<< Chapter 8 >>
The black sand was now up to Ladybugs chin and slowly inching towards her mouth when suddenly a long rounded piece of metal flew out of the dark and before Dark Queen could react she was hit directly in the stomach and crouched over in pain.
The pressure on Ladybugs chest was released and the sand lowered itself collapsing on the ground.
Ladybug was now on her knees trying to breath but struggling because of all the pressure that was on her small body.
"N-ne-neck-neckl-necklac-e" ladybug whispered. Telling a certain someone some important information.
"What do you think you are doing" Dark Queen said looking at ladybug with eyes as sharp as knives.
Ladybug just coughed repeatedly.
"Ugh" Dark Queen said in frustration as she recollected her sand and pushed Ladybug back on the wall.
"Gah!" Ladybug yelled in pain.
"I'm done with you games you insignificant insect" Dark Queen said through her teeth as she pushed on ladybug harder causing her to yell once again.
Thats when a black cat ran out of thw shadows, hitting the queen once more and returning to the shadows only to come out and repeat his tatic.
"Cataclysm!" He said and grabbed the necklace from Dark Queen releasing the akuma.
Once the sand released Ladybug she went into action, purified the akuma and set everything back to normal.
"Chat Noir?" She after parting with the 3 other hero's and helping the victim.
"Hello M'Lady" he said emerging from the dark shadows of the street. A smile wide on his face.
Ladybug, ignoring the pain of her body, ran as fast as she ever could and jumped on her partner. Enveloping him in a hug.
"Hello my bugaboo" he said. Tears steaming down his face landing in his lady's hair as he pressed his head against the side of her head. Pulling her closer into the hug.
"Kitty" she replied gripping his suite pulling him closer with her head burried deep in his neck and tears on her face.
"I missed you so much" she said through the happy sobs that escaped her lips.
"I missed you to M'Lady" he responded in return.
After the two hero's said their hellos they agreed to meet tomorrow at twilight at their special meeting spot.
It was hard to leave each other when they where just reunited for the first time in months. But it was still the middle of the night.
"Ill see you tomorrow" Ladybug says as she stands up from their spot on a roof of a house.
"See you tomorrow M'Lady" chat says standing up and kissing Ladybugs hand. But she quickly pulled it away and pushed his nose.
"Tomorrow" she says swinging towards home.
🐾Adriens POV🐾
"Ugh plagg can you beleive it!" Adrien said as he handed Plagg some cheese.
"I saw M'Lady again! She lookes so beautiful and confident and powerful and mature, breathtaking and-" he was stopped by a certain kwamii.
"Yah yah I get it. You saw Ladybug. Good for you kid. Now I'm going to bed. All this traveling has me exaused" plagg said dramatically.
Adrien then took that as a sign to get ready for bed. He changed his clothes, washed his face and brushed his teeth before he got in bed.
All night he could stop thinking about how breathtaking Ladybug looked while fighting. She was so graceful and elegant. Even when fighting an akuma.
"And in these past few months i've been gone I think she's grown into herself. Both physically and mentally. She looks more confident. Acts more confident and isnt as awkward as she used to be. Not that I didnt like her awkwardmess, I think it was adorable. And she acts More like the leader she was born to be." Adrien thought as he drifted to sleep.
"Ill have to call Emilee tomorrow and tell her everything" he says as he drifts away.
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