I Don't Know
It had been two weeks, Reaper had been protecting the heroes friends and families for two weeks. He'd stopped everything from petty muggers to supervillains protecting them and even the League was starting to notice. The mentors were currently in the mountain talking to the team in the living room about what was going on.
Reaper had just woken up, he hadn't been sleeping well and he'd been having bad days lately which were never fun. Reaper walked into the room and even considered taking off his mask to rub his eyes but decided against it. The heroes looked at him when he walked in and Batman spoke, "Do you know anything about this Reaper?"
Reaper wasn't amused, "I just walked into the room, I don't even know what you're talking about."
"People that we know are being protected by someone."
"And we don't know who."
"So you're asking if I do, the one that isn't even from this universe and hasn't gone outside in over two weeks."
The heroes looked at each other, Reaper just rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch before turning on the news. "If you want to find out ask literally anyone else."
Many of the heroes looked like they weren't sure what to do, Robin sat next to Reaper and the mentors left. Most of the team left the room and the two sat in silence, Robin eventually spoke, "Reaper, are you okay?"
"And by that you mean?"
"Well, I know being stuck here can't be fun, and you just seem a little off."
Reaper sighed and lifted his mask just enough to rub his eyes, "I haven't been sleeping."
Robin looked concerned, "Do you know why you haven't been sleeping?"
"Yes, and there's nothing anyone can do about it."
Robin still looked concerned but he didn't say anything, he did, however, move a little closer to Reaper. They were both silent, thankfully it was a comfortable silence that neither of them wanted to disturb. Hours later Batman came back and the team went to see why, after they all got there he spoke, "You have a mission."
"Killer Frost and Icicle Jr have teamed up and are committing robberies throughout Central City. You need to stop them before they cause too much damage, the League would handle this but we have another situation to deal with."
Reaper knew exactly what that situation was, they were still trying to figure out who was protecting their friends and family. Of course he could just tell them but he didn't want to see how they'd react, they probably wouldn't understand. The team was soon told to head out and they did, Reaper was just hoping none of his alarms would go off during the mission.
When all of the heroes were ready they entered the bio-ship and headed to Central City, Reaper wasn't excited for this. Everyone stayed silent and Reaper stared out the window, when they were close to Central City Aqualad spoke, "We must figure out how to track Killer Frost and Icicle jr."
Reaper spoke, "Couldn't you just use satellites to track them, if they make ice it should cause an abnormality."
Robin spoke, "It is summer so it's definitely possible."
A few of the heroes looked surprised and Superboy spoke, "How did you know they have ice powers?"
"Their names give it away, it wasn't hard to figure out."
They had to admit that he had a point, of course he also knew that because he came across the villain files when he hacked into their systems but they didn't need to know that. Robin was already hacking into a few weather satellites and he quickly got in, "There's one cold spot in Central City it's downtown."
Aqualad spoke, "Then we will start there, if we do not find them we will split up to search."
Artemis spoke, "I don't think we'll have to worry."
She pointed out the window and they saw ice everywhere, Reaper just looked bored while the others seemed shocked. Miss Martian landed and they quickly exited the bio-ship, Killer Frost and Icicle jr were in the middle of icing over everything. Aqualad spoke, "It is too dangerous to get close to them right now, we need a distraction."
Reaper spoke, "I'll get their attention, just get ready to stop them."
Reaper didn't wait for a response before making his way over in his wraith form, he hid behind some of the ice and looked for a good vantage point. He decided that the best place would be on top of the mountain of ice and turned to smoke to get up. He turned back when he reached the top and he looked down at the two, "You're really starting to irritate me."
The two stopped and looked up, they seemed a bit surprised when they saw him and none of the heroes could blame them. Icicle spoke, "Who are you?"
"It won't matter after I stop you."
Killer Frost glared at him, "Not gonna happen."
Frost tried to blast Reaper with ice but he rolled out of the way and Aqualad spoke into the mind link, 'Move in on Killer Frost and Icicle jr, do not let them see you.'
They all nodded and started to move, Icicle and Frost were very determined to blast Reaper and they didn't know how long he'd last. Reaper was careful to avoid every single attack and when he looked he saw the team moving in. Reaper just barely dodged an attack because of the lapse in concentration, he didn't dodge the next one.
Icicle sent shards of ice at him and they hit their target, the team froze for a second and Reaper looked down at the shards. He reached up and pulled them out which seemed to stop the villains in their tracks, it gave the team a chance to take them down. The heroes knocked them out and tied them up but they were still worried about Reaper.
Reaper turned to smoke and easily made his way down to them, when they saw how much blood he was losing they were very worried. Reaper already felt a bit weak from the blood loss and Robin spoke, "Reaper, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, don't-."
He didn't get to finish his sentence because his vision got blurry and despite his attempts to stay awake he lost consciousness. He started to collapse and Robin's eyes widened, "Reaper!"
Robin caught him and it didn't seem like Reaper was awake, he hesitated before taking off his mask, he was breathing but there was blood coming from his mouth. Robin looked at Kid Flash, "He needs help, now, you need to get him to the zeta tubes in Central City."
Kid Flash didn't argue, he nodded and took Reaper from Robin, "What do I tell Batman?"
"To not let him die."
Kid Flash just nodded and ran as fast as he could to the nearest zeta tube, thankfully it didn't take long at all. He got Reaper to the zeta tubes and when he ran into the mountain he found Batman talking to Black Canary and Red Tornado. They looked at him and when they saw that he was holding an injured Reaper they jumped into action.
Batman took Reaper from Kid Flash and told Red Tornado to contact the rest of the teams mentors. Black Canary walked up to Kid Flash, "What happened?"
"Reaper distracted Killer Frost and Icicle jr so the team could stop them." He looked down and noticed the blood on his suit, it all belonged to Reaper, "Is he going to be okay?"
Black Canary took a breath, "I don't know."
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