Jamie, and the last month was the longest they had been apart. Yes, there had been phone calls, but it wasn't the same as seeing each other every day.
"Dakota, you know you're the only girl for me. I can't foresee the future. You know that. I can't tell you what's going to happen. I can promise you that I'll always care about you and we'll always be in each other's lives. I'm willing to try to make this work if you are as well. It won't be easy, but I think it will be worth it. Do you still fancy me?"beh asked.
"Of course I do!" Dakota replied, "I can't imagine life without you."
"Well ok, then, I feel the same about you. Let's take it one step at a time, and we'll see where it leads us," Jamie suggested. Dakota smiled as she started to eat more of her meal. "That's the Dakota I know," he grinned. "That relaxed girl with the sweet smile."
"I'm so glad you called me," she stated.
"Me too. So what are your plans this afternoon?"
"I have one more interview for a magazine in about an hour and then a mani/pedi appointment at 6," she replied.
"Maybe we can meet up again tomorrow then."
"Yeah, absolutely! So you never told me, what are you in town for?" she asked.
"I finished wrapping up my new movie and had to come to see you," he replied gleefully.
"You are so sweet. Today's been crazy but this weekend I don't have any plans, so we can spend all day Saturday and Sunday together."
"I would love nothing more!" He was thrilled at the idea of having her all to himself for the entire weekend.
"Well, I better head up to my interview. I'll call you in the morning."
They stood up and said their goodbyes. She hugged him and he kissed her cheek. Then, she headed out,
That night, after Dakota crawled into bed to read a little, she heard a rumbling. She opened her window to look out and a huge gust of wind blew in. A storm had begun. Shortly after another boom, the lights flickered. The night seemed darker than normal and she began to feel fear. She did the first thing that popped into her head- called Jamie.
"Hello?" Jamie answered groggily.
Dakota looked at the clock and realized it was almost one in the morning. "Oh, I'm sorry to wake you..."
"Dakota," Jamie interrupted, "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" He sounded more alert.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just, a bit spooky over here is all," Dakota replied, feeling stupid for calling him now.
"Baby, I'll be over in ten minutes," Jamie replied and hung up.
Dakota went to unlock the door and went back to her room. She sat back down on her bed as she replayed the conversation in her head. She felt so silly calling him over a little storm. Another loud boom struck and startled her. Within less than five minutes, She heard her front door opening and Jamie calling her name.
"In here," she yelled back.
"Hey baby!" He walked in and went straight over to embrace her.
She nuzzled her head into his chest and held him tight as she took in the smell of her hair. They both were thinking the same thing- they could stay like this forever.
Jamie was the first to pull back. "Is everything alright now?"
"Yes, of course. I'm sorry I woke you," she looked down guiltily.
"Nonsense! Anytime you need me, I'm just a ring away," he said lifting her chin up to look into her eyes. "Please don't ever leave your door unlocked when you're here by yourself, though. Anyone could have walked in."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," she replied.
"Come on, it's late. Let's get you into bed," he stated.
He lead her over to the bed and pulled the sheets back over for her to sit. Then he pulled his shirt over his head and took his shoes and jeans off so that he was standing only in his boxers. He crawled in on the other side beside her and pulled her close to him. She put her arms around him and he kissed her softly on the lips.
"I love you so much," he told her.
"I love you too. More than anyone on this earth," she replied back.
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