Wayne Manor
Reaper felt like hitting his head against a wall, he'd just been told by Batman that he'd be going to his house that night. Reaper didn't get a choice either, right after Batman told him he left and Reaper wanted to shoot something. He knew it was either Robin or Alfred that talked him into it, he saved Alfred from a mugger in the street.
The butler had been buying groceries and had to park on the street, a mugger that was clearly on drugs attacked him. Reaper just pulled him into an alley and knocked him out, but whether it was Alfred or Robin didn't matter, he wasn't happy. After cursing the world for over ten minutes in the room he'd been staying in he went to the living room and turned on the news.
Robin walked into the room and it seemed like he wasn't sure what to do, he felt a bit awkward as he walked over to Reaper and sat down next to him. After several minutes the hero broke the silence, "So, um, Batman told me he invited you to stay the night with us."
Reaper felt irritated, "Invited implies that I had a choice, which I clearly don't."
Robin looked away, "Sorry, Batman's just kind of intense sometimes."
"I've noticed."
Robin was silent for a second before he smiled a little, "If it helps I'm kind of happy you're coming over."
Reaper paused for a second, he spoke slowly, "That doesn't make it worse."
Robin smiled, the rest of the team started slowly finding their way into the living room, they still weren't sure what to say to Reaper. He'd protected their family and friends, they'd learned some surprising things about him too, but knew next to nothing about his past. Reaper was quiet, he barely even moved and he wasn't paying attention to the TV, he was thinking.
He'd been remembering things about his past, of course he'd never forgotten because of the nightmares but still. He wasn't sure how long he sat there but he only moved when Batman came back to get him and Robin. Reaper was just hoping this wouldn't go like the other two times he'd done this, that hadn't been good.
They walked into the zeta tubes and when they walked out they were in a cave, Reaper might have been impressed if he were anyone else. He heard strange calls somewhere above them and when he looked up he realized that they were bats. Reaper looked at Robin, "You have bats?"
Robin smiled a little and shrugged, "Kind of."
Reaper rolled his eyes and couldn't help but smile a little, he was very glad he wore a mask for this exact reason. Reaper glanced around the cave more and was surprised by the strange objects Reaper could only guess were trophies of some sort. There was also a large computer, gadgets and modes of transportation for just about every situation.
Batman walked over to the computer and Robin smiled a little, "So, what do you think?"
Reaper glanced around for a second, "I think he's very consistent about the bat theme."
Robin laughed a little which made Reaper smile again, then he heard the sound of an elevator and when it opened an older man walked out. Batman walked over and Robin ran over, Reaper quietly sighed before turning to smoke and making his way over as well. He turned back next to Robin and Alfred looked at the three, "Welcome back master Bruce, master Richard, and hello mister Reaper."
Reaper spoke, "Just Reaper, I don't like formalities."
Alfred raised an eyebrow but he still nodded and didn't question him which Reaper was actually thankful for. Batman and Robin changed before they went upstairs, Reaper almost expected Batman to try to at least get Reaper to take off his mask, he didn't. They went upstairs and Bruce looked at Reaper, "You'll be staying in the room next to Richard's."
Richard smiled a little, "I can show you where it is later."
Alfred spoke, "Dinner will not be ready for another half hour, I shall inform you when it is done."
Bruce spoke, "I need to do some work in the study." He looked at Richard and Reaper, "Try not to break anything."
With that he left and Reaper felt a bit irritated, "Is he always like that?"
Richard shrugged, "Pretty much."
Reaper seriously considered actually breaking something just to annoy him but decided against it. He didn't want to deal with whatever Bruce would have to say about it, though it might stop him from making Reaper come over again. Before he could rethink his decision Richard spoke, "Well, we can watch TV until dinner's ready."
Reaper quietly sighed and followed Richard to wherever they were going, Richard opened the door to the room and let Reaper in. It looked like a TV room, Reaper sat on the couch and Richard turned the TV on, it was already on the news. They sat there in silence for a few minutes and Richard kept glancing at Reaper, of course he noticed but didn't say anything.
Richard eventually spoke, "Look, I know you're probably not happy to be here but after dinner you don't have to be around anyone if you don't want to be."
Reaper looked away, "That was never the issue."
Richard looked confused, "Then what is?"
Reaper thought about just not telling him, after all there was no reason for him to, but he decided to at least try to trust him. He hesitated, "It's all just confusing, they don't know me or have any reason to want to, I just don't understand."
Richard looked at him sadly, "Don't you have people that care about you?"
"Not really, there is one person that does but it's complicated."
Richard seemed confused, "How complicated?"
Reaper sighed and took off his mask before covering his eyes with his hand, "I don't even know how to explain it. And either way no one should want to be around me anyway so-."
Richard glared at him and grabbed the front of his coat, Reaper thought he was going to at least yell at him but he was very wrong. Richard kissed him and he was beyond confused, when Richard pulled away Reaper actually wished he hadn't. Richard looked Reaper in the eye, "People care about you, I care about you, so people are going to want to be around you whether you like it or not."
Reaper looked completely shocked and Richard slowly let go of him, "Sorry, I just, I don't know." Richard looked at his hands and Reaper turned away, he looked at his mask and Richard broke the silence, "I'm sorry."
Reaper was silent for a few seconds, "Let me ask you something, why do you think I wear this mask?"
Richard looked confused, he had no idea why Reaper was asking him that, "To hide your secret identity."
Reaper shook his head, "No one would know who I am anyway, at first I hated this mask, I hated it so much that I wanted to break it." Richard gave him a confused look, why would he wear it if he hated it, Reaper smiled ever so slightly. "Then I stopped hating it, it stopped being something I had to wear, now I only take it off around people I trust."
Richard hesitated, "How many people do you take it off in front of?"
"Until recently just one, now it's two."
"So who are they?"
"My only friend, and now you."
Richard stared at Reaper in shock, the hero hesitated but he felt like he had to know, "Reaper, do you hate me now?"
Reaper looked confused, "For?"
Richard looked away, "For kissing you."
Reaper looked at his mask, "No, I don't hate you, believe it or not I actually like you, more then I should."
Richard's eyes widened, "Wait, really?"
Reaper nodded, "I know you probably don't like me back but at this point I don't have anything to lose."
Richard smiled, "Trust me I definitely like you back." He hesitated, "So would you, maybe, be my boyfriend?"
Reaper actually smiled, really smiled, "I'll warn you now that I'm really messed up, but if you still want to date me I won't say no."
Richard smiled, he was happier then he'd ever been before, he hugged Reaper and kissed him again. Reaper kissed back and when they pulled away Richard turned on the TV and they watched the news in a comfortable silence. Reaper put his mask back on and Richard held his hand while they watched, neither of them wanted to move.
They weren't sure how much time passed before Alfred finally came to get them and they went to the dining room to eat. Reaper sat down next to Richard and Bruce looked at Reaper, "I won't make you take off your mask but at least take off your gloves."
Reaper rolled his eyes and took off his gloves as Alfred set the food on the table, Alfred stopped next to him when he saw his hands. He had scars on his hands, Alfred's eyes widened, "My word."
Richard looked shocked, "What happened?"
"A knife went through my right hand and acid burned my left."
Now they all looked shocked, Reaper tried not to take off his gloves if he could help it, the scars just raised a lot of questions. Bruce spoke, "When did that happen?"
Reaper shrugged, "Two or three years ago."
Bruce looked like he was going to keep asking questions but Richard gave him a look that told him not to. They ate in silence for a bit, Alfred eventually struck up a conversation with Reaper about random pass times. Of course Reaper just told him that he watched the news and read books, he'd never had much for recreational activities.
Reaper was very happy when dinner was done because it felt incredibly awkward, that and Bruce had been keeping an eye on him. Richard suggested playing a board game with Reaper after Bruce left to do some work, it was called Clue. Alfred had walked in while they were playing and Reaper had caught on to how it worked quickly.
Reaper put his cards down, "Plum with the candlestick in the study."
Richard took the cards out of the small envelope while making sure he didn't look at them, Reaper looked at them. Richard spoke, "Well?"
Reaper showed him the cards, he was right, Richard looked shocked and Reaper spoke, "Apparently I win?"
Richard looked at him, "How, how did you get that so quickly?"
Reaper shrugged, "Deductive reasoning, and a hunch."
"How could you-."
Richard rubbed his eyes and Reaper thought he did something to upset him, then the hero laughed a little. Reaper felt himself relax a little and Alfred spoke, "It would seem Reaper is full of surprises."
Richard looked at him, "You have no idea, Wally said he knows a lot about constellations and Connor said he's good at fixing things."
Reaper gathered the cards, "I know a lot about space in general and I'm good with tech, it's not that interesting."
Richard smiled, "I think it's cool." Reaper just hummed and Richard seemed to think of something, "We should watch the Clue movie."
Reaper gave him a strange look from behind his mask, "There's a Clue movie?"
Richard nodded and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV and put the movie on, Reaper put the game away and sat on the couch. Alfred smiled seeing how happy Richard looked, he always seemed happy but this seemed different somehow. Alfred left the room so they could be alone and the two watched the Clue movie, Reaper guessed the ending and got it right.
Richard put on another detective movie he thought Reaper would like and they fell asleep watching it. Alfred found them after they fell asleep and didn't want to wake them up so he covered them with blankets and left them to sleep.
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